Hunger to help earns 2005 award,2106,3536927a6007,00.html
Nelson's Luigina Del Favero has more hungry mouths to feed than most. For
the past decade she has fed thousands of people as a volunteer cook at
Loaves and Fishes and helped countless others as a St Vincent de Paul
Jubilation as Brown Joeys celebrate life of loving service
The Australian
In Mount St, North Sydney, last Friday, at the headquarters of the Sisters
of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart - the order formed by Mary McKillop in 1866
and otherwise known from the colour of the sisters' habits as the Brown
Joeys - 42 nuns celebrated the 50th anniversary of taking their vows.
Imagine that: 42 women joining a single religious order in a single year and
adhering for half a century to undertakings to be poor, chaste and
The Pope chooses theme for World Youth Day 2008
Sydney (Fides Service) - “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has
come upon you; and you will be my witnesses� (Acts 1:8) is the theme the
Pope Benedict XVI has chosen for the 23rd World Youth Day to be held 15 - 20
July 2008 in Sydney, Australia. Welcoming the theme with full approval,
Australia’s Catholics are accelerating preparations for the great event
which will bring young Christians from all over the world to the ‘Newest’ of
the continents...
From Anglican to married Catholic priest, by Gregory Elder
I am pleased and humbled to announce that my bishop, the Most Rev. Gerald R.
Barnes of the Diocese of San Bernardino, has received permission from Rome
to ordain me to the Catholic priesthood. I will be the first canonically
ordained and married Catholic priest in the history of this diocese, or
province, of the Catholic community. Perhaps a word of personal history is
in order here...
From 'The Tablet' (UK)
Rome offers reassurance to anxious Neo-Cats
Reject ‘culture of death’, says Pope
Archbishop upbraids Benedict over Zimbabwe
Priest granted trial after 20 years
JPII’s would-be killer to go free
From Catholic Communications NZ
Catholic rebels see slow reconciliation with Rome ... Gay activists protest
outside Vatican ... US bishops call for ‘responsible transition’ in Iraq ...
Survey says Christians more generous if taught to give ... Life Office hails
ban on suicide messaging ... Civil authorities obliged to care for families,
elderly, sick, and unborn, says Pope ... Catholic doctors highlight
'dysfunctional' finding on pill ... Human Fragility Points Up God's
Grandeur, Says Pope
In the December 2005 issue ...
Reliquary of St Therese of Lisieux ... Letter from Bishop John Cunneen ...
Deceased founders and benefactors of the cathedral ... Bill and Jan
Woffenden: a question of faithful service ... Little Company of Mary's new
initiative: Mary Potter Volunteers ... The Institute of Charity: A Rosminian
lay group ... Around the parishes ... Mercy Sisters - A new congregation ...
Divine Mercy ... Diocesan Youth Team news ... Catholic Women's League ...
Around the schools ... Report from World Youth Day ... Quote of the month
... "God works in strange ways": the story of a Sister of Nazareth
Marist Family Newsletter, December 2005
Ideals Are Like Stars
The Wise Men came following a star to find the Infant. This reflection from
St Paul’s College magazine, also urges us to follow the ideal...
News of the Brothers: Lawrence Bennett (Auckland); Tainga Moanriba
(Kiribati); Tim Leen (Fiji); Gerard Mahony (Sacred Heart College,
Auckland); Sam Eathorne; Kevin Dobbyn; Chris Maney; Bryan Stanaway; Brian
Layman Robin O'Neill affiliated to the Province ... Oceania survey for the
Marist International Mission Asembly ... The Grove Community: New residents
Moving: Brothers Tim Leen, Gerard Mahony, Sam Eathorne, Kevin Dobbyn, Chris
Maney, Bryan Stanaway, Mr Alan Parker (Co-ordinator of Lay Partnership),
Brother Brian Mackenzie
2005 Jubilees - New Zealand Province ... Transition. The end of the year
will see the Brothers leaving ministries in Tonga, Fiji, Kaitaia, Panguru
... Recent deaths ... Dignity of Difference - a reflection by Jonathon Sacks
... Christmas Blessings
Schools' Champagnat Newsletter, November 2005
Our Lady of the New Advent: icon and prayer ... The candles of the Advent
wreath. A prayer while lighting the candle.
For those who surf the internet………...
The New Zealand Marist Brothers’ website
includes background material on our Founder, St Marcellin Champagnat, the
history of New Zealand Marist education throughout New Zealand and the
Pacific, links to Marist Young Adult and worldwide Marist sites, contact
persons and addresses of schools ...
A Prayer in Times of Need ... From here and there : news of Marist schools
... St Paul’s College Golden Jubilee
Memorare - Remember, O Most Loving Virgin Mary, by Br Tony Butler
There are several prayers to Mary which have long held a special place in
the hearts of the Catholic people. These prayers include the 'Memorare', the
'Hail Holy Queen' and the 'We Fly to Thy Patronage', and they are special to
those who follow Mary in the Champagnat way...
