"Master, what must I do to inherit eternal life?"
"What is written in the Law. What do you read there?"
"You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your
soul, with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbour
as yourself."
"You have answered right. Do this and life is yours."
(St Luke's Gospel 10:25-28)
Dear friends,
To our Gallic members here and overseas: I wish you a pleasant Bastille
Day. Now, if you are very quick, when you click on this link -
http://www.stuff.co.nz/inl/index/0,1008,0a1700,FF.html - you'll see a
photo of a gendarme, a soldier of the Imperial Guard and a matelot
storming the headquarters of the Alliance Francaise in Wellington.
God bless,
Mike Leon
'kiwicath' forum manager
Online articles from this weekend's 'NZ Catholic' newspaper, No 117,
July 15, 2001
'New Zealander probes Holland's low rate of abortion'
As last year's abortion total of 16,103 - the highest ever - was
released last month, pro-life campaigner Marilyn Pryor launched her new
book 'Abortion in the Netherlands'. Her study of why Holland's abortion
rate is the lowest in the Western world was launched at a public meeting
in Gore, one of half a dozen meetings the former national president of
the Society for the Protection of the Unborn Child addressed throughout
'Historic convent destroyed but nuns escape unharmed'
The historic Sacred Heart convent and chapel in Napier are unlikely to
be rebuilt after being destroyed in an inferno on June 30. A neighbour
saw smoke coming from the convent shortly before midday and raised the
alarm. Four nuns escaped and dozens of firefighters brought the blaze
under control, but not before the convent, chapel and two cars parked
nearby had been lost, and the old part of the Sacred Heart College
hostel, used by 6th and 7th form girls, had been damaged........
[Link to Sacred Heart College and a photo of the fire]
'Pompallier may heal old rifts on return '
A journey of healing and reconciliation may follow the return from
France next year of the remains of New Zealand's first Catholic bishop.
On July 1 the Bishop of Auckland, Bishop Pat Dunn, announced in a
pastoral letter that the remains of Bishop Jean Baptiste Pompallier
would return on January 13 next year, 163 years to the day after Bishop
Pompallier celebrated the first Mass on New Zealand soil....
[Links to the NZ Dictionary of Biography's entry for Bishop Pompallier;
and to a Website of the North Hokianga region]
>From NZC's 'Think Page' for young adult Catholics:
Everyone is leaving me!!! Well, not everyone, but it feels that way
sometimes. I've got friends going to Rome, Sydney, and Wellington.
They've all left me for the culture, the money, and the politicians
(actually, the movies!). What about God? How much of your prayer and
Church life involves your friends and family and local community? I
didn't think about it until I talked to a friend of mine back from a
year in the UK.....
'When duty calls for prayer power' (photo)
The Press 14 July 2001
An armed man in a Christchurch house. Terrified neighbours. A call to
the police. A cordon thrown around the property. The senior police
officer calls the man to come out. The man says he will talk only to a
priest. Small, gentle, police chaplain Monsignor Bede O'Gorman agrees to
go. He pulled a giant greatcoat over his usual coat to try to look
intimidating, he told a gathering at the Christchurch Police Station to
farewell the priest who has been police chaplain for 27 years....
[Open the National Catholic directory at
the 'Chaplains' link to see a list of the Catholic police, prison and
military chaplains, plus Workplace Support personnel.]
New on 'Faith Central', a resource site for New Zealand Catholic
The Conscience, Morality and Values topic highlights Morality and Ethics
in general, Conscience, Church and Morality and the 10 Commandments.
Regular use is made of official Catholic Church sources. In addition to
these topics, some attention is also given to a broad scattering of
today's more general moral issues, and the resource presents a way of
addressing some of these issues online. The matter of integrity is
examined simply by linking to the lives of several well known people.
For those with access to the Staffroom, there's also a new section in
the Year 11 area with loads of "Morality and Conscience" case studies:
Retail and Customer Service Opportunities
Catholic Supplies Ltd, a Christian retail supply and distribution
company, is looking for sales and customer service staff for their
Wellington based centre. We are keen to hear from people who like to
sell and provide good customer service, and have good literacy and
numeracy, along with some computer skills. Please send applications with
C.V. to: catholic.supplies@clear.net.nz For further information please
telephone Eve Hayden on 025 222 2122
Compassion Housing Ltd: Services Manager
Compassion Housing Limited is a Sisters of Compassion charitable company
which manages the Sisters' pensioner rental units in Upper Hutt. Details
in Wel-com July 2001, and from Monty Arnott monty.arnott@hoc.org.nz or
send to PO Box 1474, Wellington. Tel. 04-383 4952 Fax. 04 383 7718
Sisters of Compassion Website: http://www.hoc.org.nz
Pastoral Care Chaplain, Baradene College, Remuera, Auckland
Details in 'NZ Catholic' July 15 2001 p.17 and from:
Applications close 20 July 2001
20 July 2001
Wellington Catholic Secondary Schools Polynesian Festival
Queens Wharf Event Centre, 5.30 pm-
Adults $8, children free
23-27 July 2001
Churches' Education Commission. State school chaplaincy training course,
C.E.C. is the educational agency of the churches, established "to
stimulate, service and co-ordinate the concerns of member denominations
and related organisations for Christian and general education in New
Details in 'NZ Catholic' 3 June 2001 p.23 and from the Commission, PO
Box 26-679 St Heliers Bay, Auckland 1005. Tel: 09 622 0664; in
Wellington tel; 04 384 3587. Website: http://www.cec.org.nz/
Closing date for applications to enrol: 30 June 2001
29th July - 2nd December 2001
School of Missions, St. Gerard's Monastery, Wellington, New Zealand,
conducted by the International Catholic Programme of Evangelisation
'Art and Faith' Competition for paintings of a spiritual nature
sponsored by 'NZ Catholic' newspaper, Lillias McLean and Creative
Communities [Auckland City] Committee. Details in 'NZ Catholic' May 20
2001 p.23 . Entry form from NZ Catholic, PO Box 147-000, Ponsonby,
Auckland 1034. Email: catholic@iconz.co.nz or artel@xtra.co.nz. Fax:
(09) 360 3065 or (09) 524 8322 Closing date: 31 August 2001