Vatican Library
The Vatican Library contains hundreds of thousands of books, magazines, illustrations, copper engravings, photographs, coins and medals and music, the majority with a Christian theme. The Website will be the gateway for a continuing project to make available descriptions and pictures of every one of these items for all the world to see. The section most likely to interest our readers - "Treasures of the Library" - has five categories: Manuscripts (empty); The Face of Christ (descriptions in Italian only at present); the Bible; the Gospel of the Peoples (the world and image of Christ in culture and history - empty); Forma Urbis (views of the city of Rome).
"Marist Messenger" November 2002 http://www.maristmessenger.co.nz
Full text:
** Focus: The Grace of a Happy Death, by Fr. Carl Telford sm When you are dead already, you cannot die! Yet how can one be dead already? An excellent question. Finding its answer is at the heart of a mature Christian life....
** The Silence of St Joseph, by Anastasius Kelly ocd. How useful it is to think of the silence of St Joseph! The gospel recounts few words of Our Lady, of St Joseph none at all. There is no recorded reply of St Joseph, in his colloquy with the angels, except his actions....
** Surf's Up : recommended Websites
Also in the print edition of the November Marist Messenger: Christian Witness in Romania: Cardinal Todea, by Fr Craig Larkin sm....The Sign of Peace, by Ann Scanlan .... James K Baxter's Reflection: A Prayer of Failure .... The Five Fingers of Prayer ... Away from the Problems of the World, by Gregory Ferrier .... Fatima : a Pilgrimage, by Pauline Diack .... Biblical Justice - God's Way, by Fr. Jim Consedine.... Lazarus and the rich man, by Joy Cowley ... A view of Taranaki and the first Taranaki War (1860-61), by Fr. Victor Poupinel sm
CATHOLICTV.NET Wellington Archdiocesan Media Office http://catholictv.net
Rebekah Prescott and Bishop John Dew recall the highlights of this year's World Youth Day in Toronto.
The Future of Christianity in the West. An international, interdisciplinary conference hosted by the School of Liberal Arts and the Department of Theology and Religious Studies at the University of Otago. 5-8 December 2002
The School of Liberal Arts and the Department of Theology and Religious Studies at the University of Otago will host an international, interdisciplinary conference on the future of Christianity in the West. The conference is designed to appeal to the general public as well as to ministers of religion, theological educators, and academic specialists; all are welcome. Keynote speakers includes two of the world's leading historical sociologists of religion: David Martin, emeritus professor of sociology at the London School of Economics, and Robert Wuthnow, professor of sociology at Princeton University.
Conference themes include: The future of Christianity in the West ... Secularization, R.I.P.? ... Australian and New Zealand Christianities: past, present, and future .... Religious patterns in Europe, North America, and Australasia compared ... Christianity and the public sphere: problems and prospects ... The impact of globalization and religious pluralism on Western Christianity ... Christianity and human rights ... Postmodern Christianities
Full details are on the Conference Website: http://telperion.otago.ac.nz/theoweb/conference/index.html
Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the Education Gazette: http://www.edgazette.govt.nz/vacancies )
Vacancies in Catholic Youth Ministry are advertised on the Job Bank page of the National Council for Young Catholics: http://ncyc.org.nz
'Walk by Faith' Co-ordinator, Auckland Diocese A 22-25 hours a week position in the Religious Education team of the Catholic Diocese of Auckland. Duties include co-ordinating 'Walk by Faith' course workshops and seminars and marking assignments. Tel. 09 3784380 ... e-mail: janes@cda.org.nz Details in 'NZ Catholic' 20 Oct 2002, p.25 and from Jane Schollum, Private Bag 47-904, Auckland 1034. Applications close 4 November 2002.
Positions at Catholic Social Services, Otago/Southland Diocese ...
** Mission Promoter, to promote the work of the agency and increase the revenue to support its work.
** Counsellor/Therapist, to specialise in working with children and families, 20 hours/week.
** Parenting Co-ordinator, to review and expand parenting programmes for the Agency and provide some social work support, a 20 hours/week . Further details in 'NZ Catholic 3 November 2002, p.21. Job Descriptions and person specifications from: Catholic Social Services, PO Box 263, Dunedin. Phone: 03 477 3403 ... Fax: 03 477 3298. Applications close Monday 11 November 2002.