Dear friends,
This is the last "News & Notes" for 2003. As usual, I'm going to take a break for three or so weeks, and will start again early in the new year.
Time now to say Thank You to Pauline for contributing the daily Scripture readings and Reflections; to my helper (who wishes to remain anonymous) for reviewing the new newsletters; and to all the members of the Kiwicath forum and its little brother 'Kiwcath News & Notes' on MSN Communities: thank you for staying with us and passing on the good bits to your friends.
Every best wish and all God's blessings this Christams, and in the new year.
Mike Leon 'Kiwicath' forum manager
On the Expectations of Advent: A "proclamation of hope" Vatican City, Dec. 17 2003 ( Here is a translation of John Paul II's address at today's general audience, which he dedicated to a reflection on the mystery of Christmas....
Mother Teresa's "Dark Nights" Can Teach Us a Lot, Says Preacher Father Cantalamessa's 2nd Advent Homily for Pope and Roman Curia Vatican City Dec. 14, 2003 ( From the dark night of the mystics such as Mother Teresa, we can learn "how to behave in the time of dryness,". Capuchin Father Raniero Cantalamessa, the Papal Household preacher, delivered that message Friday when he gave his second meditation for Advent 2003, on Christian holiness in the light of the experience of Mother Teresa of Calcutta....
Christmas 2003: Young musicians from all over the world carry message of peace with concerts in Jerusalem and scholarships for Israeli and Palestinian music students Jerusalem (Fides Service) With the sponsorship of the Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land the World Youth Orchestra WYO will give a series of concerts December 20 and 21 in Jerusalem, Ramallah and to the Jewish-Arab community in Nevé Shalom (north of Jerusalem)...
Kosovo: Young Muslims Join In Christmas Mass Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Prague, 16 December 2003 -- Dom Nosh Gjolaj, a priest at St. Ndou Roman Catholic Church in the Kosovar capital, Pristina, expects overflow crowds this Christmas for the traditional midnight Mass celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. What is remarkable is that about 10,000 members of Father Gjolaj's midnight congregation will be young Kosovar Albanian Muslims....
Headlines from the Dec. 21-Jan. 24 issue of NZ Catholic (a special Christmas/holidays issue):
Ten tips for parishes without a resident priest; Answers to readers¹ most common questions; New translation of missal coming; Pope says silence is missing from Mass; Miss America speaks on chastity; Faith motivates The Passion star; National calendar for 2004; Romance began with Rendezvous ...... and A Day in the Life of NZ Catholic.
The next issue of NZ Catholic will be published on January 25.
International News -** Perth archbishop backs Premier's stand on religious freedom ** Rockhampton Diocese compensates nine abuse victims ** Pope says Christmas offers hope to world plagued by conflict ** Iraq to return religious buildings seized by Saddam ** ACU supports education in East Timor ** Bishops present ethics teachings in new booklet
Report of the Nathaniel Catholic Bioethics Centre Issue 11 , Nov. 2003
Full text: Editorial: 'Anniversaries'. A reflection on three significant events -fifty years since the discovery of the three-dimensional structure of DNA, thirty years since the famous "Roe v Wade" decision that legalised abortion in the United States, and ten years since the release of the encyclical Veritatis Splendor -and the moral connections between these anniversaries.
Summaries: Gospel Perspectives for an Embodied Spirituality of Care Submission on Human Assisted Reproductive Technology Bill
Pope John Paul II s message for World Day of Prayer for Peace 2004 (full text)
Message for the Church s 37th World Day of Prayer for Peace (Summary) Vatican City (Fides Service) An Ever Timely Commitment: Teaching Peace is the theme of Pope John Paul II s Message for World Day of Prayer for Peace 2004 which was released on 16 December in the Vatican...
Message for World Peace Day 2004 (Commentary) The amazing thing is that his Message [is primarily addressed to] not only Catholic believers, churches, and parishes but also heads of nations, jurists, educators and even terrorists who, in choosing violence, compromise their very cause at its core . The pope says to everyone that peace is possible and that it is even a duty....
The Scoop on the Pope Newsweek Dec.22 Outside of the North Korean government in Pyongyang, no bureaucracy is harder for a journalist to crack than the Vatican's. And no one does it better than John L. Allen Jr., Rome correspondent for the National Catholic Reporter, an independent weekly newspaper...
"Who will be the next pope?", by John L. Allen Jr., The Boston Globe 14 Dec. 2004 Picking a pope is a bit like hunting for one's dream house... Similarly, in electing a successor to St. Peter, members of the College of Cardinals start with an ideal vision of the kind of man needed to lead the church. Usually that vision is constructed on the basis of six criteria ...
The serpent s head has been crushed: Our fears are finally over . Rome (AsiaNews) - Bishop Rabban al Qas, age 54 and of Kurdish origin, is elated to say the least. The serpent s head has been finally crushed, he said. Now we can peacefully rebuild our country with the help of a military presence he defines as liberating and not occupational ....
With regard to who should judge Saddam Hussein, Most of us were victims of his dictatorship, we all applauded him when he was in power Iraqi priest told fides
Christians under Saddam suffered persecution Verona (AsiaNews) Now that tyranny is under lock and key, Iraqi Christians are now open with about their tales of suffering and persecution during the Saddam Hussein era...
Iraqi Christians appeal to people of Mosul: A minority of extremists must not be allowed to destroy Mosul s traditional image of religious tolerance and peaceful coexistence
'THE FAR EAST' Magazine of the NZ and Australian missionaries of St Columban's Missionary Society Nov.-Dec. 2003
Full text articles online ...
** The Director's Message ** Surviving Christmas in Peru ** Another Beginning (Fr Kelly speaks about how Columbans and Christian Brothers are working together in China after a lapse of 70 years) ** New Blessing in Shanghai
"Pompallier: Te Hokinga Mai": The Journey home of Bishop Pompallier Auckland Museum 18 October 2003 to 18 January 2004. Website: An exhibition of over 100 photographs supplemented by a number of Pompallier's personal effects including his travelling altar and cope.
"Hearts Aflame" Catholic Summer School 2-11 January 2004 Website: The Hearts Aflame Catholic Summer School offers young adults (18-35 years old) an opportunity to learn more about the teachings of the Church, through: An opportunity to deepen your spiritual life through personal, communal and liturgical prayer and through celebration of the sacraments A discovery of the richness of Catholic spirituality and tradition. An experience of living a common life of prayer, service and recreation An introduction to theology and scripture An examination of some of the many issues facing the Church
Parachute Music Festival, Mystery Creek, Hamilton, 23-26 January 2004 Website:
The annual Christian music festival. Every year a Catholic "tent city" is set up at the Festival, and an all-comers Mass is celebrated, undoubtedly the first experience of a Catholic liturgy for most Festival-goers. Co-ordinator: Jamie Cox. E-mail:
Catholic Festival: A Celebration of the Catholic Faith Auckland Town Hall, Friday 27 - Sunday 29 February 2004 Website: "The Catholic Festival is a celebration of our faith that will be joyful, prayerful, reflective, informative and educational. We hope that it will be inspiring and life-changing for all who participate... We seek to provide the opportunity for anyone to display the gifts that God has given them... We also wish to celebrate our cultural diversity and to grow together in unity. From the centre of Auckland, we also have the opportunity to witness to our faith and help others to see its richness and beauty. Finally, there is the opportunity for the many groups and religious communities to promote their apostolates and seek members and vocations."
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the Education Gazette: ]
[Vacancies in Catholic Youth Ministry are advertised on the Job Bank page of the National Council for Young Catholics: ]
Receptionist - Office Assistant, Archdiocese of Wellington. Details from Lorraine McArthur, Director, archdiocesan Pastoral Services, PO Box 1937, Wellington. Tel (04) 496 1706; fax: (04) 496 1768; e-mail: applications close 31 December 2003
Manager, Vincentian Home and Hospital, Berhampore, Wellington Details in 'Wel-com' December 2003 p.21, and from John Grogan, secretary, Vincentian Home and Hospital PO box 1937 wellington; tel: (04) 569 6809; e-mail:
Managers, Manna Healing Centre, Oakura, Taranaki Full-time Live-in position for a married couple. Manna is a five-bedroom residential care facility. Details from The Managers, Manna Healing Center, Upper Wairau Road, Oakura RD4, New Plymouth. Tel: (06) 752 7620
Sunday, December 21, 2003
Sunday, December 14, 2003
'WEL-COM' : The newspaper of the Archdiocese of Wellington and Diocese of Palmerston North
From the December 2003 issue: A prison unit like no other — He Korowai Whakapono A sixty bed unit opened at Rimutaka Prison, commited to Christian principles is the first in Australasia and only the eighth in the world. It is seen as a unit of hope by Catholic prison chaplain, Sr Marie Roche
Bishops Leamy’s commitment to justice for Ahmed Zaoui Bisop Leamy shows his commitment by sitting in a cage in Auckland's QE2 Square.
A mother's plea for us to safeguard the rights of parents A mother describes her concern that on an ordinary Tuesday morning she could send her 14 years old daughter off to school, completely unaware that come 9.30am she would be whipped off to the local abortion clinic.
The healing power of prayer Marist priest, Fr John Rea is a man who leaves a trail of miraculous healings where ever he goes. In an interview with Wel-com he talks about this speacial ministry
A Christmas Fable A heart warming Christmas story tells how a skeptic comes to understand God's love for humanity
Plans unveiled for new monastic complex at Southern Star Abbey, Kopua As Southern Star Abbey, Central Hawke’s Bay prepares to celebrate its Golden Jubilee it unveils its plans for the future
Cardinal's column 12 Dec 2003: We are life-giving when we serve one another
Bishop John's refelction 12 Dec 2003: Bishops to visit Pastoral Areas early in the new year
(The paper's Website has not been updated for some weeks, but will certainly come back to life in the new year. ML)
Headlines from the Dec. 14-20 issue of NZ CATHOLIC: Government is silent on abortion law review; Why youth are at risk and what can be done about it; Mixed reaction to enrolment change; Motorway scheme threatens parish; Families struggle with debt; Going underground in the Eternal City; Christchurch college leads way on bullying; How the Church views Iraq; Holiday Mass times.
"Johnny of the Cross", by Peter M. Candler, Jr First Things 138 (December 2003) In the world of popular music, one generally becomes a “legend” only in death—as if death accomplishes for a musician all that he was unable to do for himself in life. But Johnny Cash’s death at seventy-one on September 12 was decidedly un-legend-like: silent, slow, and unspectacular. Yet “legend” seems, if anything, not big enough a word to describe Johnny Cash....
“I hope the United States and their allies don’t leave Iraq”, by Lorenzo Fazzini Interview with Msgr. Jean Benjamin Sleiman Latin rite archbishop of Baghdad Verona (AsiaNews) – The Coalition Forces are the last defence against the chaos that fundamentalist terrorism wants to provoke in Iraq and the Middle East. Passing through Verona was Msgr. Jean Benjamin Sleiman, archbishop of Baghdad for members of the Latin rite, who agreed to the following interview with AsiaNews to explain why....
