I. Easter 2010
II. Abuse crisis
II. Schools
IV. In Other News
I. EASTER 2010
Congregations gather for walk (photo)
The Southland Times
An Easter procession was attended by representatives of many different churches yesterday.
Easter's heavy load shared
Waikato Times Weekend
While many Waikato residents were spending the morning at home, members of three Hamilton churches - St Columba's, St David's and St Clare's - walked down Tuhikaramea Rd to St Columba's on Rifle Range Rd re-enacting Jesus' last walk.
Christians re-enact walk of the cross (photo)
Church communities from around Dunedin joined to bring to life the narrative of Easter with services and walks of the cross yesterday.
Good Friday ceremony (photo)
The Hutt News
On Good Friday a cross will be carried in a public procession between three churches in Lower Hutt.
Physical role in Easter play (photo)
North Shore Times
For ten grueling minutes Rodrigo Costa will hang from a cross because he won a competition.
True heart of Easter shines through murk, by Garth George
Hundreds of millions of Christians throughout the world will tonight begin their annual celebration of the events of the holiest and most sacred period in the Christian calendar, the first Easter - events upon which the Christian Church is founded and which stand at the very heart of our faith and belief.
Look into the heart of Easter and see (photos)
New Zealand Herald
The observance of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ is central to the Christian religion. We asked leaders of the principal denominations to share their thoughts on Easter
Enjoy your holiday: Easter Greetings From Caritas
Thousands of retail workers and their families will be among New Zealanders enjoying precious family and community time together this weekend, despite ten attempts to change Easter Trading rules over the past two decades, says Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand Director Michael Smith.
(photo caption)
Kavanagh College pupils slept in cardboard boxes on school grounds on Wednesday night as part of their annual Survive a Slum camp to raise funds for Catholic support agency Caritas.
Rice bowls, bikes for Lent (photo)
Motueka Golden Bay News
Motueka school children traded their tasty sandwiches and muesli bars for a plain bowl of rice last week. The St Peter Chanel school children were taking part in Live Simply Day, organised by year 8 pupil Shania Nicholson.
TVNZ. Close Up. Jesus Christ - "The ultimate cold case" (video)
A discussion between Bryan Bruce and Bishop Pat Dunne about what Bruce calls the ultimate cold case: who killed Jesus? With Mike Hosking.
II. Abuse Crisis
NZ Catholics doubt Pope knew of abuse, by Bishop Pat Dunn
Criticism makes no distinction between the past and what is happening now,
by Bishop Peter J Cullinane
The Dominion Post
Let the sinless organisation cast the first stone, by Rosemary McLeod
Editorial: The church needs to be true to itself
Radio New Zealand Newswire - 03 Apr 2010 (full text)
The Catholic Bishop of Auckland says continuing criticism of the Church, over child sex abuse, has not affected the number of people attending Easter masses. There have been calls for Pope Benedict to resign, amid allegations he was involved in covering up abuse by Catholic priests. Yesterday / on Saturday Jewish groups and some victims of abuse condemned the Pope's personal preacher for comparing criticism of the Pontiff to anti-Semitism. The Bishop of Auckland, Patrick Dunn, says people are still attending Church for Easter celebrations. He says most Catholics know that the Pope is a person of integrity and doubt he would be assisting sexual offenders.
III. Schools
Council under fire
The stoush between Monte Cecilia School's supporters and the Auckland City Council has escalated, with a formal complaint being made to the Ombudsman.
New principal gets guided college tour (photo)
Tracy O'Brien (45) will take over the helm of Kavanagh College in term 3 upon the retirement of Paul Ferris - the school's principal for the past 18 years.
New challenge for veteran city principal (photo)
Waikato Times
One of Hamilton's most experienced secondary principals is about to step down. Ray Scott, principal of St John's College, leaves today after 11 years at the helm of the Catholic school to take over as the principal at Tauranga's Aquinas College, starting next term.
St Bride's ends chapter of a century (photo)
Wairarapa News
The closure of St Bride's convent in Masterton concludes a Brigidine chapter and represents the end of an era of a very important religious and educational influence in Wairarapa.
Shortfall concerns school
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St Joseph's School, in Queenstown, has a deficit working capital of $23,000 and says it does not get enough money from the Ministry of Education to cover its running costs.
Hearing in July-August for school challenge
An Environment Court challenge against the estimated $3 million to $5 million primary school planned at 478 Speargrass Flat Rd, near Arrowtown, is expected to be heard in Queenstown in July or August. The Catholic Education Office of the Bishop of Dunedin plans to establish the school, which would teach up to 112 pupils, in stages.
Special guests at opening (photos)
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Prayers were answered as rain clouds stayed away from the opening of a school's new administration building. Special guests were on hand, including the Bishop of Auckland, the Most Reverend Patrick Dunn, and Manukau of Mayor Len Brown, to help Our Lady Star of the Sea's pupils, teachers and parents celebrate the event.