The Marist Pillars. Schools in their planning could be selecting a Marist
Pillar or Characteristic for 2006. There are five of these...
The Nathaniel Centre. The NZ Catholic Bioethics Centre
In Issue seventeen
Personhood and Human Dignity (full text)
Some are predicting that the traditional view of the sanctity of human life
will collapse because of scientific developments. Michael McCabe reflects on
the increasing tension between secular and traditional Judeo-Christian
Also in this issue ...
Editorial: Decisions, decisions …
We make many small decisions daily, often without a lot of thought.
Collectively they reveal a pattern. Wisdom calls us to take stock of the
collective effects of our decisions. The new Universal Declaration on
Bioethics and Human Rights is the result of global stocktaking of recent
biotechnological and medical advances.
Spirituality, Suffering and Dementia
The impact of dementia on patient and family presents significant challenges
for carers. How best can we respect the human dignity that remains in its
fullness even when particular predicates of personhood are clearly lacking?
Michael McCabe discusses the need for a holistic understanding of suffering
that embraces the spiritual.
End-of-Life Care
In Australia there are moves in public hospitals and in the Catholic
health-care system to encourage planning for one's future healthcare needs.
In this article Australian bioethicist Elizabeth Hepburn (IBVM) reflects on
a new document being prepared by a committee of the Australian Catholic
Bishops' Conference.
The Pursuit of Wisdom
We live in a knowledge based economy that values information but pays scant
attention to wisdom. Dr. Anna Holmes reflects on the differences between
knowledge and wisdom and the need to bring wisdom to the work we do.
From CD 2 MP3 4 Free? The Principle of Moral Cooperation
It is common for us to find ourselves in situations where doing “good�
simultaneously involves us in causing harm. At times we are called to make
compromises and at other times we are called to make a stand. The classical
principle of Moral Cooperation can assist us in resolving such dilemmas.
An independent Catholic magazine
In the December 2005 issue ...
Editorial: Christmas (full text)
"A child is born. No event in life surpasses a baby’s birth for sheer
wonderment, thankfulness and delight. It is no surprise, therefore, that
throughout the Christian world Christmas is the feast of feasts..."
About the cover: The Marian College Triptych (photos)
The triptych is in the chapel of Marian College, Christchurch. It was
painted by one of the teachers, Ken Frame. The three painted panels of this
portable altarpiece depict the three major events in the life of Mary...
Also in this issue ...
What yet might be â€" Mike Riddell ... Thoughts on Advent â€" Joy Cowley ...
Sexuality and a truly human civilisation â€" Neil Vaney ... De Paul House:
Haven for the homeless â€" Annie Gray ... Letter to the Holy See â€" Humphrey
... Book reviews: â€" Kathleen Doherty, Elspeth McLean, John Kleinsman
Honorary Human Resources Advisor
We welcome Ruth Tansley to the Society as the Honorary Human Resources
Officer. Ruth feels in terms of employment, that the Society has to follow
the same procedure as a big organisations like Telecom ...
How you made a difference
Volunteer hours worked by Vincnetians last year equated to 50 full time
workers, each of whom would have helped seven people and vistied five others
each working day...
Youth Camp a HUGE success
2005 was a busy year for the National Youth Team, with 2 camps being held in
the North and South Island. In July we held the South Island Vinnies camp
with the North Island Youth Co-ordinators ...
The Vincentian Vocation is a Globalising World, will be theme for this
Panasco 6 held in Perth Western Australia, 20-24 January 2006. Invited
countries are: Australia (host), Bangladesh, Brunei ...
A weekly column by the National Catholic Reporter's full-time correspondent
in Rome, John L. Allen Jr.
This week ...
"Commitment to truth is the soul of justice", Benedict XVI says; Ali Agca
and the plot to kill a pope; Pope meets with the Neocatechumenal Way;
Ethical issues facing Benedict XVI
Parachute Music Festival, Mystery Creek, Hamilton, 28-31 January 2006
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the
Education Gazette: ]
[Vacancies in Catholic Youth Ministry are advertised on the Job Bank page of
the National Council for Young Catholics: ]
Adviser, Archdiocesan Office of Justice, Peace and Development, Wellington
Details in 'Wel-com' December 2005, p. 5 and from: Lorraine McArthur,
Director, Archdiocesan Pastoral Services, Catholic Centre, P O Box 1937,
Wellington 6015. E-mail:; tel. (04) 496
1706 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (04) 496 1706
fax: (04) 496 1768 Applications close 23 January 2006.
Presenters, 'NZ Catholic' newspaper
Details in 'NZ Catholic' Dec. 18-24 2005 p.15, and from Dennis Augustine,
Promotions and Advertising Manager, 'NZ Catholic', PO Box 147-000, Ponsonby,
Auckland 1034. Tel. (09) 360 3049 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting
(09) 360 3049 end_of_the_skype_highlighting; e-mail: