In issue 303, November 2 - 15, 2008 ...
Kiwi Party MP seeks support of pro-lifers ... Meaning seen in Word - not
money ... Abortion advertisements targeted at voters ... Young adults
challenged to bravely rise in holiness ... Palmerston North priests
celebrate jubilees ... Kiwi religious appointed to Bethlehem post ... OE set
newest priest on the path to his vocation ... Church to open as a cathedral
... Chapel handed over to the Navy ... Government payment eases pressure on
education office ... Mill Hill man honoured for service in Rotorua ... Mercy
rest home will become community house ... ERO File
Election 2008: Parties and their policies ... Catholic ties with Labour
waning, experts suggest ... Three woo Christian vote ... Soldier who died
for "King and Country" is remembered ... Old Mercy convent reborn as library
... History records first 50 years of parish ... Matchmaking on agenda ...
Oceania province marks its first year ... Service held for services at St
Mary of the Angels
Ronald Rolheiser: Struggling with our own inadequacy ... Patricia Brooks:
Smacking and hitting does not make for good parenting ... Pew Point: Not
easy to put oneself second ... Others Say: As voters, be open to grace ...
Editorial: Voting choice not easy for Catholics ... Malcolm Evans ...
Letters ... Vatican Letter: Mixed response to homilies from country to
List of 19 questions to start Synod proposals ... More catechists around
world "filling in" for priests ... Joint action will boost the Bible ...
Vatican approves three options for ending at Mass ... The Pope: Science must
have its limits ... Faith helps Wall St Catholics ... Cardinal criticises
older US orders ... Second attack on JPII revealed ... Mixed election
messages from US bishops ... Racism seen as a danger ... Church will stand
against new law, says archbishop ... In Brief ... Cleveland screenwriter
another prodigal son ... Psychiatrist supports the value of celibacy ...
Indian bishop suspended ... Atheists believe in advertising
Papal Prayer, Young Adults, Books, Monitor, Clips, Catholic.Geek, Tape Deck,
Scripture, Feasts, Liturgical Calendar, The Doolans, Family Talk, Caption
Contest, Who Said?, 40 Years Ago, Dio. Diary, Cryptic Crossword, That Word!,
Holy Lives, Kit's Corner, Photo Prayer, Wit's End.
Catholic Discipleship College
Dancing parishioners hope to raise the roof (photo)
The St Joseph’s congregation are getting their best dance moves ready to
raise money to repair their Grey Lynn church. The church is holding a Po
Siva, which loosely translates to "night dance", in the church hall...
Leading the organic charge (photo)
Farming organically is a logical extension of the social conscience and
religious beliefs that have driven Jim Kebbell all his life. Now 70, he has
been a Catholic priest who got offside with the church when he marched in
Vietnam War protests, has run a halfway house for released prisoners and
patients from mental institutions, been a regional organiser for the Labour
Party, managed union health services and is a Greens parliamentary
Pat joins illustrious ranks (photo)
Entertainer Bob Hope, media magnate Rupert Murdoch, actor Ricardo Montalban
and now Beach Haven resident Pat Lythe. Mrs Lythe, 66, joined the
illustrious ranks of the Order of St Gregory the Great when she was made a
dame by Pope Benedict XVI last month...
Pat Lythe is honoured as Papal Dame of St Gregory the Great
Pat Lythe has been awarded the rare Papal honour of Dame of the Order of St
Gregory the Great for her services to the Catholic Church...
Kiwi takes on university job in Mideast danger zone (photo)
Teaching students barred from attending class by nine-metre walls and
military patrols are some of the difficulties facing Brother Peter Bray as
he prepares to take charge of the West Bank's only Christian university...
[Related link: Bethlehem University - http://www.bethlehem.edu ]
Gardening Nun (TVNZ video report)
She's 86 years old and just may have some of the greenest fingers in the
country. Sister Loyola Galvin looks after the gardens at Wellington's Home
of Compassion - and has just won a prestigious gardening prize. Voted for by
readers of New Zealand Gardener magazine, she's won 2008's gardener of the
year for sharing her love of gardening with her local community. Corinne
Ambler meets sister Loyola and learns some of her gardening secrets.
Navy given chapel keys
The Royal New Zealand Navy now holds the keys to St Peter's Catholic Chapel
at Devonport Naval Base ...
'Love Deeply'
A reading and discussion of John 11:21-27 with Father Thige O'Leary and
Kathryn McIver at St Mary of the angels, Wellington.
Blogs about Catholic life in New Zealand. Some current topics ...
Angry at God? ... The Nazis are amongst us (Cardinal Egan on abortion) ...
Playing Happy Families (on spending time with the family) ... The difference
between a good leader and a good spin-doctor (on Helen Clark) ...
Labour-intensive (reining-in the working week) ... Learning the art of
living; Will I ever get it? (on the path to true happiness)
ALL THINGS CATHOLIC, by John L. Allen, Jr.
Pastors, scholars look to Latin America to 'reboot' the church and the faith
Famed Jesuit theologian Fr. Karl Rahner once said of the Second Vatican
Council (1962-65) that it marked the emergence of Catholicism as a "world
church," no longer tied primarily to Europe or the West. Cardinal Francis
George of Chicago asserted Wednesday evening that the late 20th and early
21st centuries have lent "empirical reality" to Rahner's claim. "There are
now local churches in every part of the world, and the hierarchy is being
transformed by members from Africa, Asia and Latin America," George said
during a conference in Chicago sponsored by the Catholic Theological Union
and DePaul University. "What was once known as the 'Third World' is now a
source of life and renewal for the church elsewhere." ...
WORLD NEWS OF THE CHURCH (Regularly updated)
http://www.romereports.com (video)
'Winter Sun: Unpacking World Youth Day'
The 2008 'NZ Catholic' lecture with Archbishop Mark Colerdige of Canberra
and Goulburn
** Auckland: Monday Nov. 17, St Beenedict's Chruch Newton, 7.30 pm.
** Wellington: Tuesday Nov. 18, St Joseph's Church, Mt Victoria, 7.30pm.
** Christchurch: Wednesday Nov. 19, Villa Maria College, Upper Riccarton,
Admission: Adults: $10; college students (with ID) $5.
'Hearts Aflame' Catholic Summer School
9-18 January 2008
St Bede's College, Christchurch
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the
Education Gazette: http://www.edgazette.govt.nz/vacancy.php ]
[Vacancies in Catholic Youth Ministry are advertised on the Job Bank page of
the National Council for Young Catholics: http://ncyc.org.nz ]
Catholic Discipleship College, Takapuna, Auckland. Residential Leaders (Male
and Female)
Details in 'NZ Catholic' issue 303, November 2 - 15, 2008 p.27, at:
and from Fr Neil Vaney sm, Principal, CDC, tel: (09) 489-8197; e-mail:
'NZ Catholic' newspaper. Parish presenters.
Details in 'NZ Catholic' issue 303, November 2 - 15, 2008 p.23, and from
Dennis Augustine, Promotions and Advertising Manager, NZ Catholic, PO Box
147-000, Ponsonby, Auckland 1144; tel: (09) 360-3049; e-mail: