On July 20, the Holy See Press Office issued the following declaration on
the Lebanon crisis:
1. The Holy Father is following the fate of all the populations involved
with great concern, and has indicated next Sunday, July 23, as a special day
of prayer and penance, inviting pastors and faithful of all the particular
churches as well as all believers in the world to implore God for the
precious gift of peace.
2. In particular, the Supreme Pontiff hopes that prayer will be raised to
the Lord for an immediate cease-fire between the parties, that humanitarian
corridors will immediately be created to bring help to the suffering
populations, and that rational and responsible negotiations will begin for
bringing an end to the objective situations of injustice which exist in that
region, as already indicated by Pope Benedict XVI in his Angelus of last
Sunday, the 16th of this month.
3. In reality, the Lebanese have the right to see the integrity and
sovereignty of their country respected, the Israelis have the right to live
in peace in their state and the Palestinians have the right to have a free
and sovereign nation.
4. In this painful moment, His Holiness addresses an appeal to charitable
organizations to help all the populations struck by this bitter conflict.
Old well springs to light in cathedral (photo)
Builders overhauling St Patrick's Cathedral have found a drinking well under
the church that is believed to have provided fresh water for nuns more than
100 years ago...
God's Recruits (TVNZ video report)
Giving up sex forever, and the chance of a shot at being a parent, is a big
call for the modern young man. The number of young men answering God's call
and joining the priesthood has been steadily diminishing over the years. But
look hard enough and you'll find potential recruits even in the spiritual
wasteland that is Auckland. Lisa Owen meets two young men making a sacrifice
for love...
St Theresa's to celebrate
What started as a one-room school cum church in 1931, in north Invercargill,
will celebrate its 75th birthday in November...
Warning on literal reading of Bible
More church groups have condemned a Christian brochure advocating smacking,
with one warning of the dangers of literal interpretation of the Bible...
Teacher's career spans 25 years at St Patrick's
Twenty-five years is a long time to be teaching at the same school but
that's exactly what Margaret Leatuafi celebrated recently at St Patrick's
Catholic School [Taumaranui]...
$10,000 for school that went distance
Children at Wanaka's Holy Family School can now literally swing for joy
after winning $10,000 towards a new playground. Holy Family was one of 10
South Island schools to win $10,000 in last month's New World longest docket
competition and no longer faces an $11,000 bill for a playground...
Council stalwart loses cancer battle
Former Environment Waikato deputy chairman Barry O'Connor died at his Te
Pahu home yesterday, six months after learning he had bone-marrow cancer...
Fee-free Sundays â€" with a catch
Controversial Sunday carparking fees [in could be wiped -- but charges for
the rest of the week will have to rise. The move to Sunday parking charges
is one of the most unpopular decisions made by the council so far this term,
angering a wide sector of the community -- from churchgoers, to
nightclubbers, shoppers and business owners...
NZ's Colonial History Explored in Poetry (Press Release: Otago University
In May 1874 the emigrant ship Asia docked in Port Chalmers, Otago, carrying
391 exhausted but hopeful passengers. It had been a 78-day journey from
London via Cork, Ireland. Poet David Howard has drawn upon this journey for
the long title poem in his new collection, The Word Went Round. The poem
focuses on a Catholic tenant farmer aboard the ship, and his life as a new
arrival on these shores...
Radio NZ. 'Nine to Noon'. How climate change affects low-lying island
nations: an interview with Fr Michael McKenzie of Kiribati (audio)
Clergymen on pilgrimage (photo)
Two high-ranking French Catholic clergymen held Mass in the tiny Garin
Chapel of St Michael at Wakapuaka Cemetery on Saturday...
Cathedral alterations on drawing board (photo)
Hamilton's Catholic cathedral could be in line for a $3 million makeover.
