Sunday, August 20, 2006



Catholic Church tribute to Te Arikinui (18 Aug 2006)
The Vicar General of the Catholic Diocese of Hamilton, Monsignor David
Bennett, along with other Church officials paid their respects to Te
Arikinui Dame Te Atairangi Kaahu yesterday at Turangawaewae Marae. Bishop
Denis Browne, the Catholic Bishop of Hamilton and President of the New
Zealand Catholic Bishops' Conference is to arrive back tonight from
Australia, will join others on the marae tomorrow...

Statement from the Federation of Catholic Bishops' Conferences of Oceania
(14 Aug 2006)
The Catholic Bishops from the Pacific Islands, Papua New Guinea and the
Solomons, New Zealand and Australia met as a Federation from 7-11 August in
Suva, Fiji. Previously they had met in 1990 in Sydney, in 1994 in Auckland,
in 1998 in Rome during the Synod for Oceania, and in 2002 in Rabaul, PNG.
The bishops were warmly welcomed by the Fijian people...

Catholic and Anglican bishops of NZ plead for peace in Middle East (4 Aug
Catholic and Anglican Bishops here join forces to plead for peace in the
Middle East, and relief for the victims of war...



Distraught family prepares for son's funeral,2106,3769038a11,00.html
Instead of a joyous reunion this weekend, Daniel Hansman's close-knit family
will be organising his funeral. The former Francis Douglas Memorial College
student was in his second year at Victoria University, studying design...
[Daniel's funeral is at St Joseph's Catholic Church in New Plymouth on
Monday at 1pm.]

New wheels get Unity back on the road (photo),2106,3769391a6579,00.html
Unity Falwasser-Collins likes nothing more than getting out on her bike and
feeling the wind on her face. The 11-year-old blind girl sits there and
sings and sometimes has to be prodded to pedal, says her foster father Ross
Collins. But at least the Year 6 Te Awamutu St Patrick's Catholic School
student is able to get out and exercise, he says...

Trauma of the God Boy (photo),2106,3766858a14297,00.html
Composer Anthony Ritchie's two-act opera The God Boy has been adapted from a
seminal New Zealand novel. Rosa Shiels attends a rehearsal...

National Statement on Religious Diversity Proposed
A national statement on religious diversity will be discussed next week at a
forum of senior government representatives and religious leaders...

Catholic brother pleads guilty to more sex assaults
John Louis Stevenson, a former Catholic brother already serving a jail term
yesterday pleaded guilty in Wellington District Court to eight charges of
indecently assaulting boys while he was a teacher in Feilding...



New Zealand Catholic Web TV, presenting Catholic life in New Zealand through
videotaped interviews.

New this week: The difference in people
Lisa Beech talks about her own tolerance for people who seem different from
herself, and about experiences in the aid agency "Caritas".



In Issue Nineteen ...

Guest Editorial – Concerning Information, Knowledge and Wisdom, by Bishop
Peter Cullinane.
Summary: Adequately presenting the Church's teaching involves more than just
getting information. Laity and pastors each learn from each other when it
comes to understanding, interpreting and applying the Church's teaching.

The New Zealand Suicide Prevention Strategy: 2006 – 2016 – A Critique (full
The Ministry of Health's recently published strategy builds on an earlier
strategy aimed at lowering youth suicide, with an expanded focus on all age
groups. The Strategy would be strengthened if there was wider recognition of
the place of faith and spirituality in protecting the vulnerable against

Human Embryos and Research – "Have Your Say" (full text)
Later in the year all New Zealander's will be invited to make submissions on
draft guidelines on the use of human embryos in research. The guidelines
will shape the policy framework to be put in place by the Minister of Health
in 2007. In anticipation of this, Toi te Taiao – the Bioethics Council –
have released a booklet designed to inform and encourage public discussion.

