NEWS & NOTES - 9 August 2009
'NZ CATHOLIC' - August 9 - 22, 2009 , no. 322
In this issue ...
Bishops want new aproach to justice ... Schools to focus more on justice and
peace .. Auckland theology school joins arts faculty ... Three principals appointed ... Adolescent culture failing young men, says Franciscan ... Debunking the celibacy myths ... Celibacy is a gift given freely ... Advertising feature: Christian products and services
St Francis Farm, by Annie Wilson
Organic NZ, Jul/Aug 2009; v.68 n.4:p.12-15
A visit to the Northland farm where the extended Land family live under the principle of voluntary poverty in alignment with the Catholic Workers organisation. Observes their lifestyle and farming practices.
St Dominic statue blessed (photo)
About 30 former teachers and pupils of the Teschemakers Catholic girls' boarding school were this week reunited with a statue that played an important role in their lives.
MacKillop may soon be St Mary
Australia's highest-ranking Catholic, Cardinal George Pell, has urged the Pope to make Mary MacKillop the country's first saint.
Also: The centenary of Blessed Mary MacKillop's death will be celebrated throughout New Zealand in August.
Smacking votes left to conscience
South Canterbury churches are urging parishioners to vote in the smacking referendum but will not be influencing their decision.
Catholic challenges
The Horowhenua Mail
The meaning of life cannot be found in a shopping mall, said a teacher in the wake of last week's Catholic education conference in Wellington.
Back-from-the-brink educator recognised (photo)
Five years ago, Paul Ferris was diagnosed with bowel cancer and was making the most of what he thought may be his last days. But this week, the 61-year-old Kavanagh College principal is celebrating his survival and the fact he has just bagged one of the most prestigious awards in Catholic education.
New church to be opened (full text)
Manawatu Standard — News — 5 Aug 2009 — Page 3
It will be a full mass at St Brigids Catholic Church in Feilding on Sunday as about 400 people turn out for the much-awaited unveiling of the new church. It has taken about three years for the new, safer, more modern and community-focused church to come together. The new church will be able to seat about 195 people, have a community gathering room, and offices.
Principal honoured (full text)
Waikato Times — News — 5 Aug 2009 — Page 3
Marian School principal John Coulam has been rewarded with a Laureate Award for his 30-year education career. He was recognised for being a distinguished contributor to Catholic education at the New Zealand Catholic Education Convention. The award is given out only once every three years. Mr Coulam has been principal at the Hamilton school for 10 years, and worked at St Joseph's School, Matamata and St James School, Palmerston North.
Renowned radio veteran Paddy O'Donnell dies
One of New Zealand's best-known broadcasters and colourful radio personalities has died. Paddy O'Donnell, 65, had a career spanning more than 40 years in radio in New Zealand and Australia, as well as stints compering television series, including Top Town.
School's future up in the air
The future of Monte Cecilia School has become uncertain as Auckland mayor John Banks makes grand plans for the land it sits on.
Class knits for others in need (photo)
Who would have thought nine-year-old boys would admit to loving knitting so much? Room 11 at St Mark’s Catholic School spends lunchtimes in the classroom knitting their little hearts out, making wool blankets for the needy and homeless.
INSPIRATIONAL TV - http://inspirationaltv.net
** Bread of life **
A reading and commentary on John 6:41-51 with Fr Chris Skinner and Regina Perez at St Mary of the Angels, Wellington.
'BEING FRANK' - http://www.beingfrank.co.nz
New Zealand Catholic Blogs. Some current topics ...
A New Man (family reactions to becoming a Catholic) ... Modern perceptions… (Seinfeld and becoming a Christian) ... I was homeless…and you gave me a couch to surf. (the couchsurfing network) ... It’s too tricksy, Precious! (trends in marriage) ... Any merit in pain??
ALL THINGS CATHOLIC, by John L. Allen, Jr.
Hope stirs in religious life
Summer is conference season, which makes it a great time to get a sense of what’s stirring at the grass roots of the Catholic church in America. I’m speaking this week at a couple of Catholic events, and Thursday brought me to the annual assembly of the Conference of Major Superiors of Men, representing the leadership of more than 20,000 vowed religious priests and brothers in the United States, some 10 percent of whom are now foreign missionaries....
http://www.romereports.com (video)
http://www.youtube.com/vatican (news of Pope Benedict - video)
Diocese of Palmerston North Youth Festival. 'Real life! Real Power!
Saturday 5 September 2009 10:00 am - 4 pm, Convention Centre, 354 Main Street, Palmerston North. Details in 'Wel-com' August 2009 p.20 and from Paul Skippen, tel: (06) 354 1780 ext 844; Mobile: 021 976 483; e-mail: pskippen@pndiocese.org.nz
2009 International Conference: Life, Faith and Family
October 2-4, Bruce Mason Centre, Takapuna, Auckland
Details in 'NZ Catholic' July 26 - Aug. 8 2009 p.8, from Family Life International, tel (09) 279 2413, fax (09) 279 2418; e-mail: life@fli.org.nz; and on http://www.fli.org.nz
Joshua Catholic Men's Fellowship. Men's Retreats
2-4 October 2009, St Patrick's College, Silverstream, Upper Hutt
16-18 October 2009 Willow Park, Eastern Beach, Auckland
Details on http://www.joshua.org.nz and from John Kinney tel. (04) 475 5541
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the Vacancies section of the Education Gazette: http://www.edgazette.govt.nz ]
[Vacancies for Catholic youth workers are advertised on the Vacancies page of Connect.org.nz: http://www.connect.org.nz ]
New Zealand Bible Society. Chief Executive
Details in 'NZ Catholic' July 26 - Aug. 8 2009 p.28, and on the Society's Website. Applications close 25 September 2009.
Parish Presenters, 'NZ Catholic' newspaper
Details in 'NZ Catholic' July 26 - Aug. 8 2009 p.23, and from Dennis Augustine, Promotiona and Advertising Manager, 'NZ Catholic', PO Box 147-000, Ponsonby, Auckland 1144; tel: (09) 360 3049; e-mail: advertising@nzcatholic.org.nz