Sunday, October 19, 2008



In issue 302, October 19 - November 1 2008 ...

Advertising feature: Residential care hospitals and homes



Mass to farewell Catholic priest (full text)
Wellington's Catholic community farewells one of its best-loved priests
today. Father Bernie (Bernard) Hehir, aged 82, died last Wednesday after 58
years of service in Wellington, mainly at St Theresa's in Karori. He played
a huge role in radio and television church broadcasts and he was the
founding editor of monthly newspaper Wel-com which celebrated 25 years this
year. Fr. Bernie's requiem mass will be held today at 1pm at St Theresa's

'Anxious' sisters accept closure (photo)
After a lifetime devoted to the Sisters of Mercy religious order, the
retired sisters at Dunedin's McAuley House rest-home will require
alternative accommodation when the rest-home closes - with the loss of 19
jobs - next month....

Special celebrations of the past (photos)
Ruapehu Press
Taumarunui's Immaculate Conception Parish held its centenary celebrations at
the weekend ...

An Irish tale of New Zealand
The Kapiti Observer
The national Feis in Kapiti, this year's gathering of Irish migrants and New
Zealanders of Irish descent, will be the setting for the launch of a
fact-based novel by Paekakariki writer David McGill ...

Schools part of Helensville's heritage day (photo)
Rodney Times
Celebrating education will be part of Helensville's heritage day on Sunday
November 9. The former St Dominic's Convent house is one of the properties
featured ...

Anti-spiking device wins YES awards
A device designed to stop drink spiking has won its Catholic Cathedral
College company this year's Canterbury regional Young Enterprise Scheme



'Expression with passion'
An exhibition of the art of St Catherine's College senior students

'Living simply'
Part two of a series in which priests and religious speak briefly about
their vocations. This week: Sister Raylene (Sisters of Mercy), a Sister of
Nazareth, John (a Marist priest), Sister Marietta (Missionary Sisters of the
Society of Mary)

'A trap is set'
A reading and discussion of Matthew 22:15-21 with Very Rev. Frank Nelson and
Rev. Dr Godfrey Nicholson at St Paul's Cathedral, Wellington.



The 15th Station - Wed, 15 October 2008
Episode 15 - Well, what did you expect?
In this episode, we talk about the NZ election, the American election,
welfare and the election, the synod of Bishops and the Bible, and an
IronicCatholic story about complaining parishoners becoming diocesan

Catechiwi -- Episode 2 - Wed, 8 October 2008
Fr Merv Duffy returns for the second episode of Catechiwi, the new monthly
podcast in The 15th Station stable. In the October programme, NZ Catholic
editor Gavin Abraham asks Fr Merv about Mary -- who she was, what her role
was in the life of Jesus, how the Church honours her and much more. And, as
a Marist priest, Fr Merv certainly knows a thing or two about this wonderful

Familia - Episode 2 - Election Special - Wed, 1 October 2008
With just over 5 weeks to go until the NZ General Election and the US
Presidential Election, we thought that it would be a good idea to have a
special election edition of the Familia Podcast. In this edition we speak to
Father Peter Fitzsimons about politics, morality and voting, and we offer
some practical tips to consider when thinking about casting your vote.



Blogs about Catholic life in New Zealand. Some current topics ...

My Plan; God’s Loving Laughter (from Protestant to Catholic) ... One vote
can make a difference (abortion and politics) ... Changes (comings and
goings on 'Being Frank') ... What’s in a name? (How hard could it be to
choose a baby name?) ... Go back to sleep NZ (the NZ media and the election)


ALL THINGS CATHOLIC, by John L. Allen, Jr.

The Synod on the Bible looks for middle ground; A 'poignant' press
As the Oct. 5-26 Synod of Bishops on the Bible moves into its
"sausage-grinding" phase, working on propositions that will be submitted to
the pope and a concluding message to the world, it already seems possible to
anticipate several of its conclusions, at least at a fairly high level of
magnification. One might say that the synod, dedicated to "The Word of God
in the Life and Mission of the Church," is trying to steer a middle course
between two extremes: Biblical fundamentalism, and secular skepticism ...

Also: Daily news and updates form the Synod of Bishops on the Word of God


WORLD NEWS OF THE CHURCH (Regularly updated) (video)



Christ Fest '08 - A Catholic youth gathering in the style of WYD
25 - 26 October 2008
Sacred Heart Parish grounds, Ranfurly, Dunedin Diocese.

Catholic Men's Residential Retreat Weekend
Teapot Valley Christian Camp, Brightwater, Nelson.
5.30pm Friday 31 October - 3pm Sunday 2 November 2008
Details in 'Welcom' October 2008 p.19 and from George tel (03) 547 4649;
Bernard tel (03) 5465 1811

'Winter Sun: Unpacking World Youth Day'
The 2008 'NZ Catholic' lecture with Archbishop Mark Colerdige of Canberra
and Goulburn
** Auckland: Monday Nov. 17, St Beenedict's Chruch Newton, 7.30 pm.
** Wellington: Tuesday Nov. 18, St Joseph's Church, Mt Victoria, 7.30pm.
** Christchurch: Wednesday Nov. 19, Villa Maria College, Upper Riccarton,
Admission: Adults: $10; college students (with ID) $5.

'Hearts Aflame' Catholic Summer School
9-18 January 2008
St Bede's College, Christchurch



[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the
Education Gazette: ]

[Vacancies in Catholic Youth Ministry are advertised on the Job Bank page of
the National Council for Young Catholics: ]

Wellington Catholic Education Centre. Director.
Details in 'NZ Catholic' issue 301 Oct 5-18 2008 p.23, in 'Wel-com October
2008 p.3, at , and from
John Butterfield, General Manager, Archdiocese of Wellington, PO Box 1937,
Thorndon, Wellington 6140. Tel: 04 496 1788
E-mail: Applications close: 24 October

Archdiocese of Wellington. General Manager.
Details in 'NZ Catholic' issue 301 Oct 5-18 2008 p.23, in 'Wel-com October
2008 p.3, and from Mike Hurdle or Catharina Vossen at Micah Partners, PO Box
499, Wellington. Tel: 04 499 4749; mobile: 021 552 929; fax: 04 499 7375;
email: Applications close 17 October 2008

NZ Catholic Bishops' Conference. Communications Advisor
Details in 'NZ Catholic' issue 302, October 19 - November 1 2008 p.23 and
from Mike Hurdle at Micah Partners, PO Box 499, Wellington; tel: 04 499
4749; mobile: 021 552 929; fax: 04 499 7375; email: Applications close 27 October 2008

Diocesan Liturgy Educator. Palmerston North Diocese.
Details in 'Wel-com' October 2008 p.13, at , in 'NZ Catholic' issue 302, October
19 - November 1 2008 p.22, and from Mark Richards, Diocese of Palmerston
North, Private Bag 11012, Palmerston North , tel. 06 350-3823.