Full text stories from the Website and the current issue ...
Award-winning Vatican journalist coming to Auckland
The man dubbed “the most authoritative Vatican writer in the English
language� will speak in Auckland next week, thanks to NZ Catholic and
Catholic Communications. John L. Allen, Jr, the prize-winning Vatican
correspondent for United States publication National Catholic Reporter and
CNN’s Vatican affairs analyst, will speak at 7.30pm on Friday, February 17
at St Columba’s Centre, 40 Vermont St, Ponsonby...
Opportunity for pro-lifers to “share the truth�
Auckland â€" Media coverage of a new medical study on the emotional and
psychological effects of abortion on the lives of young women offers a rare
opportunity to “share the truth with those around us�, according to Brendan
Malone, the media and education officer for Family Life International.
Workshops on Missal attract crowds
Auckland â€" New Zealanders are very interested in the translation of the
Roman Missal into English, based on the large crowds who attended recent
workshops in three cities.
MP complains to police about “Dr Death�
Wellington â€" United Future MP Gordon Copeland is seeking a police
investigation into the New Zealand activities of Australian euthanasia
campaigner Dr Philip Nitschke.
Catholics want more tolerance
A New Zealand Catholic agency is calling for people of all religions to get
to know each other better, in the wake of the publishing of the
controversial Mohammed cartoons...
Every right carries a corresponding duty
[Letters to the editor of the Otago Daily Times on the cartoons controversy,
including from Lyndsay Freer, Director of Catholic Communications NZ]
NZ media apologize for causing offense with Muhammad cartoons
Wellington, New Zealand -- The two newspapers and two television stations in
New Zealand that carried cartoon images depicting the Prophet Muhammad
apologized for causing offense during a meeting Wednesday with a national
Islamic federation. Representatives of the nation's Roman Catholic and
Jewish communities as well as academics and the Commonwealth Press Union
also took part in the meeting...
NZ Muslims hurt by cartoon re-print
Protesters in Auckland said they were hurt and saddened by the decision of
some media outlets to publish cartoons of the prophet Mohammed. The
protesters have received support from the Catholic Church...
Radio New Zealand. 'Nine to Noon' with Lynda Clarke (audio file)
Insulting religion: interview with Catholic Communications' Director
Lyndsay Freer on the forthcoming "Bloody Mary" episode of 'South Park'.
It's a bloody disgrace!
Religious leaders have banded together in a bid to stop a shocking episode
of South Park screening on the music channel C4. Ten church leaders, from
the president of the New Zealand Catholic Bishops' Conference to the
president of the Council of Christians and Muslims, have pleaded with C4
owners CanWest for the episode to be dropped. [NB: This article includes a
detailed description of offensive references to Mary]
Lessons in church for pupils of new school (photo)
Wanaka’s Catholic Church threw open its doors yesterday to pupils of the new
Holy Family School. The 26 children from year 1 to year 6 began the first
day of school in the Brownston St church with an informal welcome attended
by parents and parishioners...
Living the French dream (photo)
Wairarapa Times Age 07.02.2006
In 1984, Victor de Villalier described his French village, which he
painstakingly created deep in the foothills of the Mangatarere Valley, as a
truly blessed place. A devout Catholic, the buildings were blessed by a
priest and a shrine to St Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals and
the environment...
Superman in a religious rescue bid
Otago Daily Times
London: Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s Superman and he is bringing
his otherworldy powers to British schools to teach godless children about
Christianity. The Daily Telegraph reported on Saturday that religious
education teachers were being encouraged to use the cartoon superhero as a
modern-day model for Jesus Christ to give youngsters an insight into
morality and religious thinking...
How I swapped my inner city lifestyle for a different habit (photo)
Sydney Morning Herald
She streaks her hair, carries a mobile phone and likes going to the pub with
her mates, but 22-year-old Anne Marie Gallagher is making an extremely rare
career choice. This very model of an inner Sydney girl has chosen the
convent, her spiritual search aided by the internet...
Adelaide diocese ready to host annual Catholic “World Day of the Sick� 11th
Adelaide (Fides Service) - Everything is ready in Adelaide for the main
celebration to mark the 14th World Day of the Sick on 11 February feast of
Our Lady of Lourdes with the theme this year of “Mental Health and Human
Cardinal calls mentally ill 'faithful images of God'
Cardinal Javier Lozano Barragan told his World Day of the Sick audience in
Adelaide yesterday that while the mentally ill patient "escapes
classification as a normal person", he or she remains "an image of God"
deserves every normal respect...
As Olympics begin, Catholic involvement seen in Turin, on slopes
Rome (CNS) -- Snow, ice, skis and skates: Those are just some of the
essential ingredients that have come together for the XX Olympic Winter
Games Feb. 10-26 in Turin, Italy. The Catholic Church is also getting into
the mix, adding its own sacred riches and traditions to an event that's
brimming with Olympic spirit...
A volunteer in Turkey remembers Fr Andrea Santoro
Antakya (AsiaNews) â€" It was Sunday and I had just finished teaching
catechism to the 12 children of our parish here in Antakya, the ancient
Antioch, in southern Turkey, when Father Domenico stopped me in the garden
and told me that the bishop just rang. “Father Andrea has just been shot
dead less than an hour ago....�
Media release: A Catholic Church perspective on freedom of speech (06 Feb
In a socially responsible society which aims to promote an inclusive and
tolerant culture, our freedoms both personal and collective must observe
boundaries of decency, good taste and fairness. There are limits to free
speech when it promotes hatred or derision based on race, religion or
gender. Therefore it is necessary to draw a distinction between critical
analysis in the media, whether that takes the form of serious comment or the
use of humour, and gratuitous insult...
Peace and Understanding Required by all Peoples (9 February 2006)
Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand welcomes the outcome of the meeting of media
and religious leaders convened by Race Relations Commission Joris de Bres.
In particular we welcome the apology by media for the offence caused,
alongside the recognition by religious leaders of the rights and
responsibilities of freedom of speech....
A weekly column by the National Catholic Reporter's full-time correspondent
in Rome, John L. Allen Jr.
This week ...
Murder of priest gives insight into Christian-Muslim relations; Pope to
visit Turkey; Laura Bush visits Benedict; Jesuits begin to prepare worldwide
confab; Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith holds plenary assembly
Wellington Eucharistic Convention, Saturday and Sunday 4-5 March 2006, St
Patrick's College, Silverstream, Upper Hutt.
Details in 'NZ Catholic' Jan. 29-Feb. 4 2006, p. 4, from Ted Jordan tel (04)
528 8679, and on the Website:
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the
Education Gazette: http://www.edgazette.govt.nz/vacancies ]
[Vacancies in Catholic Youth Ministry are advertised on the Job Bank page of
the National Council for Young Catholics: http://ncyc.org.nz ]
Live-in support person, Mt Tabor Community, Auckland.
Details in 'NZ Catholic' Feb. 12-25 2006, p. 23, and from Lorr, tel: (09)
420 6184
Religious Education Adviser, - Primary schools, Catholic Eeducation Office,
Diocese of Palmerston North
Details in 'NZ Catholic' Jan. 29-Feb. 4 2006, p. 23, and from Geoff Lott,
Manager, Education Office, Private Bag 11012, Palmerston North. Tel: (06)
358-8079, ext. 852. E-mail: glott@pndiocese.org.nz Website:
http://www.pn.catholic.org.nz/?sid=159 Applications close 17 February 2006
Lay pastoral co-ordinator - St Anne's Parish, Wanganui East
Lay pastoral worker - St Mary's Parish, Wanganui -
Details in 'NZ Catholic' Jan. 29-Feb. 4 2006, p. 23, and from Palmerston
North Diocesan Office, Private Bag 11 012, Palmerston North. Applications
close 20 Feb. 2006
Fund-raiser, Christian Blind Mission International
Details in 'NZ Catholic' Feb. 12-25 2006, p. 23, the NZ Herald (
http://tinyurl.com/ah5tq ) and from National Director, CBMI (NZ), PO Box
99-820, Newmarket, Auckland 1031. E-mail: inquiries@cbmi.org.nz
Applications close 22 February 2006.