International News:
** Centacare dismayed at Carr capitulation on easy alcohol Centacare Catholic Community Services in Sydney has expressed its 'alarm and dismay' at 'the simple announcement by Premier Carr that NSW has been 'forced' to deregulate access to liquor'.
** Australian Primate to co-chair Anglican Roman Catholic dialogue The Archbishop of Canterbury has appointed Perth Anglican Archbishop Peter Carnley to lead the Anglican participation in the ongoing dialogue aimed at unity between the Anglican and Roman Catholic churches.
** Pope pushes French bishops on vocations slump Pope John Paul II has told France's bishops that they must not 'give in to discouragement' at the failure of their 'many initiatives' to promote vocations to the priesthood, but instead confront the problem with unwavering faith.
** Week of appointments in Australian church Several Cathoilc organisations have this week announced appointments of new members of their boards or commissions, following endoresement by the Australian Catholic Bishops' Conference during their recent Plenary Meeting in Sydney.
** Vatican officials attend private screening of Gibson's 'The Passion' Just days after Mel Gibson refused to allow his film The Passion of the Christ to be shown at a Vatican-sponsored film festival, several Vatican officials were invited to private screenings in Rome and a copy was sent to Pope John Paul II.
** NZ church reaction to 'Wise Men' condom ad Wellington's Cardinal Thomas Williams has attacked a Christmas safe sex advertising campaign that depicts a trio of jeans-wearing men with packets of condoms in their back pockets and subbed the Three Wise Men.
On a roll Sunday Star Times 07 December 2003,2106,2750680a6619,00.html As hundreds of state schools look set to close or merge, the Catholic gates have swung open even wider to take in non-baptised "cafeteria Catholics". Sarah Stuart reports....
Catholics accused of backroom deals Sunday Star Times 07 December 2003,2106,2750717a6442,00.html Teacher unions are accusing the goverment of "shabby backroom deals" with the Catholic church which would see religious schools increase their student numbers at the expense of state schools...
France's Churches Urge Chirac To Support Hijab Paris, December 9 ( – Archbishops of France's Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox Churches on Monday urged French President Jacques Chirac not to enact a law banning hijab in public institutions....
"'The Lord of the Rings' Films: Splinters of the True Light", by Sister Rose Pacatte, F.S.P. " ... Now, through Peter Jackson’s films, interest in [J.R. Tolkien's] books and their author has surged again. Audiences want films that deal with such universal themes as the struggle between good and evil, courage, loyalty, friendship and self-sacrifice. In addition to these, The Lord of the Rings is filled with religious symbolism and the back-story permeated with Catholic teaching on virtue, providence, redemption and social justice....
Film Forum: Christian Critics Hail Third Rings, Harass Last Samurai Christianity Today, Week of December 8 Christian press critics sneak a peek at The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, charge against The Last Samurai, and dance to the beat of Honey....
Papal Household Preacher's First Meditation for Advent 2003 (Part 1) Father Cantalamessa's Talk in Presence of Pope and Roman Curia Vatican City, Dec. 8, 2003 ( The theme of the meditations that the Papal Household preacher, Capuchin Father Raniero Cantalamessa, is giving this Advent to John Paul II and his aides in the Roman Curia, in preparation for the celebration of Christmas, is: "For this is the will of God, your sanctification (1 Thessalonians 4:3): Reflections on Christian holiness in the light of the experience of Mother Teresa of Calcutta." Following is Part 1 of the text preached last Friday in the Redemptoris Mater Chapel of the Apostolic Palace, in the presence of the Holy Father....
New research shows religious people are happier Religious people are happier than those without spirituality in their life, says psychologist Dr Stephen Joseph from the University of Warwick, and those who celebrate the original, Christian, meaning of Christmas are, on the whole, happier than those who primarily celebrate the festive season with consumer gifts....
"Champagnat" Volume 7, Number 4, November 2003 A newsletter for Boards of Trustees and staff of Marist schools and schools with Marist traditions in New Zealand.
** Living Evangelisation - A wonderful account of students from both St Bernards College and Marcellin College being welcomed into the Church.
** The Most Important List: The most destructive habit ... Worry; The greatest joy ... Giving; The greatest loss ... Loss of self-respect; [and twenty more items]
** News of Chanel & Hato Petera Colleges
** History and dogma of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception
** The mission of Marist schools, in brief
Marist Champagnat Family Newsletter Summer Edition 2003
** Committee to explore Lay Partnership.
** News of Marist people: Brother Carl Tapp (Manila); Mika Smith (Apia)
** Marian Primary school opens its new Marist block
** Sacred Heart College (Auckland) senior students annual trek to Tonga
** Marist Alternative Education Unit, Glenfield, Auckland
** Gathering in Auckland to honour Brother Fabian, 93; more birthdays
Marist Young Adult Ministry (Myam)
National Justice Festival for young adults, Ballarat Grammar School (near Melbourne) from January 7 - 11, 2004. Theme : “Want Peace? - Work for Justice!” (The article describes the history and development of the National Justice Festival.
"Hearts Aflame" Catholic Summer School 2-11 January 2004 Website: The Hearts Aflame Catholic Summer School offers young adults (18-35 years old) an opportunity to learn more about the teachings of the Church, through: An opportunity to deepen your spiritual life through personal, communal and liturgical prayer and through celebration of the sacraments A discovery of the richness of Catholic spirituality and tradition. An experience of living a common life of prayer, service and recreation An introduction to theology and scripture An examination of some of the many issues facing the Church
"Pompallier: Te Hokinga Mai": The Journey home of Bishop Pompallier Auckland Museum 18 October 2003 to 18 January 2004. Website: An exhibition of over 100 photographs supplemented by a number of Pompallier's personal effects including his travelling altar and cope.
Catholic Festival: A Celebration of the Catholic Faith Auckland Town Hall, Friday 27 - Sunday 29 February 2004 Website: "The Catholic Festival is a celebration of our faith that will be joyful, prayerful, reflective, informative and educational. We hope that it will be inspiring and life-changing for all who participate... We seek to provide the opportunity for anyone to display the gifts that God has given them... We also wish to celebrate our cultural diversity and to grow together in unity. From the centre of Auckland, we also have the opportunity to witness to our faith and help others to see its richness and beauty. Finally, there is the opportunity for the many groups and religious communities to promote their apostolates and seek members and vocations."
Parachute Music Festival, Mystery Creek, Hamilton, 23-26 January 2004 Website:
The annual Christian music festival. Every year a Catholic "tent city" is set up at the Festival, and an all-comers Mass is celebrated, undoubtedly the first experience of a Catholic liturgy for most Festival-goers. Co-ordinator: Jamie Cox. E-mail:
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the Education Gazette: ]
[Vacancies in Catholic Youth Ministry are advertised on the Job Bank page of the National Council for Young Catholics: ]
'NZ Catholic' - Presenters 'NZ Catholic' newspaper wishes to employ skilled communicators with a firm belief in the Catholic press to act as presenters for the paper at parish Masses in: Northland, Auckland, Hawkes Bay, Wellington, Nelson-Marlborough, West Coast, Otago and Southland. Details in 'NZ Catholic' Nov 30 - Dec 13 2003 p. 22 and from Dennis Augustine, Advertising and Promotions Manager, NZ Catholic, PO Box 147-ooo, Ponsonby, Auckland 1034
Receptionist - Office Assistant, Archdiocese of Wellington. Details from Lorraine McArthur, Director, archdiocesan Pastoral Services, PO Box 1937, Wellington. Tel (04) 496 1706; fax: (04) 496 1768; e-mail: applications close 31 December 2003
Manager, Vincentian Home and Hospital, Berhampore, Wellington Details in 'Wel-com' December 2003 p.21, and from John Grogan, secretary, Vincentian Home and Hospital PO box 1937 wellington; tel: (04) 569 6809; e-mail:
Managers, Manna Healing Centre, Oakura, Taranaki Full-time Live-in position for a married couple. Manna is a five-bedroom residential care facility. Details from The Managers, Manna Healing Center, Upper Wairau Road, Oakura RD4, New Plymouth. Tel: (06) 752 7620
'WEL-COM' : The newspaper of the Archdiocese of Wellington and Diocese of Palmerston North
From the December 2003 issue: A prison unit like no other — He Korowai Whakapono A sixty bed unit opened at Rimutaka Prison, commited to Christian principles is the first in Australasia and only the eighth in the world. It is seen as a unit of hope by Catholic prison chaplain, Sr Marie Roche
Bishops Leamy’s commitment to justice for Ahmed Zaoui Bisop Leamy shows his commitment by sitting in a cage in Auckland's QE2 Square.
A mother's plea for us to safeguard the rights of parents A mother describes her concern that on an ordinary Tuesday morning she could send her 14 years old daughter off to school, completely unaware that come 9.30am she would be whipped off to the local abortion clinic.
The healing power of prayer Marist priest, Fr John Rea is a man who leaves a trail of miraculous healings where ever he goes. In an interview with Wel-com he talks about this speacial ministry
A Christmas Fable A heart warming Christmas story tells how a skeptic comes to understand God's love for humanity
Plans unveiled for new monastic complex at Southern Star Abbey, Kopua As Southern Star Abbey, Central Hawke’s Bay prepares to celebrate its Golden Jubilee it unveils its plans for the future
Cardinal's column 12 Dec 2003: We are life-giving when we serve one another
Bishop John's refelction 12 Dec 2003: Bishops to visit Pastoral Areas early in the new year
(The paper's Website has not been updated for some weeks, but will certainly come back to life in the new year. ML)
Headlines from the Dec. 14-20 issue of NZ CATHOLIC: Government is silent on abortion law review; Why youth are at risk and what can be done about it; Mixed reaction to enrolment change; Motorway scheme threatens parish; Families struggle with debt; Going underground in the Eternal City; Christchurch college leads way on bullying; How the Church views Iraq; Holiday Mass times.
"Johnny of the Cross", by Peter M. Candler, Jr First Things 138 (December 2003) In the world of popular music, one generally becomes a “legend” only in death—as if death accomplishes for a musician all that he was unable to do for himself in life. But Johnny Cash’s death at seventy-one on September 12 was decidedly un-legend-like: silent, slow, and unspectacular. Yet “legend” seems, if anything, not big enough a word to describe Johnny Cash....
“I hope the United States and their allies don’t leave Iraq”, by Lorenzo Fazzini Interview with Msgr. Jean Benjamin Sleiman Latin rite archbishop of Baghdad Verona (AsiaNews) – The Coalition Forces are the last defence against the chaos that fundamentalist terrorism wants to provoke in Iraq and the Middle East. Passing through Verona was Msgr. Jean Benjamin Sleiman, archbishop of Baghdad for members of the Latin rite, who agreed to the following interview with AsiaNews to explain why....
International News:
** Centacare dismayed at Carr capitulation on easy alcohol Centacare Catholic Community Services in Sydney has expressed its 'alarm and dismay' at 'the simple announcement by Premier Carr that NSW has been 'forced' to deregulate access to liquor'.
** Australian Primate to co-chair Anglican Roman Catholic dialogue The Archbishop of Canterbury has appointed Perth Anglican Archbishop Peter Carnley to lead the Anglican participation in the ongoing dialogue aimed at unity between the Anglican and Roman Catholic churches.
