MEDIA RELEASES Southland priest named as new Catholic Bishop of Dunedin (25 May 2004) Coadjutor Archbishop for Wellington (25 May 2004) New appointments to the New Zealand hierarchy (25 May 2004)
INTERNATIONAL NEWS Church welcomes Govt 'man and woman' marriage definition ... Cardinal Arinze explains tough stand on Eucharist ... Pope condemns torture as affront to humans ... Pell comments on obligation to 'build a decent Iraq' ... Catholic teachers join in pay case strike ... Virgin tears spark boom in statue sales
No 188, May 30-June 12, 2004
New bishop for Dunedin and coadjutor for Wellington Wellington - The Holy See has annouced two long-awaited appointments of bishops within the dioceses of New Zealand....
Schools act on cellphones Wellington - Catholic schools are restricting the use of cellphones by students to minimise the trouble they can cause...
Marist clubs honour player Auckland - Blues and Auckland rugby captain Xavier Rush was honoured on May 16 as New Zealand's best 2003 Marist rugby player...
Also in the latest issue ... Pope¹s advice to Helen Clark; Irish influence shaped Treaty of Waitangi; Catholic Supplies closing down; Diocesan priests face "huge" work pressure; Vatican issues new guidelines on migrants; Eight-page education feature.
Priests welcome Campbell as one of their own, no stranger Otago Daily Times Thursday, 27-May 2004 http://tinyurl.com/3bna4 Dunedin Roman Catholic priests were the first on the telephone to congratulate the new bishop of the diocese, the Rev Colin Campbell...
Insight to our new bishop The Southland Times 27 May 2004 http://tinyurl.com/2bt27 Mention New Zealand Idol to the Catholic Bishop-designate for the Dunedin Diocese and he not only knows what it is, he can name the finalists. This is not a man isolated in an ivory tower from the community he has been appointed to serve...
MP fights abortion consent clause NZ Herald 25.05.2004 http://tinyurl.com/2olaq National MP Bill English wants the law that allows girls younger than 16 to have abortions without their parents' knowledge overturned...
Tower puts cathedral at risk, claims church (photo) NZ Herald 26.05.2004 http://tinyurl.com/2ayt9 The Catholic Church is worried about possible damage to St Patrick's Cathedral from the construction of an apartment tower nearby. The project is the brainchild of Princes Wharf developer David Henderson, who has earmarked a rundown Albert St block for a 38-level apartment tower...
Budget delivers to children - Caritas Aotearoa Press Release Friday, 28 May 2004, 10:19 am http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/PO0405/S00300.htm Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand, the Catholic social justice agency of the New Zealand Bishops Conference, says the government’s 2004 Budget has responded to the concerns many Catholics have expressed about child poverty and support for families ...
The ethics of happiness. The fundamentals of Catholic teaching are still rooted in the most basic human desires, by Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor The Guardian (UK) Wednesday May 26, 2004 http://www.guardian.co.uk/religion/Story/0,2763,1224836,00.html Many people, including some Catholics, misunderstand the nature and purpose of moral teaching. For Saint Thomas Aquinas, morality is rooted in the most basic and universal desire, the yearning for happiness and fulfilment. Today the Catholic bishops in England and Wales publish a document called Cherishing Life, which offers the reader a clear and accessible explanation of Catholic moral teaching. We begin with a reflection on our human nature and then look towards its fulfilment in the happiness that derives from true friendship with each other, and with God...
POW's crucifix returns to Pilsen http://thekansan.com/stories/052804/rel_0528040019.shtml On June 6, 1954, four former Korean prisoners of war presented a hand-carved crucifix to the parish at Saint John Nepomucene Catholic Church in Pilsen [Kansas], which is now part of Holy Family Parish, honoring the legacy of Chaplain Father Emil J. Kapaun. Major Gerald Fink, a former POW and of the Jewish faith, was the person who carved this crucifix, helped by men of all faiths who wished to honor the memory of the chaplain who had cheered them, stole food for them and died for them...
Holy row may delay EU constitution deal The Independent (UK) 25 May 2004 http://news.independent.co.uk/europe/story.jsp?story=524646 The European Union yesterday split over calls for a reference to God or Christianity in the draft constitution, casting a cloud over fresh optimism that an overall deal will be struck next month...
Pope: Condemnation of anti-Semitism not enough Jerusalem Post May. 23, 2004 http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=JPost/JPArticle/ShowFull&cid=108\ 5281776370
7 habits of highly effective Mass-goers http://www.uscatholic.org/2004/06/featb0406.htm The secret to getting the most out of Mass may be easier than you think. Try these seven simple steps that allow the Mass to do its work on you...
Bishop says church serious about getting rid of abusive priests Catholic News Service (US) http://www.catholicnews.com/data/stories/cns/20040528.htm Rome (CNS) -- An international group of English-speaking bishops is serious about ridding the church of sexually abusive priests and is committed to making the Catholic Church a model safe environment for children, said Archbishop Philip Wilson of Adelaide, the organizer of a May 24-27 meeting in Rome of 30 bishops, religious superiors and church child protection officers from Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Great Britain, Ireland, the United States, Canada and Jamaica...
