News of the Pope from the secular press, constantly updated: http://news.google.com/news?hl=en&ned=us&q=pope&ie=UTF-8&scoring=d
Radio New Zealand Newswire - 26/02/2005 (full text) A spokesperson for the Catholic Church, Lindsay Freer, says Catholics throughout the country will be praying for the health of Pope John Paul at this weekend's masses. The Vatican says the pontiff is recovering normally after surgery, to ease breathing difficulties caused by flu. Surgeons performed a tracheotomy yesterday, inserting a tube into the Pope's throat to help him breath more easily. Mrs Freer says the 84-year old, although very frail, is still in full command of his intellectual capacities. She says most churchgoers appear to support whatever decision he makes about whether to step down or remain as head of the Church.
Vatican Sees Pope's Suffering As Message http://www.620ktar.com/?nid=46&sid=29095 Vatican City (AP) - Young and vigorous when he assumed the papacy, Pope John Paul II has been a picture of pain and suffering in recent years, a bent figure with trembling hands and quavering voice. Yet the 84-year-old pontiff appears intent on playing out his agony for all the world to see _ sending out a message of dignity, courage and acceptance of the trials of life....
Arson plans cooked up in graveyard http://www.nzherald.co.nz/index.cfm?ObjectID=10112699 Fuelled by a bit of alcohol, a hint of Satanism, and a love of an extreme form of heavy metal, a group of young West Aucklanders who went on a church-burning spree hatched their plan in a graveyard. First on the list was the chapel at Liston College, a Catholic boys' school, in Henderson...
Caritas vows to continue aid NZCity (full text) Upgraded travel warnings will not stop aid agencies working is tsunami stricken areas Aid workers are vowing to continue to help Tsunami-stricken Indonesia despite threats of terror attacks. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade has upgraded travel warnings to the area and Helen Clark says New Zealand troops are unlikely to stay there much longer. Caritas Emergency Programme Manager Tim Chiswell has recently returned home to New Zealand from Aceh. He says the risk has definitely increased, but Caritas will continue to offer help. He says they have good security systems in place. The Catholic church's agency for justice, peace and development has still got about 40 ex-pats working in Aceh.
"We must hide no longer in our obscurity", by Bother Pat Lynch, New Zealand Catholic Education Office executive director. Otago Daily Times http://tinyurl.com/6qsnw The Boxing Day tsunami tragedy in Southeast Asia quickly became the riveting concern of the world community, simply because of its enormity and because citizens from more than 60 countries were affected by it. However, it starkly demonstrated that we are a global community and when our humanity is threatened, it overrides various forms of difference and distinction....
Destiny title of bishop not really a puzzle (letter to the editor of the Otago Daily Times) http://tinyurl.com/64wzn Your headline on the puzzlement of the churches on Pastor Brian Tamaki's new title of "bishop" (ODT, 19.2.05) somewhat misses the point. As you correctly note, the Destiny Church has a fundamentalist emphasis on "the Bible says" and Pastor Tamaki's new title should be understood in this light....
Nun who challenged Roman Catholic texts on Judaism is subject of Oscar-nominated film http://cbsnewyork.com/national/SisterRosesPassion-aa/resources_news_html Whippany, N.J. (AP) Sister Rose Thering recalls that, even as a little girl, the words just didn't sound right: Did the Jews really kill Jesus? It was the 1920s, and Thering's hometown of Plain, Wis., was mostly Roman Catholic with a smattering of Protestants and no Jews. Her curiosity soon led the young Thering to an intellectual contradiction and then to a lifelong campaign for change within her church....
The Religious Geopolitics of Cardinal Ruini http://www.chiesa.espressonline.it/dettaglio.jsp?id=23170&eng=y ROMA, February 21, 2005 - Different visions of religious geopolitics coexist in the Catholic Church. But finding today's leading vision requires nothing more than reading the speeches of two cardinals: Joseph Ratzinger and Camillo Ruini...
"Let the little children come to me" Liturgy Lines/The Liturgical Commission, Archdiocese of Brisbane http://www.litcom.net.au/liturgy_lines/displayarticle.php?llid=351 I was touched by this recent heartfelt plea from a young father: I am married with two small children - a boy two and a girl three-and-a-half. We all try to make it to Mass every Sunday. However at our parish church there are hardly any children at all, so Mass is very quiet, which can make the sound of a talking child seem disruptive in comparison. Some people clearly resent our children making a small amount of noise. There are cold stares and sometimes snubbing of us at the sign of peace...
It's OK to Struggle http://www.catholicdigest.org/editorial.asp?filetouse=2005-2-10.htm A marriage expert reminds us: Happily ever after only happens in the movies
Pope says world failed to learn lessons of 20th century http://www.cathnews.com/news/502/135.php Reporting of Pope John Paul II's new book following Tuesday's Rome launch has focused on his disappointment that society has failed to turn its back on the forces of evil. Summarising the message of "Memory and Identity: Conversations Between Millenniums", Catholic News Service says the Holy Father is convinced that good has triumphed, but worries that not all the lessons have been learned....
