Top cardinal predicts future popes to 'retire before death' http://www.cathnews.com/news/310/52.php Beligian Cardinal Godfried Daneels, seen as a possible successor to John Paul II, has said that higher life expectancy means it is no longer right to expect popes to shoulder the burden of office until death. "We are living for longer and longer and one cannot continue to bear this responsibility when you are 90 or 100, even if you are looked after in the best way", he said...
Former Protestant Pastor Helps Shepherd Catholic Converts Marcus Grodi's Coming Home Network Focuses on Inquiring Clergy http://zenit.org/english/visualizza.phtml?sid=42357 Zanesville, Ohio, OCT. 8, 2003 (Zenit.org).- Every year, about 100 clergy from dozens of denominations make a step toward the Catholic Church by contacting the Coming Home Network International. The network, which has 800-some clergy members who have converted or are still discerning their conversion, connects those inquirers with others from the same background who have converted to Catholicism, and provides them with prayerful, moral and sometimes financial support....
Sharing Gospel through Rugby World Cup Catholic Leader (Brisbane) 05.10.2003 http://www.catholicleader.com.au/prinfriendly.php?num=1557 It was during the Sydney Olympics in 2000 that sports ministry came into its own in Australia. Christian Churches and organisations, spurred on by a number of Christians with sporting backgrounds, came together to promote the Gospel through sports ministry during the two-week event. They hosted sports clinics and staged community events, outreach programs were held in the streets and at stadiums, Christian homes were opened to help accommodate athletes' families and more than a quarter of a million pieces of Christian literature were distributed. The venture was so successful Church leaders decided to use the same strategies for the Rugby World Cup which starts on October 10........
Vatican: Pope is Above Nobel Peace Prize Reuters October 10, 2003 http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=worldNews&storyID=3595268 Vatican City (Reuters) - Pope John Paul is not upset that he failed to win the Nobel Peace Prize and is above such awards, the pope's top aide told Reuters on Friday. "The pope is a messenger of peace," Secretary of State Cardinal Angelo Sodano said in an interview. "If an organization wants to recognize it, that's fine. But the pope is above these things," said Sodano, who ranks second only to the pope in the Vatican hierarchy....
Bali memorial a 'balance' of beliefs Reuters 07 October 2003 http://www.stuff.co.nz/stuff/0,2106,2682957a12,00.html Bali: Indonesia's commemoration of last October's Bali bomb blasts that killed 202 people is a delicate balance between local Hindu beliefs in reincarnation and Western needs to remember, Foreign Minister Hassan Wirajuda says. Australian Prime Minister John Howard is to join hundreds of relatives of victims, almost half of whom were Australian, in commemorative ceremonies on the resort island on Sunday but Indonesian President Megawati Sukarnoputri will not attend....
Garth George: Thank God at least one church still sticks to its guns NZ Herald 09.10.2003 http://tinyurl.com/qkuk... For the past few years I have been a member of the Catholic Church. It is an institution able to accommodate every political persuasion, from the far right of, for instance, Opus Dei, to the far left of the followers of liberation theology; and every spiritual persuasion, from hidebound traditionalists to joyful charismatics. Plus everybody in between - including rebels like me....
Man admits abuse claims false TVNZ Oct 10, 2003 (full text) A Christchurch man has admitted two dishonesty charges after obtaining thousands of dollars in compensation from a Catholic order. In the District Court on Friday Justin Todd Richardson admitted he received the $95,000 after falsely claiming he was sexually abused at a school run by the St John of God Order. His counsel Gerald Lascelles said Richardson had already handed back $10,000 in cash and had another $20,000 in cheques to pay back. The Judge convicted Richardson and remanded him in custody for sentence in December. He said Richardson's actions had created an atmosphere of skepticism towards others who had suffered abuse at the school.
Thousands march on Tongan Parliament NZ Herald 07.10.2003 http://tinyurl.com/qkuo Thousands of people brought Tonga to a standstill yesterday with a march on the Legislative Assembly to protest against constitutional changes that would give more powers to the King. Catholic Bishop Sioane Foliaki led the march and presented the petition....
Statements and media releases http://www.cathcom.org.nz/media.php
** New Zealand bishops' statement on protecting the rights of children (08 Oct 2003)
** "Auckland s Catholic bishops slam government s lack of common humanity regarding Ahmed Zaoui" (media release 6 Oct 2003)
[Caritas Aoteararoa NZ has helped organise an appeal for Mr Zaoui (see: http://www.caritas.org.nz/world/algerian.asp )through Hotline, a Hong Kong based urgent response network. Full details of the appeal, and addresses for writing letters to Lianne Dalziel and to Mr Zaoui in Paremoremo prison are available at: http://www.acpp.org/uappeals/2003/030812s5.htm ]
From the October 2003 issue of the magazine, published by the Society of Mary http://www.maristmessenger.co.nz/index.php
Full text online:
** Daily Reflections ** Surf's up - this months recommended Websites to visit. ** Extra reading - a selection of articles from online Catholic journals, magazines and papers. ** Daily News from the Catholic world. ** Focus, by Carl Telford : Pope John Paul the Great, 1978-2003 ** Maori missionary Fr Frank Wall sm was a true apostle, full of zeal. ** A homily on John 21:15-19 by Carl Telford sm : Peter's three-fold denial and three-fold call ** Marist Spirituality: Reflecting on handing on the Marist spirit ** Fr Victor Poupinel sm, Part of our Marist story
Also in the October Marist Messenger.... Just a teenager from the past ... For an hour we bumped along ... Retreiving the memory ... Fr Victor Poupinal sm ... St Brigid's Cross... The Mysteries of Paradox ... A Charcoal fire ... Vandals ... Allowing God with us ... Danilo Dolci ... Marist Messenger Update
(Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the Education Gazette: http://www.edgazette.govt.nz/vacancies )
Director of Education for Pastoral Ministry, Catholic Diocese of Dunedin Details in 'NZ Catholic' October 5-18 2003 p. 23 and from: Bishops's Secretary, Private Bag 1941, Dunedin. Applications close 17 October 2003
Adult Education Tutor/Distance Learning Coordinator, Wellington Catholic Education Centre. Details in 'NZ Catholic' October 5-18 2003 p. 23, and from Peter Bray, e-mail: p.bray@wcec.org.nz Applications close 17 October 2003