Mystic Who Helped Inspire "The Passion" to Be Beatified in October Date Set for Anna Katharina Emmerick, as Well as Karl I of Austria http://zenit.org/english/visualizza.phtml?sid=54439 Vatican City, May 28, 2004 (Zenit.org).- The German mystic whose recorded visions helped inspire "The Passion of the Christ" will be beatified Oct. 3. Anna Katharina Emmerick (1774-1824) will be beatified at the Vatican along with Karl I (1887-1922), emperor of Austria and king of Hungary...
The new penitents The Tablet (UK) 29/05/2004 http://www.thetablet.co.uk/cgi-bin/archive_db.cgi/tablet-00899 The weekly visit to the confessional, followed by a quick Hail Mary, has gone for most Catholics. Yet a change in approach means Reconciliation is flourishing ...
New BBC chief 'a devout Catholic' Independent Catholic News (UK) 25 May 2004 http://www.indcatholicnews.com/bbccg.html
Central European bishops outline priorities for the faithful as 100,000 pilgrims gather at Marian shrine in Austria http://zenit.org/english/visualizza.phtml?sid=54208 Mariazell, Austria, MAY 25, 2004 (Zenit.org).- About 100,000 pilgrims were on hand this past weekend for a historic meeting between faithful of the Churches of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Austria...
“Do not hide your faith!”: Bishops of central Europe voice 7 requests at the end of “Pilgrimage of Peoples” to Our Lady of Mariazell http://www.fides.org/eng/news/2004/0405/24_2432.html
Wellington Archdiocesan Media Centre
New interviews:
** John Butterfield, new General Manager of the Wellington Catholic Centre
** Ross Wilson, new Turanga Maori for the Wellington Archdiocese
** Fr Jim Lyons, author of "Love is always ...", an interpretation of 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
"Lighting New Fires" Schools' Newsletter, April 2004
Editorial, by Brother Pat Lynch: globalisation and and education ... Progress of discussions on review of private schools conditional integration Act ... advertising for teachers in integrated schools ... holidays act provisions now operative ... research and regulations on gifted and talented learners ... congratulations to leaders who are making a difference at the national level ... celebrating people & events: achievements of catholic schools nationwide ... more high distinctions from the 2003 Australasian competitions seeing your school in lighting new fires ... Auckland Maori and Polynesian Festival awards... boarding bursaries receive first increase since 1994 ... resource on justice and world trade issues the luckiest nut in the world sister school requested ... did you know? Community dialogue on the treaty of waitangi hiv-aids information
Catholic schools' supplement
Editorial: Why New Zealand’s catholic schools are increasingly being sought after by catholic people ... ERO reports favourably on catholic early childhood centres ... growth in theology enrolments ... new principal congratulations ... thinking about evangelisation ... congratulations to St Joseph’s Maori Girls’ College, Greenmeadows and St Mary’s College, Wellington ... Caritas lenten programme successful ... referendum on the repeal of the prostitution reform act 2003 ... worthwhile reading ... useful websites ... rock and water programme supports boys’ education ... classroom stories with a christian message... facilitation skills workshops ... a helpful resource: welcome ! Celebration for young children for the church’s year’
A weekly column in the National Catholic Reporter by the paper's full-time Vatican correspondent John L. Allen
Summary of the column for May 28, 2004: Who speaks for the Vatican?; European and American approaches to pro-choice politicians; Cardinal Law's new assignment; Admitting homosexuals to Catholic seminaries; English edition of papal biography delayed; An Anglican viewpoint
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the Education Gazette: http://www.edgazette.govt.nz/vacancies ]
[Vacancies in Catholic Youth Ministry are advertised on the Job Bank page of the National Council for Young Catholics: http://ncyc.org.nz ]
Executive Officer, NZ Catholic Bishops' Conference. Details in 'Wel-com' May 2004 p.17 and from NZCBC Office, PO Box 1937, Wellington 6015. E-mail: j.dew@wn.catholic.org.nz
General Manager, Catholic Caring Foundation, Auckland http://www.catholic.org.nz/auckland/caring.htm Details in 'NZ Catholic' May 16-29 p.23 and from Neil Barr, Catholic Caring foundation, Private Bag 47904, Auckland 1034
Presenters, 'NZ Catholic' newspaper 'NZC' wishes to employ good communicators in Northland, Auckland, Hawkes Bay, Wellington, Nelson-Marlborough, West Coast, Otago and Southland. Details in 'NZ Catholic' May 2-15 p.23 and from Dennis Augustine, NZ Catholic, PO Box 147-000, Ponsonby, Auckland 1034 Tel. (09) 360 3049
Religious Education Adviser, Diocese of Palmerston North http://www.pn.catholic.org.nz Details in 'NZ Catholic' May 30 - June 12 p.26 and fromMuriell Kivell RNDM, Episcopal vicar for Schools, Catholic EducAtion Office, Private Bag, 11 012, Palmerston North. Tel. (06) 358 8079; fax: (06) 357 3624; e-mail: mkivell@pndiocese.org.nz Applications close 18 June 2004