** Pope pushes French bishops on vocations slump Pope John Paul II has told France's bishops that they must not 'give in to discouragement' at the failure of their 'many initiatives' to promote vocations to the priesthood, but instead confront the problem with unwavering faith.
** Week of appointments in Australian church Several Cathoilc organisations have this week announced appointments of new members of their boards or commissions, following endoresement by the Australian Catholic Bishops' Conference during their recent Plenary Meeting in Sydney.
** Vatican officials attend private screening of Gibson's 'The Passion' Just days after Mel Gibson refused to allow his film The Passion of the Christ to be shown at a Vatican-sponsored film festival, several Vatican officials were invited to private screenings in Rome and a copy was sent to Pope John Paul II.
** NZ church reaction to 'Wise Men' condom ad Wellington's Cardinal Thomas Williams has attacked a Christmas safe sex advertising campaign that depicts a trio of jeans-wearing men with packets of condoms in their back pockets and subbed the Three Wise Men.
On a roll Sunday Star Times 07 December 2003,2106,2750680a6619,00.html As hundreds of state schools look set to close or merge, the Catholic gates have swung open even wider to take in non-baptised "cafeteria Catholics". Sarah Stuart reports....
Catholics accused of backroom deals Sunday Star Times 07 December 2003,2106,2750717a6442,00.html Teacher unions are accusing the goverment of "shabby backroom deals" with the Catholic church which would see religious schools increase their student numbers at the expense of state schools...
France's Churches Urge Chirac To Support Hijab Paris, December 9 ( – Archbishops of France's Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox Churches on Monday urged French President Jacques Chirac not to enact a law banning hijab in public institutions....
"'The Lord of the Rings' Films: Splinters of the True Light", by Sister Rose Pacatte, F.S.P. " ... Now, through Peter Jackson’s films, interest in [J.R. Tolkien's] books and their author has surged again. Audiences want films that deal with such universal themes as the struggle between good and evil, courage, loyalty, friendship and self-sacrifice. In addition to these, The Lord of the Rings is filled with religious symbolism and the back-story permeated with Catholic teaching on virtue, providence, redemption and social justice....
Film Forum: Christian Critics Hail Third Rings, Harass Last Samurai Christianity Today, Week of December 8 Christian press critics sneak a peek at The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, charge against The Last Samurai, and dance to the beat of Honey....
Papal Household Preacher's First Meditation for Advent 2003 (Part 1) Father Cantalamessa's Talk in Presence of Pope and Roman Curia Vatican City, Dec. 8, 2003 ( The theme of the meditations that the Papal Household preacher, Capuchin Father Raniero Cantalamessa, is giving this Advent to John Paul II and his aides in the Roman Curia, in preparation for the celebration of Christmas, is: "For this is the will of God, your sanctification (1 Thessalonians 4:3): Reflections on Christian holiness in the light of the experience of Mother Teresa of Calcutta." Following is Part 1 of the text preached last Friday in the Redemptoris Mater Chapel of the Apostolic Palace, in the presence of the Holy Father....
New research shows religious people are happier Religious people are happier than those without spirituality in their life, says psychologist Dr Stephen Joseph from the University of Warwick, and those who celebrate the original, Christian, meaning of Christmas are, on the whole, happier than those who primarily celebrate the festive season with consumer gifts....
"Champagnat" Volume 7, Number 4, November 2003 A newsletter for Boards of Trustees and staff of Marist schools and schools with Marist traditions in New Zealand.
** Living Evangelisation - A wonderful account of students from both St Bernards College and Marcellin College being welcomed into the Church.
** The Most Important List: The most destructive habit ... Worry; The greatest joy ... Giving; The greatest loss ... Loss of self-respect; [and twenty more items]
** News of Chanel & Hato Petera Colleges
** History and dogma of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception
** The mission of Marist schools, in brief
Marist Champagnat Family Newsletter Summer Edition 2003
** Committee to explore Lay Partnership.
** News of Marist people: Brother Carl Tapp (Manila); Mika Smith (Apia)
** Marian Primary school opens its new Marist block
** Sacred Heart College (Auckland) senior students annual trek to Tonga
** Marist Alternative Education Unit, Glenfield, Auckland
** Gathering in Auckland to honour Brother Fabian, 93; more birthdays
Marist Young Adult Ministry (Myam)
National Justice Festival for young adults, Ballarat Grammar School (near Melbourne) from January 7 - 11, 2004. Theme : “Want Peace? - Work for Justice!” (The article describes the history and development of the National Justice Festival.
"Hearts Aflame" Catholic Summer School 2-11 January 2004 Website: The Hearts Aflame Catholic Summer School offers young adults (18-35 years old) an opportunity to learn more about the teachings of the Church, through: An opportunity to deepen your spiritual life through personal, communal and liturgical prayer and through celebration of the sacraments A discovery of the richness of Catholic spirituality and tradition. An experience of living a common life of prayer, service and recreation An introduction to theology and scripture An examination of some of the many issues facing the Church
"Pompallier: Te Hokinga Mai": The Journey home of Bishop Pompallier Auckland Museum 18 October 2003 to 18 January 2004. Website: An exhibition of over 100 photographs supplemented by a number of Pompallier's personal effects including his travelling altar and cope.
Catholic Festival: A Celebration of the Catholic Faith Auckland Town Hall, Friday 27 - Sunday 29 February 2004 Website: "The Catholic Festival is a celebration of our faith that will be joyful, prayerful, reflective, informative and educational. We hope that it will be inspiring and life-changing for all who participate... We seek to provide the opportunity for anyone to display the gifts that God has given them... We also wish to celebrate our cultural diversity and to grow together in unity. From the centre of Auckland, we also have the opportunity to witness to our faith and help others to see its richness and beauty. Finally, there is the opportunity for the many groups and religious communities to promote their apostolates and seek members and vocations."
Parachute Music Festival, Mystery Creek, Hamilton, 23-26 January 2004 Website:
The annual Christian music festival. Every year a Catholic "tent city" is set up at the Festival, and an all-comers Mass is celebrated, undoubtedly the first experience of a Catholic liturgy for most Festival-goers. Co-ordinator: Jamie Cox. E-mail:
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the Education Gazette: ]
[Vacancies in Catholic Youth Ministry are advertised on the Job Bank page of the National Council for Young Catholics: ]
'NZ Catholic' - Presenters 'NZ Catholic' newspaper wishes to employ skilled communicators with a firm belief in the Catholic press to act as presenters for the paper at parish Masses in: Northland, Auckland, Hawkes Bay, Wellington, Nelson-Marlborough, West Coast, Otago and Southland. Details in 'NZ Catholic' Nov 30 - Dec 13 2003 p. 22 and from Dennis Augustine, Advertising and Promotions Manager, NZ Catholic, PO Box 147-ooo, Ponsonby, Auckland 1034
Receptionist - Office Assistant, Archdiocese of Wellington. Details from Lorraine McArthur, Director, archdiocesan Pastoral Services, PO Box 1937, Wellington. Tel (04) 496 1706; fax: (04) 496 1768; e-mail: applications close 31 December 2003
Manager, Vincentian Home and Hospital, Berhampore, Wellington Details in 'Wel-com' December 2003 p.21, and from John Grogan, secretary, Vincentian Home and Hospital PO box 1937 wellington; tel: (04) 569 6809; e-mail:
Managers, Manna Healing Centre, Oakura, Taranaki Full-time Live-in position for a married couple. Manna is a five-bedroom residential care facility. Details from The Managers, Manna Healing Center, Upper Wairau Road, Oakura RD4, New Plymouth. Tel: (06) 752 7620
Sunday, December 7, 2003
Advent Activity Calendar There is a long European tradition of the Advent Calendar. It is designed to focus a child's interest on the coming of Christ, culminating in the story of the Nativity on 25 December. The opening of the calendar at breakfast each day reveals a story or anecdote associated with the Christian celebration of Christmas. Today's theme is Candlelight. The coding behind the calendar prevents users from peeking at stories from the days ahead...
Pope John Paul: To prepare for Christmas means reawakening hope for peace amongst ourselves and in the entire world. Vatican City (Fides Service) – On 30 November, the first Sunday of Advent, Pope John Paul II made yet another call for world peace urging the leaders of the great religions to unite efforts to preach pardon and reconciliation....
Waiting for Jesus in an Age of Terrorism Comments of Archbishop Comastri, Preacher of Papal Spiritual Exercises Rome, Nov. 30, 2003 ( In a world darkened by terrorism, Christians should live Advent with their lamps lit in expectation of Jesus' return, says preacher of this year's Spiritual Exercises for the Pope...
"First the State Schools, then the Catholic Schools, Who's Next?" A column by Deborah Coddington, Member of Parliament for ACT New Zealand 5 December 2003 "In 1975 the Private Schools Conditional Act was negotiated between Catholic schools and the Kirk-Rowling Labour Government. Immediately this Act, an agreement in perpetuity, was hailed internationally "for the way in which, in it, the secular and the sacred came together to forge a way forward in a pluralistic society." ... The Act was not, as claimed by Trevor Mallard in answer to my Parliamentary Question on 15 October, introduced "to protect private schools that were in danger of closing in the 1970s. All those schools have now been integrated."...
Birthday marks Zaoui's long year behind bars NZ Herald 06.12.2003 It is Ahmed Zaoui's 43rd birthday tomorrow, an event that also marks the 12 months that he has spent behind bars in his chosen country, New Zealand ... on the last day [of his court appearance] there was the chance for a quick handshake with the Islamist who has the support of the Catholic Church, but remains in jail without charge while the judicial process and the Inspector-General of Security and Intelligence inch through a process never before encountered in New Zealand....
Curate's victory on cleft palate abortion Daily Telegraph (UK) 2/12/03 A Church of England curate who says that doctors committed an "unlawful killing" by aborting a 24-week-old baby with a cleft palate won the right yesterday to challenge a police force's decision not to prosecute the doctors. She added: "My teenage years were difficult because of facial abnormality. I live a positive and fulfilling life. This baby did not have that opportunity."...
** Sydney families pilgrimage scheduled for April Catholic families from across Australia are being invited to make a pilgrimage to Sydney in April for a weekend of inspiration and celebration at the second National Catholic Family Gathering.
** Returning deportees say Afghanistan was "like hell" Two Afghan asylum seeker students from an Adelaide Catholic school who were deported from Australia in October have described their homeland as being like something out of hell.
** Perth seminar told liturgical renewal a "work in progress" Last night's Perth seminar to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Vatican II liturgy document Sacrosanctum Concilium was told that despite the Council's strong consensus on the need for liturgical reform, it still remains to be achieved.
** Victims' group uses media to threaten archbishop Hobart's Archbishop Adrian Doyle has expressed his disappointment at a victims' group's attempts to get him to act on alleged cases of clergy sex abuse my making threats through the media.
** Bishops' committee to support local news writers The Bishops' Committee for the Media is to develop a kit for parishes to help them take advantage of opportunities to spread the Church's good news to the local media.
** Bishops elect new leader of Chaldean Catholics A Baghdad-based bishop was elected patriarch of Babylon, spiritual leader of the world's estimated one million Chaldean Catholics, the Vatican said on Wednesday.
Marist Messenger (Society of Mary) December 2003
Full text: ** Readings: Daily Mass readings and devotional prayers. ** Surf's up - this months recommended Websites to visit. ** Extra reading - a selection of articles from online Catholic magazines and papers. ** Focus: the editor reviews his year, thanks Stuart Johnston, and reflects on the humility of Jesus ** Tidying up for Advent, by Katherine Tyler ** From Luke to John - a personal marist journey, by Sister Catherine Jones smsm ** What if Jesus came to the barbeque? by Maria Kennedy (Maria concludes her series of articles on the Eucharist and the mystery of the substantial change of the bread and the wine into the Body and Blood of the Lord) ** (another) Focus this month asks " What do we mean by Christ's Second Coming?"
Also in the December Marist Messenger : Praying for the dead ... Our Lady of Perpetual Help ... Solomons Christmas ... The Christ Child ... Spiritual Wisdom from John Cassian ... My Rosary
The future of Catholic/Anglican dialogue: the Anglican Communion and the Catholic Church remain committed to continuing their dialogue Vatican City (Fides Service) – On Tuesday, 25th November, 2003, Cardinal Walter Kasper, President of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of Christian Unity, met with the Reverend Canon John L. Peterson, Secretary General of the Anglican Consultative Council, at the offices of the Pontifical Council. At the meeting the future of Anglican-Roman Catholic dialogue was discussed, especially in the light of recent developments within the life of the Anglican Communion....
Msgr. Rabban Al-Qas, Chaldean Bishop of Amadiyah : With the coalition’s help, Christians and Muslims build foundations for secular state in Iraq Asia News 4 December, 2003 Rome (AsiaNews) – “Iraq needed outside help in order to undergo rebirth,” said Msgr Rabban Al-Qas, Iraq’s bishop to the Catholic Chaldean community who has come to Rome to elect the future patriarch of Babylon. From his words, we gather a rather unusual image of Iraq: “At least 80% of Iraqis view the coalition troops as liberators,” he said....
Archbishop Edwin O'Brien: Military Chaplains Coping in Iraq Washington, D.C., DEC. 2, 2003 ( The priests on the front lines in Iraq are not only ministering to Catholic soldiers -- they are reaching out to the Iraqis. (US) Military Ordinariate Archbishop Edwin O'Brien shared with ZENIT how the military commanders are relying on chaplains to communicate with Iraqi religious leaders in order to understand the needs of the native people. Along with that special role, the limited number of priests from the Archdiocese for the Military Services are trying to serve the many Catholics in the armed forces...
The Place of "Feminine Genius" in the Church Interview with Author of a Thesis on the Feminine Genius at Work in the Church Rome, Dec. 1, 2003 ( The contribution of the "feminine genius" in the Church was one of the novelties of Paul VI's pontificate, but especially of John Paul II's, according to a recently defended doctoral thesis. Sister Rosetta Napolitano, who defended her thesis at Rome's Teresianum Pontifical Institute of Spirituality, analyzes the application of this contribution in areas such as theology and spiritual direction....
Factions Within the Church, by John Michael Talbot The Church makes some mistakes at times, but God keeps us from the "gates of hell" in the long run. As my spiritual father used to teach me: The Church walks on the right foot, then the left, but she still goes in a straight line when seem from a bigger perspective...
FitzGibbon, Hanorah Philomena 1889 - 1979 (Civilian and military nurse, hospital matron, nursing administrator, first president of the Dunedin Catholic Womens' League and of the National Catholic Nurses' Guild)
"Hearts Aflame" Catholic Summer School 2-11 January 2004 Website: NB: The Website has not yet been updated with details of the 2004 School
The Hearts Aflame Catholic Summer School offers young adults (18-35 years old) an opportunity to learn more about the teachings of the Church, through: An opportunity to deepen your spiritual life through personal, communal and liturgical prayer and through celebration of the sacraments A discovery of the richness of Catholic spirituality and tradition. An experience of living a common life of prayer, service and recreation An introduction to theology and scripture An examination of some of the many issues facing the Church
"Pompallier: Te Hokinga Mai": The Journey home of Bishop Pompallier Auckland Museum 18 October 2003 to 18 January 2004. Website: An exhibition of over 100 photographs supplemented by a number of Pompallier's personal effects including his travelling altar and cope.
Catholic Festival: A Celebration of the Catholic Faith Auckland Town Hall, Friday 27 - Sunday 29 February 2004 Website: "The Catholic Festival is a celebration of our faith that will be joyful, prayerful, reflective, informative and educational. We hope that it will be inspiring and life-changing for all who participate... We seek to provide the opportunity for anyone to display the gifts that God has given them... We also wish to celebrate our cultural diversity and to grow together in unity. From the centre of Auckland, we also have the opportunity to witness to our faith and help others to see its richness and beauty. Finally, there is the opportunity for the many groups and religious communities to promote their apostolates and seek members and vocations."
Parachute Music Festival, Mystery Creek, Hamilton, 23-26 January 2004 Website:
The annual Christian music festival. Every year a Catholic "tent city" is set up at the Festival, and an all-comers Mass is celebrated, undoubtedly the first experience of a Catholic liturgy for most Festival-goers. Co-ordinator: Jamie Cox. E-mail:
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the Education Gazette: ]
St Vincent de Paul Society - National Council office, Wellington Part-time personal assistant Details in 'NZ Catholic' Nov 30-Dec 13 2003 p. 22 and from: Applications close 13 December 2003
'NZ Catholic' - Presenters 'NZ Catholic' newspaper wishes to employ skilled communicators with a firm belief in the Catholic press to act as presenters for the paper at parish Masses in: Northland, Auckland, Hawkes Bay, Wellington, Nelson-Marlborough, West Coast, Otago and Southland. Details in 'NZ Catholic' Nov 30 - Dec 13 2003 p. 22 and from Dennis Augustine, Advertising and Promotions Manager, NZ Catholic, PO Box 147-ooo, Ponsonby, Auckland 1034
Advent Activity Calendar There is a long European tradition of the Advent Calendar. It is designed to focus a child's interest on the coming of Christ, culminating in the story of the Nativity on 25 December. The opening of the calendar at breakfast each day reveals a story or anecdote associated with the Christian celebration of Christmas. Today's theme is Candlelight. The coding behind the calendar prevents users from peeking at stories from the days ahead...
Pope John Paul: To prepare for Christmas means reawakening hope for peace amongst ourselves and in the entire world. Vatican City (Fides Service) – On 30 November, the first Sunday of Advent, Pope John Paul II made yet another call for world peace urging the leaders of the great religions to unite efforts to preach pardon and reconciliation....
Waiting for Jesus in an Age of Terrorism Comments of Archbishop Comastri, Preacher of Papal Spiritual Exercises Rome, Nov. 30, 2003 ( In a world darkened by terrorism, Christians should live Advent with their lamps lit in expectation of Jesus' return, says preacher of this year's Spiritual Exercises for the Pope...
"First the State Schools, then the Catholic Schools, Who's Next?" A column by Deborah Coddington, Member of Parliament for ACT New Zealand 5 December 2003 "In 1975 the Private Schools Conditional Act was negotiated between Catholic schools and the Kirk-Rowling Labour Government. Immediately this Act, an agreement in perpetuity, was hailed internationally "for the way in which, in it, the secular and the sacred came together to forge a way forward in a pluralistic society." ... The Act was not, as claimed by Trevor Mallard in answer to my Parliamentary Question on 15 October, introduced "to protect private schools that were in danger of closing in the 1970s. All those schools have now been integrated."...
Birthday marks Zaoui's long year behind bars NZ Herald 06.12.2003 It is Ahmed Zaoui's 43rd birthday tomorrow, an event that also marks the 12 months that he has spent behind bars in his chosen country, New Zealand ... on the last day [of his court appearance] there was the chance for a quick handshake with the Islamist who has the support of the Catholic Church, but remains in jail without charge while the judicial process and the Inspector-General of Security and Intelligence inch through a process never before encountered in New Zealand....
Curate's victory on cleft palate abortion Daily Telegraph (UK) 2/12/03 A Church of England curate who says that doctors committed an "unlawful killing" by aborting a 24-week-old baby with a cleft palate won the right yesterday to challenge a police force's decision not to prosecute the doctors. She added: "My teenage years were difficult because of facial abnormality. I live a positive and fulfilling life. This baby did not have that opportunity."...
** Sydney families pilgrimage scheduled for April Catholic families from across Australia are being invited to make a pilgrimage to Sydney in April for a weekend of inspiration and celebration at the second National Catholic Family Gathering.
** Returning deportees say Afghanistan was "like hell" Two Afghan asylum seeker students from an Adelaide Catholic school who were deported from Australia in October have described their homeland as being like something out of hell.
** Perth seminar told liturgical renewal a "work in progress" Last night's Perth seminar to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Vatican II liturgy document Sacrosanctum Concilium was told that despite the Council's strong consensus on the need for liturgical reform, it still remains to be achieved.
** Victims' group uses media to threaten archbishop Hobart's Archbishop Adrian Doyle has expressed his disappointment at a victims' group's attempts to get him to act on alleged cases of clergy sex abuse my making threats through the media.
** Bishops' committee to support local news writers The Bishops' Committee for the Media is to develop a kit for parishes to help them take advantage of opportunities to spread the Church's good news to the local media.
** Bishops elect new leader of Chaldean Catholics A Baghdad-based bishop was elected patriarch of Babylon, spiritual leader of the world's estimated one million Chaldean Catholics, the Vatican said on Wednesday.
Marist Messenger (Society of Mary) December 2003
Full text: ** Readings: Daily Mass readings and devotional prayers. ** Surf's up - this months recommended Websites to visit. ** Extra reading - a selection of articles from online Catholic magazines and papers. ** Focus: the editor reviews his year, thanks Stuart Johnston, and reflects on the humility of Jesus ** Tidying up for Advent, by Katherine Tyler ** From Luke to John - a personal marist journey, by Sister Catherine Jones smsm ** What if Jesus came to the barbeque? by Maria Kennedy (Maria concludes her series of articles on the Eucharist and the mystery of the substantial change of the bread and the wine into the Body and Blood of the Lord) ** (another) Focus this month asks " What do we mean by Christ's Second Coming?"
Also in the December Marist Messenger : Praying for the dead ... Our Lady of Perpetual Help ... Solomons Christmas ... The Christ Child ... Spiritual Wisdom from John Cassian ... My Rosary
The future of Catholic/Anglican dialogue: the Anglican Communion and the Catholic Church remain committed to continuing their dialogue Vatican City (Fides Service) – On Tuesday, 25th November, 2003, Cardinal Walter Kasper, President of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of Christian Unity, met with the Reverend Canon John L. Peterson, Secretary General of the Anglican Consultative Council, at the offices of the Pontifical Council. At the meeting the future of Anglican-Roman Catholic dialogue was discussed, especially in the light of recent developments within the life of the Anglican Communion....
Msgr. Rabban Al-Qas, Chaldean Bishop of Amadiyah : With the coalition’s help, Christians and Muslims build foundations for secular state in Iraq Asia News 4 December, 2003 Rome (AsiaNews) – “Iraq needed outside help in order to undergo rebirth,” said Msgr Rabban Al-Qas, Iraq’s bishop to the Catholic Chaldean community who has come to Rome to elect the future patriarch of Babylon. From his words, we gather a rather unusual image of Iraq: “At least 80% of Iraqis view the coalition troops as liberators,” he said....
Archbishop Edwin O'Brien: Military Chaplains Coping in Iraq Washington, D.C., DEC. 2, 2003 ( The priests on the front lines in Iraq are not only ministering to Catholic soldiers -- they are reaching out to the Iraqis. (US) Military Ordinariate Archbishop Edwin O'Brien shared with ZENIT how the military commanders are relying on chaplains to communicate with Iraqi religious leaders in order to understand the needs of the native people. Along with that special role, the limited number of priests from the Archdiocese for the Military Services are trying to serve the many Catholics in the armed forces...
The Place of "Feminine Genius" in the Church Interview with Author of a Thesis on the Feminine Genius at Work in the Church Rome, Dec. 1, 2003 ( The contribution of the "feminine genius" in the Church was one of the novelties of Paul VI's pontificate, but especially of John Paul II's, according to a recently defended doctoral thesis. Sister Rosetta Napolitano, who defended her thesis at Rome's Teresianum Pontifical Institute of Spirituality, analyzes the application of this contribution in areas such as theology and spiritual direction....
Factions Within the Church, by John Michael Talbot The Church makes some mistakes at times, but God keeps us from the "gates of hell" in the long run. As my spiritual father used to teach me: The Church walks on the right foot, then the left, but she still goes in a straight line when seem from a bigger perspective...
FitzGibbon, Hanorah Philomena 1889 - 1979 (Civilian and military nurse, hospital matron, nursing administrator, first president of the Dunedin Catholic Womens' League and of the National Catholic Nurses' Guild)
"Hearts Aflame" Catholic Summer School 2-11 January 2004 Website: NB: The Website has not yet been updated with details of the 2004 School
The Hearts Aflame Catholic Summer School offers young adults (18-35 years old) an opportunity to learn more about the teachings of the Church, through: An opportunity to deepen your spiritual life through personal, communal and liturgical prayer and through celebration of the sacraments A discovery of the richness of Catholic spirituality and tradition. An experience of living a common life of prayer, service and recreation An introduction to theology and scripture An examination of some of the many issues facing the Church
"Pompallier: Te Hokinga Mai": The Journey home of Bishop Pompallier Auckland Museum 18 October 2003 to 18 January 2004. Website: An exhibition of over 100 photographs supplemented by a number of Pompallier's personal effects including his travelling altar and cope.
Catholic Festival: A Celebration of the Catholic Faith Auckland Town Hall, Friday 27 - Sunday 29 February 2004 Website: "The Catholic Festival is a celebration of our faith that will be joyful, prayerful, reflective, informative and educational. We hope that it will be inspiring and life-changing for all who participate... We seek to provide the opportunity for anyone to display the gifts that God has given them... We also wish to celebrate our cultural diversity and to grow together in unity. From the centre of Auckland, we also have the opportunity to witness to our faith and help others to see its richness and beauty. Finally, there is the opportunity for the many groups and religious communities to promote their apostolates and seek members and vocations."
Parachute Music Festival, Mystery Creek, Hamilton, 23-26 January 2004 Website:
The annual Christian music festival. Every year a Catholic "tent city" is set up at the Festival, and an all-comers Mass is celebrated, undoubtedly the first experience of a Catholic liturgy for most Festival-goers. Co-ordinator: Jamie Cox. E-mail:
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the Education Gazette: ]
St Vincent de Paul Society - National Council office, Wellington Part-time personal assistant Details in 'NZ Catholic' Nov 30-Dec 13 2003 p. 22 and from: Applications close 13 December 2003
'NZ Catholic' - Presenters 'NZ Catholic' newspaper wishes to employ skilled communicators with a firm belief in the Catholic press to act as presenters for the paper at parish Masses in: Northland, Auckland, Hawkes Bay, Wellington, Nelson-Marlborough, West Coast, Otago and Southland. Details in 'NZ Catholic' Nov 30 - Dec 13 2003 p. 22 and from Dennis Augustine, Advertising and Promotions Manager, NZ Catholic, PO Box 147-ooo, Ponsonby, Auckland 1034
Sunday, November 30, 2003
MEDIA RELEASES ** NZ Catholic Church establishes a "news" website ** Beatification process underway for Pope’s predecessor ** "Cafeteria Catholics" : The New Zealand Catholic Bishops have recently revised their Preference of Enrolment Criteria for those Catholic parents who wish to enrol their children in the nation’s 241 Catholic Schools...
INTERNATIONAL NEWS ** Nuncio's message to focus on essentials of the faith ** The Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Francesco Canalini yesterday urged Australia's bishops to focus on the essentials of the faith as they go forth in unity to meet the challenges posed by an often fragmented modern society...
** Ratzinger criticises Islam for mixing politics, religion ** Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger has criticised what he sees as a tendency among Islamic leaders to identify politics and religion, insisting on the importance of respect for religious freedom...
** Georgian Catholics prayed for peaceful change during protests ** The Catholic minority of the former Soviet republic of Georgia prayed for a peaceful change of government during the so-called velvet revolution at the weekend...
** MacKillop saintmaker calls doctor miracle denial "unscientific" ** The procurator for the cause of Blessed Mary MacKillop - Australia's first saint - has criticised the attitiude of doctors who deny the possibility of a miracle because they fear professional embarrassment...
** Parishioners request bishop to discuss priest's removal ** The faithful at Our Lady's Parish at Wangaratta in north-east Victoria, Australia have requested a visit from Sandhurst Diocese Bishop Joe Grech to discuss the planned removal of their parish priest.
** Gibson film moves Billy Graham to tears ** Mel Gibson has given veteran Christian evangelist Billy Graham a personal preview of his film The Passion of the Christ.
Igniting faith renewal (photo) Catholic Leader, Brisbane 23.11.2003 More than 200 young adults from across throughout Australia and New Zealand, including 30 primary school students, took part each day in Emmanuel Youth Outreach's third Ignite youth conference, 'Metamorphosis'....
On the Tridentine Mass, Liturgical Dance and Vocations Cardinal Danneels in a Wide-Ranging Interview Rome, Nov. 27, 2003 ( Cardinal Godfried Danneels of Brussels recently appeared as a speaker at a conference on St. Thérèse of Lisieux. But he didn't limit himself to expounding on the Little Flower. I had an opportunity to sit down with the cardinal for an interview during the conference at the Gregorian University. Cardinal Danneels is a former professor of liturgy at the University of Louvain in Belgium, and I began by asking his views on discussions about a rumored Vatican directive encouraging the return of the Tridentine Mass....
Holy Land – pilgrims build bridges for Christians from East and West; Holy Land hopes for more visitors for Christmas 2003 and in the New Year Vatican City (Fides Service ) – A pilgrimage to the Holy Land is a way to respond to Pope John Paul II’s urgent call on Sunday 16 November to build “bridges not walls” in the Holy Land. A pilgrimage is a bridge of solidarity and witness. It unites Christians in the West with those who suffer from poverty and war in the Middle East. In fact as Christmas approaches Christians always look to those Holy Places and take new courage to plan a visit despite the danger....
Christians in Egypt - a country of tolerance - are a bridge between two faiths and two cultures Alexandria, Egypt (Fides Service)- “This cannot be labelled as religious Muslim terrorism since its victims are also Muslims” Bishop Giuseppe Bausardo, Apostolic Vicar of Alexandria of Egypt told Fides with regard to recent bomb explosions in Turkey. “Here in Egypt, despite international tension because of the latest terrorist attacks, the situation is apparently calm. Egypt is a country with a long tradition of religious tolerance and harmony among different faiths and this is undoubtedly a decisive factor in difficult times such as these”....
Vatican plays down pope's meeting with Dalai Lama to avoid hurting China relations CBS New York November 27, 2003 Vatican City (AP) Pope John Paul II received the Dalai Lama, Tibet's spiritual leader, in an audience Thursday that the Vatican kept extremely low-key to avoid a further chill in its icy relations with China...
Soldiers or pilgrims?, by John Wilkins The Tablet (UK) 22 November 2003 There is deep debate between Catholics on the right way to relate to the modern world. The editor of The Tablet looks at the arguments ...
Baghdad: US forces sack Coptic church Independent Catholic News 27 November 2003 Christian Peacekeepers in Baghdad, issued a report today, documenting damage at the Holy Mary Orthodox Egyptian Coptic Church caused by US soldiers this summer. The church was built in 1668 and is located Baghdad's Old City. Members of the CPT team visited the church with a human rights worker and recorded the following interview with the priests's assistant, which has been slightly edited....
US Caritas calls Govt funding for aid agencies 'double-edged sword' When Catholic aid organisations operate with government funding in places like Iraq, they must take pains not to be identified with military operations, the head of Catholic Relief Services (CRS) in the US told a Vatican meeting....
Contrasting ceremonies (photo) Otago Daily Times 24 November 2003 In Clyde, a crowd of more than 120 was at the Mass conducted by Fr Brendan Ward as St Dunstan's Catholic Church celebrated 100 years on its site on the corner of Fraser and Sunderland Sts... [The article notes that Clyde had a Catholic church as far back as 1870, but wind blew it over in 1874. And they call Wellington windy! The fact is, I've never heard of a building blown over in Wellington. People maybe, but not buildings. ML]
Celebration of Polish heritage and culture (photo) ODT 24-November 2003 When bells rang out at Mary Queen of Peace Church yesterday, they celebrated the end of a curious historical journey and the continued blossoming of Polish culture in Dunedin. The building, believed to be the world's most southerly historic Polish church, was also the first church built by Polish immigrants in Waihola more than a century ago...
No days off in service of God ODT 22-November 2003 In delivering the homily for Monsignor Peter Mee, who has died aged 78, Father John Mullin recalled many years ago meeting his fellow priest in the street and inquiring if he was having a day off. "I will never forget his answer - `There is no day off in the service of God'....
Catholic brothers face sex charges TVNZ Nov 28, 2003,1227,239297-1-7,00.html The police in Christchurch have laid 47 sex abuse charges against three brothers from the Catholic order St John of God, who are now living in Australia....
Government agencies add to poverty problem NZ Herald 27.11.2003 Poor families who seek help from foodbanks are often struggling under the added burden of debt to Government agencies, a study shows...
"How to celebrate Christmas without spending a cent" (Plays automatically when you open the home page)
"Hearts Aflame" Catholic Summer School 2-11 January 2004 Website: NB: The Website has not yet been updated with details of the 2004 School
The Hearts Aflame Catholic Summer School offers young adults (18-35 years old) an opportunity to learn more about the teachings of the Church, through: An opportunity to deepen your spiritual life through personal, communal and liturgical prayer and through celebration of the sacraments A discovery of the richness of Catholic spirituality and tradition. An experience of living a common life of prayer, service and recreation An introduction to theology and scripture An examination of some of the many issues facing the Church
"Pompallier: Te Hokinga Mai": The Journey home of Bishop Pompallier Auckland Museum 18 October 2003 to 18 January 2004. Website: An exhibition of over 100 photographs supplemented by a number of Pompallier's personal effects including his travelling altar and cope.
