Irish to the bone (photo),2106,3695469a6578,00.html
Over a glass of Guinness, Kate Monahan learns what it means to be Irish in
Hamilton, and what the odds might be for tonight's rugby clash.
Helping families find Kiwi peace (photo),2106,3695410a6497,00.htm/
Helping families from war-torn Lebanon settle in New Zealand is just one way
Henriette Nakhle has assisted people over the past two decades. Mrs Nakhle,
from Manurewa, has been recognised with a Queen's Service Medal for
Community Service in the Queen's Birthday honours list.
Da Vinci Code: statement from the Anglican Bishops
Press Release: Anglican Church in Aotearoa
June 6, 2006
The Da Vinci Code: A statement from the Anglican Bishops
“Some of us have been approached about our views on The Da Vinci Code novel
and movie in recent weeks. We are also aware that a number of people believe
that The Da Vinci Code story is real and that its description of Christian
history is true...
St Patrick's workmanship on show (full text)
New Zealand Herald Jun 6 2006
An open day at St Patrick's Cathedral in central Auckland attracted about
2000 people yesterday to see progress on the $12 million conservation and
restoration project. Among the attractions was Bishop George Lenihan's tomb
and part of the eastern wall of the original 1848 stone church. Cathedral
administrator Father Bernard Kiely said the church still needed to raise $3
Historic Futuna chapel sold to supporters
Supporters of a chapel in Wellington considered a masterwork of New Zealand
architecture, have secured its future by buying the building...
Kiwis get top honours (includes video report)
The Queen's Birthday honours list has recognised New Zealanders ranging from
All Black great Tana Umaga to a nun who worked for decades helping the poor.
Helping the down-and-outs
The Dominion Post â€" News â€" 5 Jun 2006 â€" Page 5
[not available on the newspaper's free Website]
When she first heard her name had been put forward for an honour, Sister
Margaret Anne Mills thought it was a case of mistaken identity. "We've got
another Sister Margaret in the soup kitchen and I thought it must be her,"
said the modest second-in-charge of the New Zealand Sisters of Compassion...
Devotion to community earns couple QSM (photo)
Bay of Plenty Times
It is the people they love and their deep faith that makes Kihi and Maria
Ngatai community saints. Both are recipients of a Queen's Service Medal for
Public Services.
Celebrations, but they still made it to church (photo),2106,3690193a6010,00.html
When it came to the Celtic Rugby Club centennial reunion over the weekend,
church was the winner on the day. More than 400 reunion attendees made their
way to the Sacred Heart Basilica yesterday morning, despite celebrations the
night before.
Mum's Choir at SkyCity Theatre (photo)
NZ Herald
A grand piano, a large Catholic family, a dollop of Kiwiana and a corpse are
the essential ingredients for Alison Quigan's nostalgic tribute to the
redemptive power of group singing...
Bill English's mum dies, 83 (full text)
The Southland Times News 8 Jun 2006 Page 2
National Party stalwart and the mother of Clutha-Southland National MP Bill
English, Norah English, died yesterday morning. She was 83. Mr English said
his mother was involved in the National Party for many years representing
the south in the era of Brian Talboys and while she was never an MP, "she
certainly could've been" . Mrs English also had a keen interest in
education, working throughout the 1970s on various national education
bodies. Mrs English's funeral will be held on Saturday at St Thomas' Church
in Winton.
*** Sister Marie's story ***
[A few days ago, the Otago Daily times published three articles telling the
story of Sister Marie of the Little Sisters of the Poor - now in retirement
in Dunedin - who joined her Order just before World War II and was sent to
China, which was already at war with Japan. She was expelled from Shanghai
after the Japanese occupied the city and was sent to France, arriving in
1940, shortly before the German invasion. The second and third articles
(linked below) describe what happened when the Germans took over.]
Germans thought NZ nun a spy (photo)(2)
Otago Daily Times, Monday, 5th June 2006
The first few months after arriving at the Mother House in Brittany in May,
1940, were both exciting and frightening for the young New Zealand nun. She
was away from the horrors and responsibilities of Shanghai: she was back
safely among the religious of her Order but the threats once posed by the
Japanese were now assumed by the all-conquering Germans. France had become
an occupied country and Sister Marie had been pushed, in effect, from frying
pan to fire...
Germans treated nun as spy (photo)(3)
Otago Daily Times Monday, 5th June 2006
Sister Marie, shaking with fear, fatigue and cold, boarded the tram,
proffering her sole 100 franc note to the conductress. That kind lady, she
said, had the decency to decline it, surely feeling sorry for the sad,
bedraggled figure before her...
WORLD NEWS OF THE CHURCH (Regularly updated)
In the May 2006 issue ...
Editorial: Sanctuary (full text)
Language wells up from the deepest part of human consciousness. Sometimes a
word can have meaning in both the sacred and secular spheres, but when we
reflect carefully we can see how one meaning illuminates the other...
Also in this issue ...
Sanctuary: where the heart is â€" Ron Sharp
Dominican study and education â€" Carmel Walsh, OP and Jenny Collins
Learning through experience â€" Stuart Sellar
Dreaming the land â€" Mary Eastham
Eucharist at the heart of our lives â€" Daniel O'Leary
Lust â€" Paul Andrews, SJ
In Issue 27, April-June 2006 ...
Joy, the Gift of the Eucharist, by Fr John T Catoir
'We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you', by Bill Steltemeier in EWTN
Family Newesletter
How good it is for us to be here! (Mt 17:1-4), from 'Church of the Eucharist
New Evangelisation'
Leading children to God's mystery, by Monica Brown
The Eucharist: God is near us... Pope Benedict XVI
Can you not watch an hour with Me? (Mark 14: 37)
Pope Benedict Answers Children's Questions
'Stay With Us Lord': A new DVD on The Mass, The Eucharist, Sunday, The Lord
s Day.
'A Heart Beloved', from 'Experiencing Mass with Heart and Mind', by Daniel H
A weekly column by the National Catholic Reporter's full-time correspondent
in Rome, John L. Allen Jr.
This week: For Benedict XVI, less is more; Wednesday reflections on the
church; The Auschwitz visit; The next battle in the war on relativism; The
World Cup and prostitution; The struggle against corruption.
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the
Education Gazette: ]
[Vacancies in Catholic Youth Ministry are advertised on the Job Bank page of
the National Council for Young Catholics: ]
Events Co-ordinator, Diocesan Youth Team, Christchurch Diocese
Further details in 'NZ Catholic' June 4 - June 17 p.23, on the Website, and
from Clare Dooley, Director, Catholic Youth Team, PO Box 4544, Christchurch.
Tel. (03) 366 9869; fax: (03) 379 8724; e-mail:
Applications close 16 June 2006.