Sunday, August 10, 2008
Poverty in an affluent society: A statement from the Catholic bishops of New
Zealand (04 Aug 2008)
'NZ CATHOLIC' - Issue 297, August 10 - 23, 2008
Welfare failing NZ's poorest, say bishops ..... New Zealand's feast day
..... NZ Catholic podcast to expand ..... Kiwis' aid helps keep 350,000
alive ..... Abortion court case appeal doesn't worry pro-life group .....
Editor says sorry for WYD story ..... Opus Dei leader speaks in NZ before
returning to Rome ..... "Boobs" complaint laid ..... State should leave
welfare to charities, says priest ..... Visiting priest brings word of God's
love ..... Pilgrims reflect on World Youth Day ..... Order's abuse saga at
an end? ..... ERO File
WYD harbour cruise with Pontiff was a joy for expatriate Kiwi ..... Viewing
on TV gave hope for the future ..... Staying till end of Mass is right for
many reasons ..... Msgr Carde celebrates 50 years of priesthood .....
Education work honoured ..... Vanuatu visit finds three WYD follow-up
Ronald Rolheiser: Making space for Sabbath in our lives ..... Pew Point:
Nana modelled being devout ..... Jeff Mirus: Startling to hear truth doesn't
figure in path for Anglicanism ..... Others Say: WYD impresses this
"heathen" ..... Editorial: Lack of vision leads to licentiousness .....
Malcolm Evans ..... Letters
Vatican figure gives Anglicans tough talk ..... Pontiff welcomes invitation
to visit Iraq ..... Marathons will follow the steps of St Paul .....
Paraguay's president-to-be goes from bishop to layman ..... Profaning prof.
..... Letter dismissed ..... In Brief ..... WYD gives Australia a spiritual
wake-up call ..... Let's avoid spiritual diseases, cardinal tells Anglicans
..... Knock-back prompts WYD initiatives for youth in Iraq ..... The Pope:
Dialogue essential to have peace ..... Homosexual parade sparks complaint
..... Black cat keeps Pope company ..... Bishop slams war attitudes .....
Victim choice explained ..... Bishop threatened
Papal Prayer, Young Adults, Books, Monitor, Clips, Catholic.Geek, Tape Deck,
Scripture, Feasts, Liturgical Calendar, The Doolans, Family Talk, Caption
Contest, Who Said?, 40 Years Ago, Dio. Diary, Cryptic Crossword, That Word!,
Holy Lives, Kit's Corner, Photo Prayer, Wit's End.
Peiestly and religious vocations (9 pages)
St Joseph's hoping candidate pipes up (photo)\
The Catholic cathedral in Dunedin, St Joseph's, has had to advertise
nationally for an organist, after being unable to find a suitable candidate
locally through word of mouth...
Brother Paul passes on
A Marist Brother, who devoted most of his working life to education in Fiji
passed on this morning at the Suva Private Hospital. Brother Paul Lavelle,
68, from Invercargill in New Zealand, spent more than 40 years in Fiji
teaching in various Catholic schools in Fiji...
A tribute to St Paul (photo)
Christchurch Mail
A striking tile triptych depicting St Paul's travels has been unveiled in St
Paul's Catholic Church, Dallington, to wide acclaim ...
Jacob gives his prize to charity (photo)
Kapi-Mana News
The children at St Theresa's School, Plimmerton have had a busy year selling
chocolates as a community fundraiser, collecting over $3,500 ...
Pilgrims gain new ideas for church youth group (photo)
Upper Hutt Leader
World Youth Day participants from St Joseph's parish, Upper Hutt have
returned with many new ideas for their church youth group ...
Youth day in Ranfurly
Queenstown Mirror
The logistics will be different, but the inspiration of the recent World
Catholic Youth Day in Sydney is expected to be evident when a sequel to the
event is held in Ranfurly at Labour Weekend ...
Missing 'pilgrims' hiding out in Bay of Plenty
3 News
At least 10-15 Indian pilgrims, whose visas expire today, are believed to be
hiding out in the Bay of Plenty...
Pilgrims face visa deadline
Aug 5, 2008 10:04 AM
Bishop Peter Cullinane: The way the church sees it (letter to the editor)
The Dominion Post
Recent letters on population issues focused on the usual caricatures of
Catholic teaching. The Catholic church doesn’t teach that people should have
as many children as possible, regardless of circumstances. Experts assure us
the problem of overpopulation has more to do with managing and distributing
resources than the number of people ...
'Octogenarian vitality'
In Coffee Break, Sister Moyra Dunn rsm talks about her work as an angel of
mercy for migrants and refugees.
'Beyond Reason'
Angels in the City: a reading and discussion of Matthew 14:22-23 with Fr
David Kennearly and Suzanne O'Rourke.
Blogs about Catholic life in New Zealand, sponsored by 'NZ Catholic'
newspaper. Some recent topics ...
"Pilgrims’ heartfelt Generosity bathes the city in sunshine": A beautiful
testimony from WYD ... "You’re forgetting what the Olympics are all about"
... Election’s a-coming ... Finding grace where you least expect it ...
Violent video games and violent behaviour ... Fernando Lugo, former bishop,
present president
Analysis and commentary by John R. Allen
Remembering Paul VI, the superhuman pope
A two-part dramatic miniseries on Pope Paul VI is slated for Italian
national TV this fall, marking the 30th anniversary of his death in August
1978. Corriere della Sera, Italy's main daily, reports that eight million
Euro are being pumped into the project, which is hardly surprising given the
mammoth ratings success of earlier miniseries about the popes between whom
Paul VI was sandwiched: John XXIII and John Paul II ...
WORLD NEWS OF THE CHURCH (Regularly updated) (video)
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the
Education Gazette: ]
[Vacancies in Catholic Youth Ministry are advertised on the Job Bank page of
the National Council for Young Catholics: ]
Senior journalist / Sub-editor, 'NZ Catholic'
Details in 'NZ Catholic' July 27-Aug 9 2008 p.2, and from the Managing
Editor, Gavin Abraham, PO Box 147-000, Ponsonby, Auckland 1144; e-mail: Applications close 13 August 2008.
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