Catholic Festival: A Celebration of the Catholic Faith Auckland Town Hall, Friday 27 - Sunday 29 February 2004 Website: "The Catholic Festival is a celebration of our faith that will be joyful, prayerful, reflective, informative and educational. We hope that it will be inspiring and life-changing for all who participate... We seek to provide the opportunity for anyone to display the gifts that God has given them... We also wish to celebrate our cultural diversity and to grow together in unity. From the centre of Auckland, we also have the opportunity to witness to our faith and help others to see its richness and beauty. Finally, there is the opportunity for the many groups and religious communities to promote their apostolates and seek members and vocations."
Parachute Music Festival, Mystery Creek, Hamilton, 23-26 January 2004 Website:
The annual Christian music festival. Every year a Catholic "tent city" is set up at the Festival, and an all-comers Mass is celebrated, undoubtedly the first experience of a Catholic liturgy for most Festival-goers. Co-ordinator: Jamie Cox. E-mail:
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the Education Gazette: ]
St Vincent de Paul Society - National Council office, Wellington Part-time personal assistant Details in 'NZ Catholic' Nov 30-Dec 13 2003 p. 22 and from: Applications close 13 December 2003
'NZ Catholic' - Presenters 'NZ Catholic' newspaper wishes to employ skilled communicators with a firm belief in the Catholic press to act as presenters for the paper at parish Masses in: Northland, Auckland, Hawkes Bay, Wellington, Nelson-Marlborough, West Coast, Otago and Southland. Details in 'NZ Catholic' Nov 30 - Dec 13 2003 p. 22 and from Dennis Augustine, Advertising and Promotions Manager, NZ Catholic, PO Box 147-ooo, Ponsonby, Auckland 1034
MEDIA RELEASES ** NZ Catholic Church establishes a "news" website ** Beatification process underway for Pope’s predecessor ** "Cafeteria Catholics" : The New Zealand Catholic Bishops have recently revised their Preference of Enrolment Criteria for those Catholic parents who wish to enrol their children in the nation’s 241 Catholic Schools...
INTERNATIONAL NEWS ** Nuncio's message to focus on essentials of the faith ** The Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Francesco Canalini yesterday urged Australia's bishops to focus on the essentials of the faith as they go forth in unity to meet the challenges posed by an often fragmented modern society...
** Ratzinger criticises Islam for mixing politics, religion ** Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger has criticised what he sees as a tendency among Islamic leaders to identify politics and religion, insisting on the importance of respect for religious freedom...
** Georgian Catholics prayed for peaceful change during protests ** The Catholic minority of the former Soviet republic of Georgia prayed for a peaceful change of government during the so-called velvet revolution at the weekend...
** MacKillop saintmaker calls doctor miracle denial "unscientific" ** The procurator for the cause of Blessed Mary MacKillop - Australia's first saint - has criticised the attitiude of doctors who deny the possibility of a miracle because they fear professional embarrassment...
** Parishioners request bishop to discuss priest's removal ** The faithful at Our Lady's Parish at Wangaratta in north-east Victoria, Australia have requested a visit from Sandhurst Diocese Bishop Joe Grech to discuss the planned removal of their parish priest.
** Gibson film moves Billy Graham to tears ** Mel Gibson has given veteran Christian evangelist Billy Graham a personal preview of his film The Passion of the Christ.
Igniting faith renewal (photo) Catholic Leader, Brisbane 23.11.2003 More than 200 young adults from across throughout Australia and New Zealand, including 30 primary school students, took part each day in Emmanuel Youth Outreach's third Ignite youth conference, 'Metamorphosis'....
On the Tridentine Mass, Liturgical Dance and Vocations Cardinal Danneels in a Wide-Ranging Interview Rome, Nov. 27, 2003 ( Cardinal Godfried Danneels of Brussels recently appeared as a speaker at a conference on St. Thérèse of Lisieux. But he didn't limit himself to expounding on the Little Flower. I had an opportunity to sit down with the cardinal for an interview during the conference at the Gregorian University. Cardinal Danneels is a former professor of liturgy at the University of Louvain in Belgium, and I began by asking his views on discussions about a rumored Vatican directive encouraging the return of the Tridentine Mass....
Holy Land – pilgrims build bridges for Christians from East and West; Holy Land hopes for more visitors for Christmas 2003 and in the New Year Vatican City (Fides Service ) – A pilgrimage to the Holy Land is a way to respond to Pope John Paul II’s urgent call on Sunday 16 November to build “bridges not walls” in the Holy Land. A pilgrimage is a bridge of solidarity and witness. It unites Christians in the West with those who suffer from poverty and war in the Middle East. In fact as Christmas approaches Christians always look to those Holy Places and take new courage to plan a visit despite the danger....
Christians in Egypt - a country of tolerance - are a bridge between two faiths and two cultures Alexandria, Egypt (Fides Service)- “This cannot be labelled as religious Muslim terrorism since its victims are also Muslims” Bishop Giuseppe Bausardo, Apostolic Vicar of Alexandria of Egypt told Fides with regard to recent bomb explosions in Turkey. “Here in Egypt, despite international tension because of the latest terrorist attacks, the situation is apparently calm. Egypt is a country with a long tradition of religious tolerance and harmony among different faiths and this is undoubtedly a decisive factor in difficult times such as these”....
Vatican plays down pope's meeting with Dalai Lama to avoid hurting China relations CBS New York November 27, 2003 Vatican City (AP) Pope John Paul II received the Dalai Lama, Tibet's spiritual leader, in an audience Thursday that the Vatican kept extremely low-key to avoid a further chill in its icy relations with China...
Soldiers or pilgrims?, by John Wilkins The Tablet (UK) 22 November 2003 There is deep debate between Catholics on the right way to relate to the modern world. The editor of The Tablet looks at the arguments ...
Baghdad: US forces sack Coptic church Independent Catholic News 27 November 2003 Christian Peacekeepers in Baghdad, issued a report today, documenting damage at the Holy Mary Orthodox Egyptian Coptic Church caused by US soldiers this summer. The church was built in 1668 and is located Baghdad's Old City. Members of the CPT team visited the church with a human rights worker and recorded the following interview with the priests's assistant, which has been slightly edited....
US Caritas calls Govt funding for aid agencies 'double-edged sword' When Catholic aid organisations operate with government funding in places like Iraq, they must take pains not to be identified with military operations, the head of Catholic Relief Services (CRS) in the US told a Vatican meeting....
Contrasting ceremonies (photo) Otago Daily Times 24 November 2003 In Clyde, a crowd of more than 120 was at the Mass conducted by Fr Brendan Ward as St Dunstan's Catholic Church celebrated 100 years on its site on the corner of Fraser and Sunderland Sts... [The article notes that Clyde had a Catholic church as far back as 1870, but wind blew it over in 1874. And they call Wellington windy! The fact is, I've never heard of a building blown over in Wellington. People maybe, but not buildings. ML]
Celebration of Polish heritage and culture (photo) ODT 24-November 2003 When bells rang out at Mary Queen of Peace Church yesterday, they celebrated the end of a curious historical journey and the continued blossoming of Polish culture in Dunedin. The building, believed to be the world's most southerly historic Polish church, was also the first church built by Polish immigrants in Waihola more than a century ago...
No days off in service of God ODT 22-November 2003 In delivering the homily for Monsignor Peter Mee, who has died aged 78, Father John Mullin recalled many years ago meeting his fellow priest in the street and inquiring if he was having a day off. "I will never forget his answer - `There is no day off in the service of God'....
Catholic brothers face sex charges TVNZ Nov 28, 2003,1227,239297-1-7,00.html The police in Christchurch have laid 47 sex abuse charges against three brothers from the Catholic order St John of God, who are now living in Australia....
Government agencies add to poverty problem NZ Herald 27.11.2003 Poor families who seek help from foodbanks are often struggling under the added burden of debt to Government agencies, a study shows...
"How to celebrate Christmas without spending a cent" (Plays automatically when you open the home page)
"Hearts Aflame" Catholic Summer School 2-11 January 2004 Website: NB: The Website has not yet been updated with details of the 2004 School
The Hearts Aflame Catholic Summer School offers young adults (18-35 years old) an opportunity to learn more about the teachings of the Church, through: An opportunity to deepen your spiritual life through personal, communal and liturgical prayer and through celebration of the sacraments A discovery of the richness of Catholic spirituality and tradition. An experience of living a common life of prayer, service and recreation An introduction to theology and scripture An examination of some of the many issues facing the Church
"Pompallier: Te Hokinga Mai": The Journey home of Bishop Pompallier Auckland Museum 18 October 2003 to 18 January 2004. Website: An exhibition of over 100 photographs supplemented by a number of Pompallier's personal effects including his travelling altar and cope.
Catholic Festival: A Celebration of the Catholic Faith Auckland Town Hall, Friday 27 - Sunday 29 February 2004 Website: "The Catholic Festival is a celebration of our faith that will be joyful, prayerful, reflective, informative and educational. We hope that it will be inspiring and life-changing for all who participate... We seek to provide the opportunity for anyone to display the gifts that God has given them... We also wish to celebrate our cultural diversity and to grow together in unity. From the centre of Auckland, we also have the opportunity to witness to our faith and help others to see its richness and beauty. Finally, there is the opportunity for the many groups and religious communities to promote their apostolates and seek members and vocations."
Parachute Music Festival, Mystery Creek, Hamilton, 23-26 January 2004 Website:
The annual Christian music festival. Every year a Catholic "tent city" is set up at the Festival, and an all-comers Mass is celebrated, undoubtedly the first experience of a Catholic liturgy for most Festival-goers. Co-ordinator: Jamie Cox. E-mail:
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the Education Gazette: ]
St Vincent de Paul Society - National Council office, Wellington Part-time personal assistant Details in 'NZ Catholic' Nov 30-Dec 13 2003 p. 22 and from: Applications close 13 December 2003
'NZ Catholic' - Presenters 'NZ Catholic' newspaper wishes to employ skilled communicators with a firm belief in the Catholic press to act as presenters for the paper at parish Masses in: Northland, Auckland, Hawkes Bay, Wellington, Nelson-Marlborough, West Coast, Otago and Southland. Details in 'NZ Catholic' Nov 30 - Dec 13 2003 p. 22 and from Dennis Augustine, Advertising and Promotions Manager, NZ Catholic, PO Box 147-ooo, Ponsonby, Auckland 1034
Sunday, November 23, 2003
Euthanasia not validated by High Court decision NewsTalk ZB The decision to stay the prosecution of an elderly man who killed his Alzheimer's-afflicted wife is not a validation of euthanasia, according to the National Catholic Bioethics Centre....
Southland Catholic schools plan for future Stuff National News 17 November 2003,2106,2728108a7694,00.html Catholic schools are taking a proactive approach to their future, according to the Otago-Southland Catholic Education director Tony Hanning. Mr Hanning was in Invercargill last week to meet Catholic schools' principals, boards of trustees chairmen and parish priests from Invercargill and surrounding districts....
Gerry Brownlee, upstart with the big voice NZ Herald 22.11.2003 Gerry Brownlee [the new deputy leader of the National Party] grew up in a close, extended Catholic family, the head of which remains the MP's grandfather, 97-year-old Alec Brownlee, who ran a family timber yard business with three of his 10 children....
Estate of victim to receive $35,000 Order pays dead man over abuse Otago Daily Times Friday, 21-November 2003 A Christchurch victim of a Catholic sex abuse scandal is getting $35,000 compensation - three years after his death. The St John of God Order has already paid out more than $4 million to 56 men abused as boys at its Marylands school, but this is the first offer made posthumously....
Abuse payout sent direct to handicapped victim, lawyer bypassed Stuff National News 22 November 2003,2106,2734628a11,00.html A Catholic Order at the centre of a sex abuse scandal sent an $80,000 cheque directly to a long-term psychiatric patient. The 44-year-old patient hid the St John of God Order's cheque at first, then tried to cash it a few days later. His family discovered what had happened and alerted its lawyer, who dissuaded the bank from cashing it....
Food situation in North Korea Voice of America, 20 Novemmber 2003 (radio bulletin transcript - full text] The United Nations has made a new appeal for food and medical aid for North Korea. VOA's Katherine Maria reports that only about 57 percent of the needed aid has been pledged so far this year. [Note: this is an unedited copy of a radio news item script, hence the peculiar format. "1st ACT and "END ACT" mark the start and end of a recorded comment.]
Vatican condemns terrorist bombing in Turkey A statement released by the Holy See Press Office late last night has regretted the loss of innocent life in yesterday's terrorist attack in Istanbul...
Vatican officials say migration brings opportunities for Catholics Migration brings with it an opportunity for Catholics to experience the universality of their church, to forge bonds with other Christians and to discover the way God is at work in other religions, Vatican officials have said....
Bishop says mob violence no way to fight corruption Bishop Darius Nggawa from Indonesia's East Flores region this week expressed regret over the actions of a mob objecting to a court verdict against the head of the diocesan Justice and Peace Commission....
Australian motifs in vestments on show at ACU Australian Catholic University is exhibiting the work of a student who has designed a Pentecost chasuble incorporating Australian bushfire imagery....
Brisbane Catholic Education absorbs insurance fee rises Brisbane Catholic Education has decided absorb a 30% rise in public liability insurance, and will restrict 2004 school fee increases in line with the Consumer Price Index (CPI)....
Rome scotches Fatima multifaith rumours A top Vatican official has quashed rumours that the world-famous Fatima shrine is to be turned into a multi-faith pilgrim centre....
Prayers for peace in Trafalgar Square Independent Catholic News 20 Nov 2003 Around 500 people of all faiths gathered in Trafalgar Square this afternoon for a silent peace vigil before the start of the national demonstration. The quiet gathering of Buddhist monks and nuns, Moslems, Hindus, and Christians of all denominations - carrying posters depicting white doves and rainbow coloured Pax Christi flags contrasted with a more boisterous demonstration of school children on the other side of the Square....
"The Da Vinci Code, the Catholic Church, and Opus Dei " A statement from the Prelature of Opus Dei in the United States on The Da Vinci Code. In March of this year Doubleday published Dan Brown’s novel, The Da Vinci Code. The novel is based on the idea that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene and that core Christian teachings about the Divinity of Christ and his Resurrection are an ancient fraud....
Fr Paul Gardiner, postulator for the cause of Blessed Mary MacKillop -Lack of ‘miracle culture’ delays Mary’s sainthood The Catholic Weekly Online, Sydney, 16 November 2003 Vatican bureaucracy, recalcitrant doctors, red tape and “the lack of a culture of miracles in Australia” are all combining to delay the canonisation of Bl Mary MacKillop, says Jesuit priest Fr Paul Gardiner, the postulator for Mary MacKillop’s cause....
Vatican officials say migration brings opportunities for Catholics Migration brings with it an opportunity for Catholics to experience the universality of their church, to forge bonds with other Christians and to discover the way God is at work in other religions, Vatican officials have said....
Conference examines 'genius' of Thérèse National Catholic Reporter November 21, 2003 Roman Catholic theology of sainthood holds that everything begins with a cult. When it works properly, it is the most democratic process in the church. The people of a given time or place decide that someone has lived a life of special sanctity, and the hierarchy comes in only after the fact, authenticating this popular choice. Few cases illustrate this democratic ethos better than St. Thérèse of Lisieux, popularly known as “the Little Flower of Jesus.”...
Joy to the World: Third Annual International Nativity Exhibit November 21, 2003 - January 25, 2004 A nativity the size of a walnut and almost 200 others bedazzle visitors to the extraordinary Third Annual International Nativity Exhibit at the Museums at the Pope John Paul II Cultural Center. Nativities representing every inhabited continent are on view beginning November 21. Joy to the World: the Third Annual International Nativity Exhibit is sure to intrigue visitors of all ages...
Gospel values alive in L’Arche The Catholic Weekly Online (Sydney) 23 November 2003 Many people have heard of Canadian Jean Vanier, the founding father of L’Arche and its sister organisation, Faith and Light, international organisations that consist of family-style households and networks that typically offer lifestyle support to people with an intellectual disability. Perhaps not quite so well known is Australia’s own ‘Jean Vanier’ figure: Eileen Glass, one of the founding mothers of L’Arche in Australia and a driving force in its leadership ever since....
A Life Dedicated to Unity of Eastern and Western Christians Interview with Cardinal Thomas Spidlik VATICAN CITY, NOV. 18, 2003 ( Among the unexpected new cardinals installed last month was Father Thomas Spidlik, a Jesuit from the Czech Republic, whose life has been a veritable bridge between Eastern and Western Christians. A professor at the Pontifical Oriental Institute, Cardinal Spidlik lives and works in Rome's Aletti Center, which promotes personal contacts with scholars of Eastern Europe. In the 1990s he carried out important missions to Russia, which included a meeting with President Boris Yeltsin and Russian Orthodox Patriarch Alexy II in 1992....
Pope says Church can assist depression sufferers Pope John Paul II has called depression a "spiritual trial", and suggested that those suffering from the illness should receive special support from their priests and parish communities....
Iraq - “We do not want Iraq to be another Palestine! No state, a nation left at the mercy of terrorists”: heartfelt plea to Fides by Superior General of Chaldean Catholic monks
The flow of new features on this site has been interrupted due to the illness of a member of the team, Fr Bernard Hehir, who is now convalescing. In the meantime, when you open the home page, a slideshow automatically begins of "Memorable Quotations of Pope John Paul II" interspersed with photographs. This feature will be extended in the next week or two.
Garin, Antoine Marie 1810 - 1889 Priest, missionary, educationalist
Antoine Marie Garin was born on 23 July 1810 at St Rambert-en-Bugey, in the department of Ain, France. He was the son of Joseph Marie Garin, a notary public, and his wife, Françoise Margueritte Augerd. He was ordained a priest for his local diocese, Belley, on 19 October 1834. For three years he worked in the parish of Chalamont, but feeling the call to overseas missionary work joined the Society of Mary (Marists) in Lyons in 1837. After making his profession in 1840 he was assigned to New Zealand, where he arrived with 10 other members of the society on the Mary Grey at the Bay of Islands on 14 June 1841. These missionaries joined Bishop J. B. F. Pompallier at Kororareka (Russell)....
"Hearts Aflame" Catholic Summer School 2-11 January 2004 Website: NB: The Website has not yet been updated with details of the 2004 School
The Hearts Aflame Catholic Summer School offers young adults (18-35 years old) an opportunity to learn more about the teachings of the Church, through: An opportunity to deepen your spiritual life through personal, communal and liturgical prayer and through celebration of the sacraments A discovery of the richness of Catholic spirituality and tradition. An experience of living a common life of prayer, service and recreation An introduction to theology and scripture An examination of some of the many issues facing the Church
"Pompallier: Te Hokinga Mai": The Journey home of Bishop Pompallier Auckland Museum 18 October 2003 to 18 January 2004. Website: An exhibition of over 100 photographs supplemented by a number of Pompallier's personal effects including his travelling altar and cope.
Catholic Festival: A Celebration of the Catholic Faith Auckland Town Hall, Friday 27 - Sunday 29 February 2004 Website: "The Catholic Festival is a celebration of our faith that will be joyful, prayerful, reflective, informative and educational. We hope that it will be inspiring and life-changing for all who participate... We seek to provide the opportunity for anyone to display the gifts that God has given them... We also wish to celebrate our cultural diversity and to grow together in unity. From the centre of Auckland, we also have the opportunity to witness to our faith and help others to see its richness and beauty. Finally, there is the opportunity for the many groups and religious communities to promote their apostolates and seek members and vocations."
Parachute Music Festival, Mystery Creek, Hamilton, 23-26 January 2004 Website:
The annual Christian music festival. Every year a Catholic "tent city" is set up at the Festival, and an all-comers Mass is celebrated, undoubtedly the first experience of a Catholic liturgy for most Festival-goers. Co-ordinator: Jamie Cox. E-mail:
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the Education Gazette: ]
LECTURER IN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Applications are invited from suitably qualified and experienced persons for the position of Lecturer in Religious Education. The appointee is expected to be employed full-time within the Catholic Institute of Theology, Auckland. Further details at: and from: The Registrar, Catholic Institute of Theology, Newman Hall, 16 Waterloo Quadrant, Auckland 1001, New Zealand. Ph: (09)379 6424, Fax: (09)379 6426, Email: Applications close 30 November 2003.
Euthanasia not validated by High Court decision NewsTalk ZB The decision to stay the prosecution of an elderly man who killed his Alzheimer's-afflicted wife is not a validation of euthanasia, according to the National Catholic Bioethics Centre....
Southland Catholic schools plan for future Stuff National News 17 November 2003,2106,2728108a7694,00.html Catholic schools are taking a proactive approach to their future, according to the Otago-Southland Catholic Education director Tony Hanning. Mr Hanning was in Invercargill last week to meet Catholic schools' principals, boards of trustees chairmen and parish priests from Invercargill and surrounding districts....
Gerry Brownlee, upstart with the big voice NZ Herald 22.11.2003 Gerry Brownlee [the new deputy leader of the National Party] grew up in a close, extended Catholic family, the head of which remains the MP's grandfather, 97-year-old Alec Brownlee, who ran a family timber yard business with three of his 10 children....
Estate of victim to receive $35,000 Order pays dead man over abuse Otago Daily Times Friday, 21-November 2003 A Christchurch victim of a Catholic sex abuse scandal is getting $35,000 compensation - three years after his death. The St John of God Order has already paid out more than $4 million to 56 men abused as boys at its Marylands school, but this is the first offer made posthumously....
Abuse payout sent direct to handicapped victim, lawyer bypassed Stuff National News 22 November 2003,2106,2734628a11,00.html A Catholic Order at the centre of a sex abuse scandal sent an $80,000 cheque directly to a long-term psychiatric patient. The 44-year-old patient hid the St John of God Order's cheque at first, then tried to cash it a few days later. His family discovered what had happened and alerted its lawyer, who dissuaded the bank from cashing it....