Organ and Tissue Transplantation and the Catholic Moral Tradition: A Case
Study in the Evolution of Moral Teaching
Summary: We take it for granted that organ donation is a morally good - and
even heroic - thing to do. However, when organ transplantation first became
a reality in the 1940's, most Catholic moral theologians concurred that
transplantation by a living donor was morally unacceptable. The evolution of
thinking on this question has relevance for us today as we face new ethical

Submission on Human Tissue (Organ Donation) Amendment Bill
Summary: New Zealand Parliament is currently considering the merits of a
Private Members Bill which is aimed at addressing the low numbers of organ
donors in New Zealand. The Nathaniel Centre submission focuses on the issues
associated with giving consent.

Defining New Zealand Palliative Care: A Discussion Document
Summary: In 2001 the Ministry of Health released the NZ Palliative Care
Strategy with the aim of setting in place a "systematic and informed
approach to the provision and funding of palliative care services." In order
to make this strategy a success, and to help address the inequalities, a
working party has prepared a Discussion Document designed to generate
feedback from those at grass roots levels and those involved in service



In the August issue ...

Editorial: The worshipping community, by Michael Hill (full text)
One very good definition of parish is 'a worshipping community'. Lying
behind this is the notion of community itself. One of the best descriptions
of community – or society – is that of St Augustine: a group of people
united in the things they love...

Focus on 'parish' in NZ – Alan Roberts, Mary Woods, Joan McFetridge,

Discord in the church – Timothy Radcliffe

The preacher's task – Helen Bergin, Peter Murnane

Ongoing rape of the Palestinian people – John Honoré

Blokes in garage – Case Genefaas and Mike Marshall


WORLD NEWS OF THE CHURCH (Regularly updated)


ALL THINGS CATHOLIC (formerly: 'The Word from Rome').
A weekly column by John R. Allen

This week:
The dramatic growth of evangelicals in Latin America; Boff and Betto on
Castro; More on evolution and religion; Mozart, Masonry and Catholicism; The
pope on TV



New Zealand Catholic Education Convention 2006
Wellington Convention Centre, 31 August - 2 September 2006

Theme: Radiating hope, challenging our times

Full details on the Website.



[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the
Education Gazette: ]

[Vacancies in Catholic Youth Ministry are advertised on the Job Bank page of
the National Council for Young Catholics: ]

Director, National Centre for Religious Studies
Details in 'NZ Catholic' August 13-26 2006 p.22, 'Wel-com' August 2006 p.7,
and from Mike Hurdle, Micah Partners, tel 04 499 4749; fax: 04 499 7375;
e-mail:; PO Box 499, Wellington. Applications
close Friday 1 September 2006.

Professional Counsellor/Social Worker, Catholic Social Services, Wellington
Details in 'Wel-com' August 2006 p.4, and from Barbara Gilray, Catholic
Social Services, 150 Brougham Street, PO Box 9408, Wellington 6031. Ph:
04-385 8642 Fax: 04-385 8640 E-maiI: catholic.reception@clear.netnz
Applications close Friday 1 September 2006.

Mahitahi: Catholic Overseas Volunteers
ESOL Teacher, Chanel College, Vava'u, Tonga
Builder, Makira Province, Solomon Islands
Builder, Diocese of Aitape, PNG
Business Manager, Catholic Teachers' College, Baucau, East Timor
Details in 'NZ Catholic' August 13-26 2006 p.14, and from Chanel Centre, PO
Box 4353 Hamilton East. Phone +64 7 8554699. Email:

Accounts and Database Manager, 'NZ Catholic' newspaper
Details in 'NZ Catholic' August 13-26 2006 p.22, and from The Managing
Editor, NZ Catholic, PO Box 147-000, Ponsonby, Auckland 1144; e-mail:

Parish Promoters, 'NZ Catholic' Newspaper
Details in 'NZ Catholic' August 13-26 2006 p.8, and from Dennis Augustine,
PO Box 147-000, Ponsonby, Auckland 1034; tel. (09) 360-3049; fax (09)
360-3065; e-mail: