NEWS & NOTES - 19 July 2009
Catholic bishops say reconciliation, not revenge, needed in prisons (July
17, 2009)
In a statement on imprisonment, New Zealand’s Catholic bishops have stressed that reconciliation, not revenge, must become the focus of the justice system in order to create a safer and more secure society. The statement 'Revenge or Reconciliation', released today, reflects the view of Chief Justice Dame Sian Elias and Corrections Department chief Barry Matthews that greater community involvement is needed to reduce New Zealand’s high prison rate...
Leonard Gardner. Cathedral redevelopment (photos)
Build (Wellington, N.Z.), Jun/Jul 2009; n.112:p.46-47
The redevelopment of the Hamilton Catholic Diocese Cathedral.
Winter woolies (photo)
Hauraki Herald
Paroa Catholic Women's League has been doing its bit to keep orphans in European orphanages warm in their coming winter.
Bill Henderson: Liverpool in the blitz was his training ground (photo)
The "father of the modern New Zealand Fire Service" never intended to be a fireman at all – he had wanted to be a policeman. But Bill Henderson’s dedication and self-discipline ensured a historic life as a decorated firefighter, setting up New Zealand's fire service training school and becoming the first fire commissioner.
Site cleared for new hall
The Leader, Nelson
St Mary's Hall on Manuka Street has been demolished over the school holidays to make way for a new hall for St Joseph's School and parish.
Historic move for Catholic school (photo)
As the school holidays come to a close, Christ the King Primary School is getting ready to open new doors.
Higher calling for Arts Centre's stonemason (photo caption)
The Press, 15 Jul 2009, Edition 2, Page 8.
Arts Centre stonemason Paul Houlihan puts the finishing touches on a replacement cross for Our Lady Star of the Sea, a Catholic Church in Sumner. Houlihan, who has been in the stonemasonry business for 29 years, took a week to carve the 40-kilogram replica from an 80kg, one metre-long block of Oamaru stone. Arts Centre marketing manager Jennie Currie said the old cross, which was unstable and had a crack in it, was used as a template. The new cross will be erected today.
Vatican papers show different approaches to Maori by French priests (full
A different view of early contacts with Maori is emerging from the archives of the Vatican. Waatea News reports scholars are translating more than 2000 letters that Marist missionaries sent back to Rome from New Zealand and the Pacific islands between 1839 and 1854. Waikato University lecturer William Jennings says French Catholic priests had a markedly different approach to Maori than their English Anglican counterparts. Dr Jennings says the letters contain transcriptions of moteatea or traditional songs, as well as reports of debates in Maori between converts of the various Christian denominations.
University of Waikato. Early letters offer unique window into New Zealand
A collection of recently published letters from French missionaries in New Zealand is set to offer a unique window into the early history of European settlement here.
Caritas says child discipline referendum will not provide clarity
Catholic social justice agency Caritas says the upcoming referendum on child discipline will not provide clarity on the issue. “Funding for the referendum could have been better used on family education,” says Director Mike Smith.
St Vinnies Centre cares (photo)
Ruapehu Press
Lonely, bored, just want some time out or help with something? St Vinnies Community Care Centre may be the place for you.
Restoration of basilica in final stage
With the centenary of Timaru's St Patrick's Basilica looming, the restoration trust will start the final $120,000 stage of its project on Monday.
INSPIRATIONAL TV - http://inspirationaltv.net
** Feeding all comers **
A reading and commentary on Mark 6:30-34 with Sr Judith Moroney and Anne Prior.
Especially for overseas readers: the top video on this week's Inspirational TV - 'Rugby religion' - gives a charming glimpse of a New Zealand institution, Saturday afternoon club rugby.
**Station XV** - Episode 23 - Charity, Truth and all that jazz
In this month's episode we talk about the Pope's new encyclical (Caritas in Veritate), the years of Paul and the priest, whether priestly celibacy is still relevant or not, more Swine Flu restrictions, and the fastest altar boy in the West?
**The Return of Catechiwi**
Catechiwi, an informative podcast on some of the fundamental teachings of the Catholic Faith, is back by popular demand.In this month's episode, Gavin Abraham speaks to Fr Peter Fitzsimons about the sacraments. Why are there seven? Are there scriptural foundations for them? And how do they change the people receiving the sacraments.
**Familia - Episode 10**
In this month's edition of the Familia Podcast we explore the questions; how do we best engage with friends and family who have had abortions and how long should a couple be engaged for before getting married? We also discuss Obama's speech at Notre Dame University, as well as the recent controversy that has erupted over Christopher West and Theology of the Body.
'BEING FRANK' - http://www.beingfrank.co.nz
New Zealand Catholic Blogs. Some current topics ...
Remember that time, in your mother’s womb… (the mystery of life and the
culture of death) ... “Listen, Aldrin, I’m not as laid back as people think (the moon landing and
the existence of God) ... Those Episcopalians (developments in the American Episcopalian Church) ... Offer *pant* it *pant* up… (grace and offering things up) ... “Your fingers would remember their old strength better… if they grasped your sword” (more about Father Richard Rohr) ... A veiled courtesy? (headcoverings at Mass) ... Charity in Truth (Pope Benedict's new encyclical)
Because of a postal strike in Britain, the UK Catholic weekly 'The Tablet' has made the contents of this week's issue available free on its Website. In this issue ... As the number of British soldiers dying in Afghanistan rises, the defence expert Robert Fox examines the campaign and analyses its shortcomings... A professor of sociology from Warwick University analyses the Pope’s new encyclical, looking for what it tells us about human relationships... Family life in Britain is in crisis, and the breakdown of relationships has reached epidemic proportions. Iain Duncan Smith, the Catholic chairman of the Conservative think tank 'the Centre for Social Justice', advocates fiscal incentives as one of a package of measures aimed at changing the culture... 'The Last Crusaders' is a lively and engaging history of the Mediterranean world in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, and the power-struggles that pitted the Ottoman Empire against Christian Europe.
ALL THINGS CATHOLIC, by John L. Allen, Jr.
A gut check for American Catholicism
A broken wrist notwithstanding, Pope Benedict XVI is relaxing in Valle d’Aosta in northern Italy from July 13 to July 29, winding down after the exertions not only of the past year, but just the week before his vacation began. In fact, when the definitive history of Benedict XVI’s papacy is written, the first week of July 2009 might well deserve a chapter all by itself...
http://www.romereports.com (video)
http://www.youtube.com/vatican (news of Pope Benedict - video)
'Be the Change': NZ Catholic Education Convention
29 - 31 July Wellington Convention Centre
Full details and registration: http://www.conference.co.nz/cathed09
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the Vacancies section of the Education Gazette: http://www.edgazette.govt.nz ]
[Vacancies for Catholic youth workers are advertised on the Vacancies page of Connect.org.nz: http://www.connect.org.nz ]
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