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Father, all-powerful and ever-living God, we do well always and everywhere to give you thanks through Jesus Christ our Lord. At the Last Supper, he sat at table with his apostles, he offered himself to you as the spotless lamb, the acceptable gift that gives you perfect praise. Christ has given us this memorial of his passion to bring us its saving power until the end of time. In this great sacrament you feed your people and strengthen them in holiness, so that the family of mankind may come to walk in the light of one faith, in one communion of love. We come then to this wonderful sacrament to be fed at your table and grow into the likeness of the risen Christ. Earth unites with heaven to sing the new song of creation as we adore and praise you for ever. [Preface II for the Mass of the Holy Eucharist] **************************************** FROM THE CATHOLIC PRESS 'The Far East' June 2001 http://www.columban.org.au/TFE/TrevorTrotter/FarEast.htm ['The Far East' is the monthly magazine of the New Zealand and Australian members of St Columban's Missionary Society] 'Respect for creation' (Editorial) Those who believe that God the Creator has given creation to us as a gift are moved to reverence at such kindness. Tobias prayed, "Let the heavens and all your creation praise you forever" (Tb 8:5) and Isaiah (6:3) said "... the whole earth is full of his glory."....... 'Our great friend, Earth', by Fr Sean McDonagh On January 1, 1990, Pope John Paul II published an important document on the environment, entitled 'Peace with God the Creator, Peace with All Creation' * . The Pope acknowledged that "faced with the widespread destruction of the environment, people everywhere are coming to understand that we cannot now use the goods of the earth as we have in the past".......... 'How green is my Church?', by Fr Michael Gormly The Year of Jubilee was a tremendous opportunity for our church communities to make a fresh and sustained commitment to ecology and to the integrity of creation. This was a time to affirm a strong missionary and spiritual dimension in the environmental debate........... 'Requiem for a rainforest', by Fr Niall O'Brien Recently I read a very beautiful book called Vanishing Treasures of the Philippine Rainforest. In 1907 we had a rainforest cover of 70%. By 1992 it was down to 8%. The sound of chainsaws still goes on. There are also maps of the island of Negros, equally depressing, showing a few tiny green spots in the north and in the bottom end of Negros and nothing else. Still they chop with government approval. A future generation will surely weep over this and wonder what was wrong with us........ * http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/john_paul_ii/messages/peace/documents/hf_jp-ii\ _mes_19891208_xxiii-world-day-for-peace_en.html ******************************** FROM THE SECULAR PRESS 'Advertising scam turns up in Capital ' The Evening Post 11 June 2001 http://www.stuff.co.nz/inl/index/0,1008,826059a1701,FF.html A scam that targets businesses and charitable organisations - including a Christchurch convent of Carmelite nuns - has hit the Capital. The scam, which could involve more than $100,000, works by billing organisations and groups for advertisements they never ordered, then using debt collectors to make them pay....... **************************************** EDUCATION NZ Catholic Education Office. 'Lighting New Fires': Issue 2 2001 http://catholic.org.nz/nzceo/lightingnewfires.htm News, advice and resources for teachers in Catholic and other integrated schools. ***************************************** EVENTS & COURSES 22-23 June Mercy Health Care Conference 2001, Waipuna Conference Centre, Auckland. The focus of the conference will be how Catholic health and aged care services can uphold the dignity of human life while setting realistic limits to the care provided. Details in 'NZ Catholic' 8 April 2001 p.19 and from the Conference Organiser, Te Tairere Oranga, PO Box 109 025 Newmarket, Auckland. Website: http://www.mercy.co.nz/ 29 June-1 July 6 July-8 July Discipleship Training Course, St Michael's Church, Ohaupo, Hamilton Cost $80, accommodation can be arranged. Details in 'NZ Catholic' 3 June 2001 p.23 and from Eleanor Ranum, PO Box 358, Putaruru. Tel: 07 883 3037 30 June 2001 'Logos 3', McAuley High School, 26 High St., Otahuhu. 4pm-10pm Praise and worship, music, workshops, giveaways, games, prayer and Scripture "'Logos' is an Auckland Catholic organisation celebrating our youth and our heritage". Tel. Frs Pat, Joe or Kevin at (09) 625 1250. E-mail: logosproject@hotmail.com 23-27 July 2001 Churches' Education Commission. State school chaplaincy training course, Auckland C.E.C. is the educational agency of the churches, established "to stimulate, service and co-ordinate the concerns of member denominations and related organisations for Christian and general education in New Zealand". Details in 'NZ Catholic' 3 June 2001 p.23 and from the Commission, PO Box 26-679 St Heliers Bay, Auckland 1005. Tel: 09 622 0664; in Wellington tel; 04 384 3587. Website: http://www.cec.org.nz/ Closing date for applications to enrol: 30 June 2001 'Art and Faith' Competition for paintings of a spiritual nature sponsored by 'NZ Catholic' newspaper, Lillias McLean and Creative Communities [Auckland City] Committee. Details in 'NZ Catholic' May 20 2001 p.23 . Entry form from NZ Catholic, PO Box 147-000, Ponsonby, Auckland 1034. Email: catholic@iconz.co.nz or artel@xtra.co.nz. Fax: (09) 360 3065 or (09) 524 8322 Closing date: 31 August 2001 ***************************** EMPLOYMENT (Vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the Education Gazette: http://www.edgazette.govt.nz/vacancies ) Executive Officer, Aotearoa New Zealand Catholic Healthcare. Details in 'NZ Catholic' 3 June 2001 p.23 and from John Topp, Wheeler Campbell Consulting Ltd, tel; 04 499 1500, fax: 04 499 1600 Chaplain, Mt Eden Prison Women's Division, and Auckland Central Remand Prison. Details in 'NZ Catholic' 3 June 2001 p.23 and from Sister Judith Leydon, Vicar for Religious, Tel 09 378 4380. Applications close 25 June 2001 |
Sunday, June 17, 2001
17 june 2001
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