Father Giussani, a father who inspired a commitment to mission by Bernardo Cervellera http://www.asianews.it/view.php?l=en&art=2630 I met Father Giussani [founder of the movement "Communiion and Liberation"] when I was 17. Meeting him was like meeting a father who opened the door to the truths of life and to a commitment to the world. Back then I lived my faith in a pietist way and my commitment to the student movement was communist in the typical craziness of the Christianity of the 1960s. I owe it to Father Giussani if I rediscovered the Church not as a set of moral rules and emotions but as the stirring presence of the living Jesus Christ. I owe it to him if I discovered that faith deals with what man is and does, with his individual and social needs....
Pope Urges Church to Rethink Its Attitude Toward Media Publishes Apostolic Letter "The Rapid Development" http://www.zenit.org/english/visualizza.phtml?sid=66695 Vatican City, Feb. 21, 2005 (Zenit.org).- John Paul II in a new apostolic letter calls the entire Church to a pastoral and cultural "revision" of its presence in and attitude toward the media. In the letter, made public today, the Pope says that ecclesial dynamism in the "global village" depends on this revision. The media, he observed, can be used "to proclaim the Gospel or to reduce it to silence within men's hearts...."
Pope set for tracheotomy procedure Ecumenical assault on Govt more Iraq troops decision Centacare search for families to adopt healthy babies Survey reveals US teens' religious knowledge to be shallow Man surrenders to police after Catholic school stand-off ACU hosts conference on saltmarshes
"Lighting New Fires": A newsletter for NZ integrated schools, with a Catholic schools' Supplement
Issue 1 February 2005:
Editorial, by Br Pat Lynch ... Education Amendment Bill Introduced into Parliament ... Hon David Benson-Pope Appointed Associate Minister for Schools ... Making a Bigger Difference for All Students - Schooling Strategy... Discussions and Submissions ... Values in the New Zealand Curriculum ... Congratulations: Achievements of integrated schools throughout New Zealand... School Record Retention Project ... Top National Excellence in Teaching Award to Integrated School Teacher ... Code of Ethics for Teachers Now Official ... New Website for Information on Education ... Teaching About Religion and Values Through Art - Dr Peter Vardy Conferences ... 'Bounce Back' - Texts to Promote Student Resiliency ... Keeping Schools Cybersafe... Modern Apprenticeships and National Certificates in the Workplace Increasing ... Mediation Service Available ... Did You Know? UK Minister urges coeducational schools to teach girls and boys separately ... Primary Enterprise Programme (PrEP) Has Lots to Offer ... Useful Resources on Change, Loss, Grief and Anger ... International Year of Physics
Catholic Schools' Supplement, February 2005
Editorial ... Catholic Leadership Scholarships Awarded ... Two New Schools Open ... Congratulations to Principals New to the Leadership of Catholic Schools ... St Joseph's School, Oamaru, Seeks a Principal ... Seabed and Foreshore Catholic Submissions and Statements to the Select Committee ... 'Land and Place' - Catholic Institute of Theology's essays on the Spirituality of Aotearoa New Zealand ... Sancta Maria College Receives Architecture Award ... Congratulations to Members of Our Catholic Schools' Community ... Praise from the National Party Education Spokesman, Bill English ... Meeting of Principals of New Catholic Schools ... Catholic Character Reviewers Impressed with Schools ... Government Takes Action on Child Labour, Thanks to Catholic Schools ... New Special Character Qualification
Treat Terror Threats with Caution 21 February 2005:The sources of yesterday's warning from the Australian Foreign Minister that humanitarian aid workers face an imminent threat of terrorist attacks need to be analysed and treated with caution, says Caritas Emergencies Officer, Tim Chiswell, recently returned from Aceh....
A weekly column by the National Catholic Reporter's full-time correspondent in Rome, John L. Allen Jr.
Summary of the column for Feb. 25 2005 : My advice to the Vatican: Visit the L.A. Religious Ed Congress; Report card on ecclesiology; World Youth Day in Cologne; New secretary general of Vatican city-state; An appreciation of Fr. Luigi Giussani, founder of Communion and Liberation; Prayer in US public schools (cont); The 'three-kick rule'
The Eucharistic Convention, Auckland Friday April 1st to Sunday 3 April 2005 http://www.eucharistic-convention.com The Eucharistic Convention is an annual event organised by lay people of the Catholic Church in the Diocese of Auckland, New Zealand.
Catholic Festival, Auckland St Patrick's Cathedral and vicinity, Saturday 9 April 2005. Opening Mass 11 am. http://www.catholicfestival.org The Catholic Festival is a celebration of our faith that will be joyful, prayerful, reflective, informative and educational. The Festival is an opportunity for all Catholics to display the gifts that God has given them, thereby stengthening their faith and Catholic identity, to celebrate our rich cultural diversity and to grow together in unity. The Festival is also an opportunity for the many groups and religious communities to promote their apostolates and seek members and vocations...
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the Education Gazette: http://www.edgazette.govt.nz/vacancies ]
[Vacancies in Catholic Youth Ministry are advertised on the Job Bank page of the National Council for Young Catholics: http://ncyc.org.nz ]