The Wedding at Cana: An extract from a film of St John's Gospel
Episode 134 — Security, Celibacy, Identity and Charity (January 15)
The Church in the United States, New Zealand and Germany is grappling with a number of big issues, with the southern US border and the impending New Zealand Royal Commission into child sexual abuse headlining this month's show. The German bishops are looking at the issue of celibacy, framing their rethink of the discipline as a response to the abuse crisis. In New Zealand, Catholic schools are trying to find authentic, pastoral responses to the issue of gender dysphoria, while back in America, a priest is enjoying spreading some Christmas joy — all year long. Join Anna, James and Gavin, and the returning Don, for this globetrotting episode.
CRUX - Edited by John L. Allen Jr. and Inés San Martin
Pro-life feminism seeks larger role in pro-life movement
Fiorella Nash is a writer and bioethicist in the United Kingdom with over ten years' experience researching life issues from a feminist perspective. She speaks often at international conferences and has appeared on radio and in print discussing abortion, gendercide, maternal health and commercial surrogacy. Her book The Abolition of Woman: How Radical Feminism Is Betraying Women was published last year. She is also an award-winning novelist and has published numerous books under the nom-de-plume Fiorella De Maria, including Poor Banished Children, Do No Harm, and We'll Never Tell Them. She spoke to Charles Camosy about her work in bioethics.
Vatican editor says Pope must face questions on women, sex abuse
According to an Italian historian who presides over a monthly Vatican magazine on women, both women and clerical sexual abuse are problems that will continue to dog Pope Francis until they're resolved. "[A] question arises, that of women who are nonexistent and invisible in the eyes of ecclesiastical hierarchies, accustomed to taking their service for granted," Lucetta Scaraffia wrote in a recent op-ed for the Spanish newspaper El Pais. "Today religious [women] no longer accept shameful conditions of exploitation and humiliation" ...
New Zealand Catholic
Periodicals & Newsletters
'NZ Catholic' is a national newspaper published by the Catholic Bishop of Auckland. http://www.nzcatholic.org.nz
Catholic Diocese of Hamilton. 'Kete Korero'. https://issuu.com/search?q=%22kete+korero%22
Catholic Dioceses of Palmerston North and Wellington. 'Wel-com' http://www.welcom.org.nz
Catholic Diocese of Christchurch. 'Inform' https://chchcatholic.nz/?sid=25 (Latest news - Latest Inform)
Catholic Diocese of Dunedin. 'The Tablet' https://catholic-diocese.squarespace.com/back-issues
The Nathaniel Centre. The New Zealand Catholic Bioethics Centre. 'The Nathaniel Report' http://www.nathaniel.org.nz/
NZ Catholic Education Office. School News Update http://www.nzceo.org.nz/news/
Society of Mary. 'Marist Messenger' http://www.maristmessenger.co.nz
St Columban's Mission Society. 'The Far East' https://www.columban.org.au/media-and-publications/the-far-east-magazine/archive/
'Tui Motu Interislands'. An independent Catholic magazine. http://www.tuimotu.org/
New Zealand Commentaries
on the Sunday Readings
Fr Frank Bird sm. Living the Word: Sundays of the Year: Discussion Guide - http://livingtheword.org.nz
Marist Messenger. Daily Reflections https://www.maristmessenger.co.nz/
Catholic Discovery NZ (Catholic Enquiry Centre)
'NZ Catholic' newspaper
Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand
Holy Cross Seminary
Marist Seminary, Auckland NZ
NZ Catholic Bishops' Conference
News of the Church
in NZ and the World
https://www.romereports.com/en/ (video)
Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised on the Website of the Education Gazette: https://gazette.education.govt.nz/vacancies/?Keywords=catholic#results
Vacancies in the Catholic Overseas Volunteer programme:
Job vacancies in the Catholic dioceses of ...
** Wellington: https://www.wn.catholic.org.nz/archdiocesan-offices/jobs/