Loss of faith in state sector puts heat on church schools NZ Herald 27.01.2004 http://tinyurl.com/ysfdb [Summary: The popularity of integrated schools is rising among parents who prefer a religious or philosophical dimension or who want some aspects of a private education without paying private school fees. Most of New Zealand's 238 Catholic schools are either full or very close to it.]
Editorial: Time to let integrated schools grow NZ Herald 28.01.2004 http://tinyurl.com/2ayrs As schools reopen for another year it is reported once again students have had to be turned away from the increasingly popular "integrated" schools. It is time the Government took note of this trend and drew a lesson from it....
Boy prays for his mum's killer Herald Sun (Melbourne) 29 jan 04 http://www.heraldsun.com.au/common/story_page/0,5478,8518639^661,00.html A young boy whose mother was murdered as he lay sleeping next to her now prays for her killer. Speaking on the eve of the inquest on his mum, 11-year-old Ben Jacobs said he was no longer interested in revenge...
A Church of the catacombs, made up of only foreigners Asia News 30 January, 2004 http://www.asianews.it/view.php?l=en&art=314 [Summary: Fr. Giuseppe Moretti is a sixty-six year-old Barnabite priest from Italy. He has been following the action in Afghanistan since 1977. From 1990-94 he was in Kabul, where he served as the country’s only Catholic priest. Since May 2002, he has headed the missio sui iuris in Afghanistan. In this interview, Fr. Moretti paints a picture of the difficulties for Christian missions in a country that still bears the marks of Islamic fundamentalism.]
Quest for Christian Unity: Where It Stands Interview With Bishop Farrell, Secretary of Council for Promoting Christian Unity http://zenit.org/english/visualizza.phtml?sid=47934 Vatican City, Jan. 25, 2004 (Zenit.org).- Impatience is a great temptation against ecumenism, says the secretary of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity. At the conclusion of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, Bishop Brian Farrell assessed the state of the quest for full unity among the disciples of Christ....
Monthly magazine published the NZ Society of Mary
From the February 2004 issue ... http://www.maristmessenger.co.nz/index.php
Full text: Daily Mass readings and devotional prayers ... Surf's up - recommended Websites ... Extra reading - a selection of articles from online Catholic periodicals ... Daily News from the Catholic world ... Focus, by Fr Carl Telford: the delicate task of relating truth and love... Fr Paddy Cahill on Surprise - Keeping alive wonder ... Blessed Rosalie Rendu - The story of the newly beatified Daughter of Charity, by Tricia O'Donnell ... Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is our heart's true love, by Fr John Bernard Keegan ocd ... Listening, the key to communication
Also in the February Marist Messenger: Our Lady of the bullring ... Radiant Dante - Catholic genius ... The Love of God - motivation ... The gift of the precious present .. The Mass - shared dialogue ... The Language of Adoration
US Bishops' Conference. Office for Film and Broadcasting Top Ten List for the Year 2003 http://www.nccbuscc.org/movies/topten2003.htm
Although 2003 saw its share of over-hyped sequels and pointless remakes, mindless action pictures and witless comedies, there were some truly exceptional films, reminding us that movies have the power to inspire and uplift rather than just dehumanize and debase... [the Top Ten include 'Lord of the Rings: Return of the King' and 'Whalerider']
Catholic Festival: A Celebration of the Catholic Faith Auckland Town Hall, Friday 20 - Sunday 22 February 2004 Website: http://www.catholicfestival.org
"The Catholic Festival is a celebration of our faith that will be joyful, prayerful, reflective, informative and educational. We hope that it will be inspiring and life-changing for all who participate... We seek to provide the opportunity for anyone to display the gifts that God has given them... We also wish to celebrate our cultural diversity and to grow together in unity. From the centre of Auckland, we also have the opportunity to witness to our faith and help others to see its richness and beauty. Finally, there is the opportunity for the many groups and religious communities to promote their apostolates and seek members and vocations."
Courses sponsored by the Outreach and Evangelisation Commission, Hamilton Catholic Diocese Presented by Adrian & Anne Commadeur and Nan Deakin from the Melbourne Schools of Evangelisation
"New Life" : Saturday 28 February and Sunday 29 February 2004 Meet Jesus afresh and renew your commitment to Him
"Emmaus" : Saturday 6 March and Sunday 7 March 2004 Listen as Jesus walks with the disciples to Emmaus and unfolds the meaning of Scripture to you
Venue: Catholic Hall, St Joseph's, Te Aroha. Register by 16 February -see your Parish for brochures. Each course costs $40, or whatever the participants can afford. Some billets available with parishioners.
For further information contact Julia (07) 863 7575 Waihi Liz (07) 858 2954 Hamilton John (07) 846 2691 Hamilton jlewis@wave.co.nz
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the Education Gazette: http://www.edgazette.govt.nz/vacancies ]
[Vacancies in Catholic Youth Ministry are advertised on the Job Bank page of the National Council for Young Catholics: http://ncyc.org.nz ]
General Manager, Resources and Services, Catholic Archdiocese of Wellington
The appointee will head a company to be formed by the Archdiocese to provide management and resourcing services to it.
Further details in 'NZ Catholic' Jan. 25 p.17 and from Mike Hurdle or Catharina Vossen at Micah Partners, PO Box 499, Wellington. Tel. 04 499 4749; mobile 021-552-929; fax: 04 499 7375; e-mail: contact@micapartners.co.nz . Diocesan Website: http://www.wn.catholic.org.nz Applications close 13 February 2004