IV. In Other News
New life for Glenorchy landmarks (photo)
The restoration of two 19th-century landmarks in and near Glenorchy will be celebrated by the community on April 24. The 127-year-old Paradise House, about 20km beyond the township, will be reopened as a guesthouse following its $900,000 restoration, which began in December 2008.
Number of trainee Catholic priests rises (full text)
Radio New Zealand Newswire
The number of men training as Catholic priests in New Zealand, has more than doubled in the past year. Ten new seminarians began their training last month, six more than had signed up the previous year. The Archbishop John Dew, the Roman Catholic Bishop of Wellington, says many of the trainee priests were inspired by the pope's visit to Sydney in 2008, for World Youth day. Archbishop John Dew, says about two-thirds of every intake completes the full six years of training.
Rest home staff set to strike for 24 hours
Staff at the Aubert Home of Compassion rest home in Whanganui are expecting their strike action on Tuesday will cause major disruption.
My Job: Mulligan a man of the cloth (photo)
Sunday News
Easter is one of the busiest times for a priest. We talk to Father James Mulligan, 34, recently appointed parish priest at St John Vianney Catholic Church in Hillsborough, Auckland.
Putting a show on for strangers misses the point of grieving, by John Minto
The Press
Funerals have come a long way since I was a boy. I was often called out of school to perform the role of altar boy at funeral services for local Catholic parishioners in South Dunedin, and they were all similar mundane affairs.
Radio NZ. Nine to Noon
10:40 Book Review - Quentin Johnson reviews The Shroud: the 2000 year old mystery solved. Written by Ian Wilson. Published by Bantam Press.
Half a century of service (photo)
Bayswater's Catholics are celebrating their church's 50 years of contribution to the suburb
** Rachel's Vineyard **
Sister Stephanie Kitching introduces Rachel's Vineyard Retreat for spiritual healing after abortion, with Wendy Hill and Suzanne O'Rourke.
** Saying Yes **
Sister Mary Scanlan on the Incarnation of the Lord and the value of the word "Yes".
** Easter Sunday **
The Crucifixion (Luke 24:1-12): a reading and discussion with Rev Dr Raymond Pelley and Very Rev Frank Nelson at St Paul's Cathedral, Wellington.
'BEING FRANK' - New Zealand Catholic blogs
** And He Descended into Hell (a reflection for Holy Saturday) ...
** "I shouldn't have stopped for that haircut. Sorry." (God and the barber)
** The Father of Our Family needs our prayers..
** "No, really, we're just fine.conflict, eruption, unemployment."
(attitudes to life in Congo)
** And now, for a special message from the Mouth of Sauron. (on Richard
Dawkins on Pope Benedict)
** Unhealthy healthcare (on reform of the the U.S. healthcare system)
** Back in the Headlines (Bishop Pat Dunn's interview on the abuse scandal)
Living the Word - Fr Frank Bird sm
Reflect - Veronica Lawson RSM
Daily Reflections (right-hand column)
ALL THINGS CATHOLIC, by John L. Allen, Jr.
Is middle ground possible on the Pope?
More and more, I'm wondering if Karl Rove was right. Rove, of course, famously argued that the "independent voter" is a myth. Whatever they may tell pollsters, most Americans in their heart of hearts are clearly aligned with one side or the other, so the trick to winning elections is to turn outmore of your base than the other side does of theirs. "Rove's Law" is about politics, but I'm beginning to suspect it has some traction in Catholic affairs as well...
Bishop Pat Dunn's diary
Catholic Discipleship College
'The Fifteenth Station'
Hato Hohepa / St Joseph's Maori Girls' College
Youth for Family and Life (YFL) New Zealand
http://www.romereports.com (video)
http://www.youtube.com/vatican (news of Pope Benedict - video)
Eucharistic Convention 2010
April 9-11 Westlake Boys High Auditorium, Takapuna, North Shore, Auckland
Convention Website:
Convention Social Networking Site: http://eucharist.ning.com
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the Vacancies section of the Education Gazette: http://www.edgazette.govt.nz ]
[Vacancies for Catholic youth workers are advertised on the Vacancies page of Connect.org.nz: http://www.connect.org.nz ]
Fundraising Co-ordinator, Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand
Details in 'NZ Catholic' Mar 28 - April 10 2010 p.26, in 'Wel-com' April 2010 p.2, and from Claire Beaumont, claire@caritas.org.nz ; tel: (04) 496 1742 Applications close 12 April 2010.
Turanga Maori Advisor, Archdiocese of Wellington
Details in 'Wel-com' April 2010 p.6, and from Lorraine McArthur, Director, Archdiocesan Pastoral Services, tel: (04) 496 1706; e-mail: l.mcarthur@wn.catholic.org.nz Applications close 19 April 2010