(I'm happy to report that after a gap of nearly a year, fresh content from Wel-com (joint diocesan newspaper of Wellington and Palmerston North) will soon be appearing regularly on its Website. ML)
NZ Govt gives benefits to Catholic theology students 'NZ Catholic'/CathNews http://www.cathnews.com/news/302/22.php Access to Catholic tertiary education has become easier for New Zealanders with a Ministry of Education announcement that Good Shepherd College students are to have access to student allowances and loans....
****************************** 'NZ Catholic' No 155, February 9, 2003 http://www.nzcatholic.org.nz
"Two new colleges open their doors " Wellington - Two new co-educational Catholic colleges opened their doors to their first students at the end of January...
"Visiting Iraqi sister expresses her people's worries over war " Auckland - "Very worried and very afraid" are words used often by a visiting Iraqi religious sister talking about a possible war in her country...
"Replacement for COVS will "work together" in partnership " Auckland - A Maori name, Mahitahi, has been chosen for the new organisation replacing the Catholic Overseas Volunteer Service which closed last year....
On the bishops' News page, at http://www.catholic.org.nz/newsF.htm ...
** Pope John Paul's Lenten message: "It is more blessed to give than to receive" (February 2003)
** Catholic Communications media statement: Cardinal Williams highly critical of military intervention in Iraq. (February 2003)
** "Molokai" an acclaimed movie is about to screen in New Zealand. Molokai is the true story of Father Damien, a young, healthy and devout Belgian priest who, almost single-handedly, changed the lives and fates of the leprosy sufferers who were exiled to Molokai in the late nineteenth century. (January 2003) (Links to the trailer for this film)
Ex-priest to be extradited on child sex abuse charges Ananova 6 Feb 2003 http://www.cathnews.com/news/302/30.php A former priest who became a trauma counsellor in London is to be extradited from the UK to New Zealand on 19 charges of sexually abusing 11 different boys....
Pope says war not inevitable http://uk.news.yahoo.com/030208/80/dss2w.html Vatican City (Reuters) - Pope John Paul, speaking ahead of a flurry of Vatican diplomatic efforts to avert conflict in Iraq, has urged the world not to resign itself to war. "We have to multiply efforts. We can't stop when faced with either terror attacks or the threats that are on the horizon. We should never resign ourselves, almost as if war is inevitable," the pope said on Saturday....
Iraqi official will meet with John Paul II at Vatican (full text) Vatican City, Feb 5, 2003 (Zenit.org).- "The deputy prime minister of the government of Iraq, Tariq Aziz, has requested to be received by the Pope. The Sovereign Pontiff will receive Mr. Tariq Aziz in audience in the Vatican on Feb. 14," says a press statement issued today Vatican spokesman JoaquĆn Navarro-Valls. Aziz, a member of the Iraqi Christian minority, confirmed the news in an interview with correspondents in Baghdad of the French newspapers Le Monde and Le Figaro. "I asked to be received by John Paul II, on the advice of friends in Italy and in the Vatican, and I received a positive answer from the Pontiff immediately," Aziz said.
Pope to meet Annan over Iraq on Feb 18 (full text) Vatican City, Feb. 8 — U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan is expected to fly to Rome to hold talks with Pope John Paul on Iraq this month, most likely on February 18, a Vatican source said on Saturday. The pope's meeting with Annan will take place just days after the Roman Catholic leader, who has made numerous appeals against a possible conflict in Iraq, is due Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Tareq Aziz.
