NEWS & NOTES - 5 July 2009
New technology used to spread message of St Paul (3 July 2009)
Using innovative technology that opens our world to new learning possibilities “is truly a fitting way to close the Church year that has celebrated our great Gospel communicator,” said Brisbane’s Archbishop John Bathersby before opening the St Paul E-Conference with a prayer...
'WEL-COM' - The newspaper of Wellington and Palmerston North dioceses
Wel-com proofreader honoured ... Why we are so violent towards our children? ... Expectations of children key in violence stats
World News
West Papuan priest risks life to speak of oppression ... Caritas helps 60,000 cyclone survivors in Myanmar ... Caritas warns of genocide in Zimbabwe, calls for arms ban
Guest editorial: We believed the lie, by Fr James Lyons ... The Year of the Priest: Biblical reflections on priesthood, by Kieran Fenn FMS ... Archbishop's Column: I invite you to collaborate with me, by Archbishop John Dew
St Cath's new charity initiative ... Hutt school tops wearable arts ... Marist St Pat's takes the prized Swindale after eight tries
My journey from parental smacking ... Protect our children - vote 'yes' ... From the Year of Paul to the Year of the Priest
Old hands steer pathway into a new era ... Newtown People's Market a regular ... The cathedral 160 years ago
Palmerston North
Sharing the gospel using social context ... Prisoners share Lenten message of hope ... Southern Delights
Reflect, with Veronica Lawson RSM
Perfecting an ancient art form (photo)
Northern Outlook
When the sun shines, windows in cathedrals, churches and historic buildings around New Zealand glow with the colours of stained-glass painter Graham Stewarts's passion.
New school an ‘exciting challenge’
Eastern Courier | 3 Jul 2009 Page: 7
Construction is “full steam ahead” for Sancta Maria Catholic Primary School. The new Flat Bush school is due to open in February next door to Sancta Maria Catholic College between Te Irirangi Drive and Chapel Rd. It will have a roll of 260
Radio NZ. Sunday Morning, with Chris Laidlaw. Feature interview: The
Spirituality of Boys
F. Washington (Tony) Jarvis, an Episcopal priest, teaches at Yale University where he is Director of the Educational Leadership and Ministry Program at the Berkeley Divinity School. He's in New Zealand for the International Boys School Coalition's annual conference being held at Lindisfarne College in Hawke's Bay, where he's speaking on "Meeting Boys' Deepest Needs: Ten Changes We Need to Make as We Try to Help Boys Grow Spiritually".
Blanket appeal to help refuges
Central Leader
A massive blanket drive is being co-ordinated by Marist College to cover women's refuges and emergency housing schemes.
Devine an indomitable cavalier
Frank Devine, who died yesterday, was the laughing cavalier of Australian journalism. His laughter, often noisy, was always infectious. Commenting on the former editor of three of News Corporation's newspapers, including The Australian, chairman and chief executive Rupert Murdoch says: "Frank had a great sense of humour ... which he applied to nearly everything in life."
Paper thin skin
East and Bays Courier
At St Mary's Catholic school in Ellerslie, eight-year-old Simon Lasso occasionally has to sit out games and sports and has trouble using his gloved hands to make things.
School blessed by beginning (photo)
Cambridge Edition
St Peter's Catholic School held the world premiere of its production 'In the Beginning' last week with a total of 196 students on stage in various roles.
Hundreds farewell 'surfer dude' (photo)
More than 700 mourners farewelled a "surfer dude with a loving heart" in Christchurch yesterday. Lawyer Johnathan McCarthy, 50, who died last week, was a surfing identity and environmental campaigner known to many as "The Fang".
Don’t contract out punishment Caritas says
Management of prisons should not be contracted out, Catholic social justice agency Caritas told Parliament’s Law and Order Select Committee today.
City stayed with Canadian psychiatrist (photo)
Southland-born Dr John Flannery, who has died aged 73 in Toronto, was a GP in Wellington before emigrating to Canada, where he became a prominent psychiatrist and analyst.
The `face' of St Mary's School calling it a day (photo)
Hers is the first face visitors to St Mary's School see. She's there when a sick child needs reassurance and for staff in a hurry for stationery. But after 25 years as the Palmerston North Catholic school's administration manager, Mrs Carey is saying farewell.
Parents quit school board and pull kids from class
The Horowhenua Mail
An Otaki primary school is being accused of failing to teach its children basic maths and English by a group of parents who resigned from the school board in protest last week.
Outrage as pupils told to pick up used condoms (photo)
Board members at an Otaki Catholic primary school have resigned after children were forced to pick up used condoms in the grounds.
Sister Mary - A life well travelled (photo)
When Mary Cosgrove was just 19, she turned her back on her teenage years, entering the religious order of the Sisters of Mercy, founded in Ireland in 1831. Sixty years later she’s finally ready to retire. She shares with chief reporter Sue Newman the story of a life that, by today’s standards is extraordinary.
Neighbours consider appeal
Neighbours of a newly-approved Catholic school near Arrowtown are considering appealing its resource consent. A resource consent, with 22 conditions, was granted for a 112-pupil primary school at Speargrass Flat valley despite 26 of 28 submissions opposing it.
INSPIRATIONAL TV - http://inspirationaltv.net
** Who is Jesus? **
A reading and commentary on Mark 6:1-6 with Rev Frank Nelson and Dr Frank Pelly at St Paul's Cathedral, Wellington.
'BEING FRANK' - http://www.beingfrank.co.nz
New Zealand Catholic Blogs. Some current topics ...
Coming Home (the experience of conversion as an adult) ... “Dear Lord, ... freeze everything as it is and I won’t ask for anything more" (Why can’t we live in a perfect world?) ... I’m addicted to order…is there some kind of support group for this? ... Taize among the children of the quartier (a Taizé brother in Senegal) ... A tale of two celebrities - and that darned swine flu thing again! (Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett) ... The imperfect origins of necessary infrastructure ("Why doesn’t the Church sell up all its nice buildings and assets?") ... Catholic guilt ("I would love to go to church without feeling guilty")
ALL THINGS CATHOLIC, by John L. Allen, Jr.
A key to reading Benedict's social encyclical
Italians have a wonderful phrase, chiave di lettura, which literally means a "key to reading." It refers to some core idea, or perspective, that can help make sense of a complex mass of material. Since Benedict XVI's long-awaited encyclical on the economy is finally set to appear next Tuesday, it seems a good time to float a possible chiave di lettura for the document, which I can express in one word: synthesis...
http://www.romereports.com (video)
http://www.youtube.com/vatican (news of Pope Benedict - video)
'Be the Change': NZ Catholic Education Convention
29 - 31 July Wellington Convention Centre
Full details and registration: http://www.conference.co.nz/cathed09
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the Vacancies section of the Education Gazette: http://www.edgazette.govt.nz ]
[Vacancies for Catholic youth workers are advertised on the Vacancies page of Connect.org.nz: http://www.connect.org.nz ]
Executive Assistant, Missionz (the Pontifical Mission Societies)
Details in Welcom July 2009 p.4, at
and from Mike Hurdle, Micah Partners, tel: 64-4-499 4749, mobile: 64-21-552
929, fax: 64-4-499 7375, e-mail: contact@micahpartners.co.nz. Closing date: 10 July 2009