Parishioners last night decided to ask Bishop Denis Browne and the Hamilton
Diocese to consider the changes and report back on a timeline and funding
'The Good News and the News' - A broadsheet of good practice in integrated
Issue 21, June 2006
Editorial, by Susan apathy, Deputy CEO, NZ Catholic Education Office
The Gathering 2006 â€" Marginalisation in the Community â€" a social justice
activity instigated by St Thomas of Canterbury College, by David Ivory, St
Thomas of Canterbury College, Christchurch
Literature for Life â€" a new programme teaching coping skills to our young
people through the English curriculum, by Lorraine McArthur and Sue
Devereux, Seasons for Growth
Project ACTIVate, a Ministry of Education Digital Opportunities Cluster, by
Paul Engles, Principal, St. Mary’s Northcote, Auckland, Director, Project
St Anne’s School, Woolston Christchurch: “Making a Difference for All
Students�, by Peter Callanan, Principal
Contents summaries by our faithful correspondent.
Champagnat News - Vol. 10 No.2 June 2006
St Marcellin’s feast day was celebrated recently, It is now recognised as a
feast in its own right in New Zealand. It is hoped that the celebration of
the feast will help St Marcellin Champagnat, his personality and
spirituality to be the inspiration to continue to lead Marist students to be
good Christians and good citizens.
This issue includes a contribution from Kiribati. From the editor’s
recollection, this is the first
contribution from the Pacific area of the Marist Brothers’ Province of New
Zealand to the
Schools’ Champagnat Newsletter. Brother Michael Potter, our correspondent,
spent many of
his teaching years in New Zealand at Hato Petera College in Auckland,
Panguru Area School in
Northland and Tolaga Bay Area School, north of Gisborne. More recently he
has taught in Samoa
and now in Kiribatiâ€"all a far cry from his home town of Bluff. The
objectives of the College, staffing and recent events are all discussed.
The next article discusses the culture of Marist Schools with their very
special charism. This charism was established in New Zealand as early as
1838. The detail in the Newsletter is worth reading and reflection. There
are reports from Catholic Cathedral College, Christchurch; Holy Cross
School, Miramar; Campion College, Gisborne; St Marcellin School, Wanganui
Marist Champagnat Family Newsletter - June 2006
Brother Kevin O’Malley and Brother Douglas Dawick are the joint editors of
the latest newsletter. There are many interesting items among them being -
- The inclusion of Blessed Marcellin Champagnat in the New Zealand
Liturgical calendar for next
- Recalling the first dedication at Fourviere, Lyons, France in July, 1816
and the signatures of the
first twelve to make this special commitment. Marcellin Champagnat signature
can be seen.
- There are several interesting items of Marist Brothers’ successes,
appointments and jubilees.
- Building movements and relocations of offices and homes are described.
Almost at the end of the Newsletter is this beautiful blessing which I’m
sure motivates and
inspires those who pursue the Marist way of life:
A Marist Blessing
May the Marist spirit, the spirit of Mary, live in our hearts and in our
May the blessing of Mary’s prayerful spirit be on us;
May the blessing of Mary’s loving service be on us;
May the blessing of Mary’s spirit of praise be on our lips and in our
May the blessing of Mary’s union with Jesus be ours;
WORLD NEWS OF THE CHURCH (Regularly updated)
ALL THINGS CATHOLIC (formerly: 'The Word from Rome').
A weekly column by John R. Allen
This week:
The Vatican responds to crisis in Lebenon; The U.S. bishops respond; A
social action summer institute; Zambian archbishop breaks with Rome; A
breakthrough for ecumenism; Two follow-ups: Padua and Valencia
New Zealand Catholic Education Convention 2006
Wellington Convention Centre, 31 August - 2 September 2006
Website: http://www.conference.co.nz/cathed06
Theme: Radiating hope, challenging our times
Full details on the Website.
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the
Education Gazette: http://www.edgazette.govt.nz/vacancies ]
[Vacancies in Catholic Youth Ministry are advertised on the Job Bank page of
the National Council for Young Catholics: http://ncyc.org.nz ]
Archdiocese of Wellington, Financial Services. Accounts payable - part time
Details in 'Wel-com' July 2006 p.15 and from Financial Services, Archdiocese
of Wellington, PO Box 1937, Wellington 6011 ; e-mail:
s.sutton-cummings@wn.catholic.org.nz; tel (04) 496 1333 Applications close
31 July 2006