Pope's peace man says Powell evidence unconvincing http://famulus.msnbc.com/FamulusIntl/reuters02-06-053029.asp?reg=MIDEAST
Cardinal predicts Novak’s effort to sell Vatican on Iraq war will fail http://www.cathnews.com/news/302/33.php
Pope and Germany Stand Together Over Iraq http://abcnews.go.com/wire/World/reuters20030207_266.html
South Africa- Catholic Bishops say war at this stage on Iraq would be immoral and illegal http://www.fides.org/eng/news/2003/0302/05_02.html
Swiss bishops alarmed at lack of ethical debate on Iraq war http://www.ewtn.com/vnews/getstory.asp?number=33601
Asia/Indonesia - Bishops express unity and sympathy to Bishops of Iraq http://www.fides.org/eng/vita_chiesa/vescovi_indonesia030203.html
War in Iraq Would Spark a Tragedy, Says Indian Episcopate http://www.zenit.org/english/visualizza.phtml?sid=30952
Cardinal Stafford Criticizes U.S. Plan for Pre-emptive Attack on Iraq http://www.zenit.org/english/visualizza.phtml?sid=30887
Wellington Archdiocesan Media Centre. Catholictv.net http://www.catholictv.net
Fr Peter Roe talks to Jim Kebbel about organic farming and the environment
The World Day of the Sick is sponsored by the Vatican's Pontifical Council for Health Pastoral Care. It is celebrated annually on the feast day of Our Lady of Lourdes to give thanks and recognition to those in the health care ministry, to provide an opportunity for reflection on the Church's teaching of health care, and to pray for those who are sick. For the past ten years the Day has celebrated in different regions of the world. In February this year, the XI Annual World Day of the Sick will be celebrated in the United States, where the Archdiocese of Washington is serving as the host. Participants from around the world--particularly from the nations of the Americas--health care leaders, and a delegation from the Vatican will gather in Washington, DC February 9-11, 2003, for dialogue, study, and a solemn liturgy and the anointing of the sick at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.
Pope John Paul's Message for the Eleventh World Day of the Sick, further background on the Day and liturgical resources are on (at least) the following Websites:
http://www.worlddayofthesick.org and http://www.cha.org.au/events/world_day_of_the_sick/indexwdos.html
April 2003
The Eucharistic Convention, Friday 25th April - 6.00pm Sunday 27 April 2003 http://eucharistic-convention.com Venue: The Logan Campbell Theatre, Auckland Showgrounds, Greenlane Road, Auckland New Zealand The Eucharistic Convention 2003 is an annual event organised by lay people within the Auckland Diocese of the Catholic Church in New Zealand. Full details are on the Website.
Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the Education Gazette: http://www.edgazette.govt.nz/vacancies
Vacancies in Catholic Youth Ministry are advertised on the Job Bank page of the National Council for Young Catholics: http://ncyc.org.nz
Library Assistant, The Eugene O'Sullivan Library, Catholic Institute of Theology. Auckland University 27 Hrs per week. Experience in general library duties and associated IT skills essential. For employment package and applications contact Margaret Grigg, Librarian, Newman Hall, Waterloo Quadrant, Auckland 1001, Ph (09)379-6424 Ext 723 ; E-mail: m.grigg@auckland.ac.nz ; Web: http://www.catholic.org.nz/auckland/cit/ Applications close 24th February 2003.
Religious Education Advisor, Northland Details in 'NZ Catholic' Jan 26 2003 p.17 and from Maureen Hammond, Co-ordinator Religious Education, Pompallier Diocesan Centre, Private Bag 47-904, Ponsonby, Auckland. Applications close 24 February 2003
Journalist, 'NZ Catholic' newspaper Experienced journalist required for relieving work in Auckland over several weeks in mid-2003. The job requires newspaper subbing/layout experience, good knowledge of the New Zealand Church, and computer skills. act the editor, Pat McCarthy, on (09) 360 3069
Mahitahi (formerly Catholic Overseas Volunteer Service) Volunteers with skills are needed for work in New Zealand and the Pacific Islands in the fields of ... Building Trades ... Maintenance... Mechanics ... Engineers ... Management ... ICT Admin ... Teachers... Nurses ... Governance ... Forestry ... Ecology ... Fisheries Contact : Tim Walsh, Mahitahi, Private Bag 47 904, Ponsonby, Auckland 1034 Email: timw@cda.org.nz ; Tel: (09) 360 3019 ; Fax: (09) 360 3012 ; Web: http://www.catholic.org.nz/auckland/mahitahi.htm