CATHOLICTV.NET (Wellington Archdiocesan Media Office)
This week ...
Sr Jill McLoughlan, primary schools' adviser at the Wellington Catholic Schools' Office, describes her vocation story in the second part of a new series on religious life.
Bishop John Dew delves into the aftermath and attitudes arising from the failure of the proposed Euthanasia Bill.
MARIST MESSENGER (Society of Mary, NZ)
Online in September's Messenger .....
Focus by Fr Carl Telford sm : Being grateful for the day ... Mary Mother of the Poor by Fr Chris Skinner sm ... St Thomas Aquinas on the Eucharistic Change by Maria Kennedy ... The beautiful glass by Fr Ken Scully sm ... Marist Spirituality by Fr Damian Dempsey sm : Why the statue is at the back of the Church ... Readings: Daily Mass readings and devotional prayers. ... Surf's up - this months recommended Websites to visit.... Extra reading - a selection of articles from online Catholic journals, magazines and papers.
Also in the September Marist Messenger: Love alone counts...Understanding and loving the Mass ... The Bible and the Rosary ... My Problem with the Church ... Challenge .... All will be well: Reconciliation
Book reviews: 'Good for the Soul: Remembering how to confess', by Frederica Mathewes-Green 'Lord, Have Mercy: The Healing Power of Confession', by Scott Hahn 'How to Go to Confession When You Don't Know How', by Ann M.S. LeBlanc Christianity Today September 2003 http://www.christianitytoday.com/bc/2003/005/6.28.html Summary: Two new books by Catholic authors attempt make the case for regular sacramental confession. Scott Hahn, one of the best-known contemporary evangelical converts to Catholicism, builds Lord Have Mercy: The Healing Power of Confession on a foundation of Scripture and Tradition. It's a work of firm and orderly persuasion, calling Catholics back to a sacrament that has become astonishingly neglected. Ann M. S. LeBlanc's short book, How to Go to Confession When You Don't Know How, is lively and inviting, often funny, and on occasion quite beautiful. LeBlanc has in mind a select audience: Catholics who desire something more personal than what is expected during that posted half-hour...
J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis, a Legendary Friendship http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2003/134/52.0.html Our world would be poorer without two other worlds: Narnia and Middle-earth. Yet if two young professors had not met at an otherwise ordinary Oxford faculty meeting in 1926, those wondrous lands would still be unknown to us....
Spirituality and the second-half of life, by Fr Ronald Rolheiser OMI 'Tidings Online' August 29, 2003 http://www.the-tidings.com/2003/0829/rolheiser.htm The foremost spiritual task of the second half of life is to forgive -others, ourselves, life, God. We all arrive at mid-life wounded and not having had exactly the life of which we dreamed....
'Church must promote the masculine side of Christianity ' Patrick Kenny asks why are men not attracted to the Church as much as women... The Irish Catholic 03-09-03 http://www.irishcatholic.ie/030903-f1.htm Summary: Commentators often don't want to acknowledge that it is primarily women who have been at the forefront of increased lay participation and visibility, and that the decline in religious observance has been steepest amongst men. Some studies would suggest that women make up between 60 and 70 per cent of the Church-going population in the affluent West and the figure for female involvement in prayer groups and parish ministry is probably higher. This female participation is wonderful, but the question remains: where are all the men?...
Priests of 9/11 Tell Their Stories: Compilation Produced by Bishops' Vocations Office http://zenit.org/english/visualizza.phtml?sid=40197 Washington, D.C., Sept. 1, 2003 (Zenit.org).- The stories of priests on the scene during the Sept. 11 attacks are highlighted in a new publication produced by the U.S. bishops. "We Were There ... Catholic Priests and How They Responded" is a compilation of personal accounts of ministry amid the damage at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon....
'Finding Nemo' and the Triune God Dominican Life http://www.domlife.org/2003/findingnemo.html Finding an account of the love between a father and son remains one of the most difficult tasks possible in Western culture. Tens of thousands of stories detail the relationship between fathers and sons as a desperate, often deadly, struggle. Since Christian understanding takes the love between father and son as one of its basic expressions for the reality of God, a film such as 'Finding Nemo' becomes far more than run-of-the-mill children's fare. It stands against the mainstream traditions of Western narrative, and forces us to ask how this cultural lacuna impacts our capacity to understand the Triune God....
'A small voice in the Pacific, by Annie Carrett' Catholic Voice (Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn, Australia) http://www.catholicvoice.com.au/180/features.htm For nearly 29,000 Catholics spread across the 80 islands that make up the Diocese of Vanuatu, a small voice reaches out to unite them in their local faith and the Universal Church. Sr Renée Heraud SMSM, editor of the bi-monthly publication Eklesia, recently visited Australia as a guest of the Australasian Catholic Press Association. A Missionary Sister of Service based in Port Vila, Sr Renée's struggle to maintain an active voice for Vanuatu Catholics is an echo of many of the difficulties faced by Catholic media throughout the world....
'Young and Yearning for God', by Arthur Jones National Catholic Reporter, August 29, 2003 http://www.natcath.com/NCR_Online/archives2/2003c/082903/082903a.php Up close and enjoyable: Catholic youth gathered en masse for Mass. It’s an annual rite of Catholic teen passage in California -- the spring gathering of thousands of happy, noisy, multiethnic Catholic teens at the annual Los Angeles archdiocesan Religious Education Congress Youth Day. They sport school or parish T-shirts, sing out at liturgies, ask questions at workshops, laugh at jokes, and give off the aura that all is right with their world....
September 2003
'NZ Catholic' newspaper's National Art and Faith Competition Closing date: September 19 2003; works to be in by September 30; exhibition opens October 3. For paintings of a spiritual nature demonstrating the vitality, joy and hope found in Christian beliefs. Three categories, including one for works relating to Mary the mother of Jesus, and one for icons. Prizes to the value of $4,750 Entry forms from "Art Competition", NZ Catholic, PO Box 147-000, Ponsonby, Auckland 1034. Tel: (09) 360 3069; E-mail: catholic@iconz.co.nz
Related Website: NZ Art Monthly: 'Art and Faith' Competition http://www.nzartmonthly.co.nz/draper_002.html Background to the competition and a selection of entries from 2001