Food situation in North Korea Voice of America, 20 Novemmber 2003 (radio bulletin transcript - full text] The United Nations has made a new appeal for food and medical aid for North Korea. VOA's Katherine Maria reports that only about 57 percent of the needed aid has been pledged so far this year. [Note: this is an unedited copy of a radio news item script, hence the peculiar format. "1st ACT and "END ACT" mark the start and end of a recorded comment.]
Vatican condemns terrorist bombing in Turkey A statement released by the Holy See Press Office late last night has regretted the loss of innocent life in yesterday's terrorist attack in Istanbul...
Vatican officials say migration brings opportunities for Catholics Migration brings with it an opportunity for Catholics to experience the universality of their church, to forge bonds with other Christians and to discover the way God is at work in other religions, Vatican officials have said....
Bishop says mob violence no way to fight corruption Bishop Darius Nggawa from Indonesia's East Flores region this week expressed regret over the actions of a mob objecting to a court verdict against the head of the diocesan Justice and Peace Commission....
Australian motifs in vestments on show at ACU Australian Catholic University is exhibiting the work of a student who has designed a Pentecost chasuble incorporating Australian bushfire imagery....
Brisbane Catholic Education absorbs insurance fee rises Brisbane Catholic Education has decided absorb a 30% rise in public liability insurance, and will restrict 2004 school fee increases in line with the Consumer Price Index (CPI)....
Rome scotches Fatima multifaith rumours A top Vatican official has quashed rumours that the world-famous Fatima shrine is to be turned into a multi-faith pilgrim centre....
Prayers for peace in Trafalgar Square Independent Catholic News 20 Nov 2003 Around 500 people of all faiths gathered in Trafalgar Square this afternoon for a silent peace vigil before the start of the national demonstration. The quiet gathering of Buddhist monks and nuns, Moslems, Hindus, and Christians of all denominations - carrying posters depicting white doves and rainbow coloured Pax Christi flags contrasted with a more boisterous demonstration of school children on the other side of the Square....
"The Da Vinci Code, the Catholic Church, and Opus Dei " A statement from the Prelature of Opus Dei in the United States on The Da Vinci Code. In March of this year Doubleday published Dan Brown’s novel, The Da Vinci Code. The novel is based on the idea that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene and that core Christian teachings about the Divinity of Christ and his Resurrection are an ancient fraud....
Fr Paul Gardiner, postulator for the cause of Blessed Mary MacKillop -Lack of ‘miracle culture’ delays Mary’s sainthood The Catholic Weekly Online, Sydney, 16 November 2003 Vatican bureaucracy, recalcitrant doctors, red tape and “the lack of a culture of miracles in Australia” are all combining to delay the canonisation of Bl Mary MacKillop, says Jesuit priest Fr Paul Gardiner, the postulator for Mary MacKillop’s cause....
Vatican officials say migration brings opportunities for Catholics Migration brings with it an opportunity for Catholics to experience the universality of their church, to forge bonds with other Christians and to discover the way God is at work in other religions, Vatican officials have said....
Conference examines 'genius' of Thérèse National Catholic Reporter November 21, 2003 Roman Catholic theology of sainthood holds that everything begins with a cult. When it works properly, it is the most democratic process in the church. The people of a given time or place decide that someone has lived a life of special sanctity, and the hierarchy comes in only after the fact, authenticating this popular choice. Few cases illustrate this democratic ethos better than St. Thérèse of Lisieux, popularly known as “the Little Flower of Jesus.”...
Joy to the World: Third Annual International Nativity Exhibit November 21, 2003 - January 25, 2004 A nativity the size of a walnut and almost 200 others bedazzle visitors to the extraordinary Third Annual International Nativity Exhibit at the Museums at the Pope John Paul II Cultural Center. Nativities representing every inhabited continent are on view beginning November 21. Joy to the World: the Third Annual International Nativity Exhibit is sure to intrigue visitors of all ages...
Gospel values alive in L’Arche The Catholic Weekly Online (Sydney) 23 November 2003 Many people have heard of Canadian Jean Vanier, the founding father of L’Arche and its sister organisation, Faith and Light, international organisations that consist of family-style households and networks that typically offer lifestyle support to people with an intellectual disability. Perhaps not quite so well known is Australia’s own ‘Jean Vanier’ figure: Eileen Glass, one of the founding mothers of L’Arche in Australia and a driving force in its leadership ever since....
A Life Dedicated to Unity of Eastern and Western Christians Interview with Cardinal Thomas Spidlik VATICAN CITY, NOV. 18, 2003 ( Among the unexpected new cardinals installed last month was Father Thomas Spidlik, a Jesuit from the Czech Republic, whose life has been a veritable bridge between Eastern and Western Christians. A professor at the Pontifical Oriental Institute, Cardinal Spidlik lives and works in Rome's Aletti Center, which promotes personal contacts with scholars of Eastern Europe. In the 1990s he carried out important missions to Russia, which included a meeting with President Boris Yeltsin and Russian Orthodox Patriarch Alexy II in 1992....
Pope says Church can assist depression sufferers Pope John Paul II has called depression a "spiritual trial", and suggested that those suffering from the illness should receive special support from their priests and parish communities....
Iraq - “We do not want Iraq to be another Palestine! No state, a nation left at the mercy of terrorists”: heartfelt plea to Fides by Superior General of Chaldean Catholic monks
The flow of new features on this site has been interrupted due to the illness of a member of the team, Fr Bernard Hehir, who is now convalescing. In the meantime, when you open the home page, a slideshow automatically begins of "Memorable Quotations of Pope John Paul II" interspersed with photographs. This feature will be extended in the next week or two.
Garin, Antoine Marie 1810 - 1889 Priest, missionary, educationalist
Antoine Marie Garin was born on 23 July 1810 at St Rambert-en-Bugey, in the department of Ain, France. He was the son of Joseph Marie Garin, a notary public, and his wife, Françoise Margueritte Augerd. He was ordained a priest for his local diocese, Belley, on 19 October 1834. For three years he worked in the parish of Chalamont, but feeling the call to overseas missionary work joined the Society of Mary (Marists) in Lyons in 1837. After making his profession in 1840 he was assigned to New Zealand, where he arrived with 10 other members of the society on the Mary Grey at the Bay of Islands on 14 June 1841. These missionaries joined Bishop J. B. F. Pompallier at Kororareka (Russell)....
"Hearts Aflame" Catholic Summer School 2-11 January 2004 Website: NB: The Website has not yet been updated with details of the 2004 School
The Hearts Aflame Catholic Summer School offers young adults (18-35 years old) an opportunity to learn more about the teachings of the Church, through: An opportunity to deepen your spiritual life through personal, communal and liturgical prayer and through celebration of the sacraments A discovery of the richness of Catholic spirituality and tradition. An experience of living a common life of prayer, service and recreation An introduction to theology and scripture An examination of some of the many issues facing the Church
"Pompallier: Te Hokinga Mai": The Journey home of Bishop Pompallier Auckland Museum 18 October 2003 to 18 January 2004. Website: An exhibition of over 100 photographs supplemented by a number of Pompallier's personal effects including his travelling altar and cope.
Catholic Festival: A Celebration of the Catholic Faith Auckland Town Hall, Friday 27 - Sunday 29 February 2004 Website: "The Catholic Festival is a celebration of our faith that will be joyful, prayerful, reflective, informative and educational. We hope that it will be inspiring and life-changing for all who participate... We seek to provide the opportunity for anyone to display the gifts that God has given them... We also wish to celebrate our cultural diversity and to grow together in unity. From the centre of Auckland, we also have the opportunity to witness to our faith and help others to see its richness and beauty. Finally, there is the opportunity for the many groups and religious communities to promote their apostolates and seek members and vocations."
Parachute Music Festival, Mystery Creek, Hamilton, 23-26 January 2004 Website:
The annual Christian music festival. Every year a Catholic "tent city" is set up at the Festival, and an all-comers Mass is celebrated, undoubtedly the first experience of a Catholic liturgy for most Festival-goers. Co-ordinator: Jamie Cox. E-mail:
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the Education Gazette: ]
LECTURER IN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Applications are invited from suitably qualified and experienced persons for the position of Lecturer in Religious Education. The appointee is expected to be employed full-time within the Catholic Institute of Theology, Auckland. Further details at: and from: The Registrar, Catholic Institute of Theology, Newman Hall, 16 Waterloo Quadrant, Auckland 1001, New Zealand. Ph: (09)379 6424, Fax: (09)379 6426, Email: Applications close 30 November 2003.
Sunday, November 16, 2003
'Wel-com' Newspaper of the Archdiocese of Wellington and the Diocese of Palmerston North November 2003
A centre for Attention Deficit Disorder children has been established at the Home of Compassion in Island Bay...
Fr Maurice Carmody, a Franciscan historian, makes history in the Wellington Archdiocese...
"When Mother Mother Teresa told us how to do something beautiful for God" Alan Devlin wrote this story thirty years ago when Mother Teresa visited Wellington...
Parents should be told when abortions involve their daughters under 16 Wellington Archdiocese calls for parents to be involved when minors are considering abortion ...
Statement from N.Z.’s Anglican and Catholic Bishops on detention of Ahmed Zaoui ...
Governor General to launch Soup Kitchen’s landmark mural...
Cardinal William's column: Pope John Paul remains a towering colossus both intellectually and spiritually
Iraq: Caritas workers injured in Nasirya suicide bombing Independent Catholic News CAFOD's Iraqi partner, Caritas Iraq has suspended operations in Nasiriya following injuries to its aid workers in the suicide bomb attack on the Italian police headquarters...
'Japanese Story' Catholic Film of the Year In a year where quirky comedies dominated the output of the Australian film industry, the Australian Catholic Film Office has given its Film of the Year to 'Japanese Story', a poignant drama set in the Pilbara region of Western Australia....
Jesus Christ "better known as a profanity than a deity" A researcher with Australia's National Church Life Survey has highlighted implications arising from the fact that the current generation of school-aged children is likely to be the first where the majority has had no experience of church....
The high flyer from Honduras The Tablet (UK) 08/11/2003 The speaker at last week’s annual Cafod lecture in London, sponsored by The Tablet, was Latin America’s own flying bishop, Cardinal Oscar Andrés Rodríguez de Maradiaga. Since the early 1990s, he has been the Latin American Church’s principal advocate of justice for his continent and a powerful critic of soulless globalisation. He can argue with the verve of a politician; he is also multilingual, a gifted communicator, media-friendly, well versed in social doctrine, admired in the Vatican as well as in Latin America – and tipped as a candidate for Pope....
"New directions for Catholic health care" [Summary: In February this year the bishops and congregational leaders' Mixed Commission authorised Aotearoa New Zealand Catholic Healthcare to sponsor a proposal on the future of Catholic healthcare in New Zealand. The working party is exploring ways to support existing facilities and to advise on the development of community-based forms of healthcare refelcting current government policy. The Mixed Commission will discuss the proposal at its meeting next February.]
Pope condemns attack on Italian police in Iraq Pope John Paul II has voiced his sorrow at the 'vile attack' on an Italian police base in southern Iraq which reportedly left 14 Italians dead.
Bishop says Govt can do more for Hicks and Habib Australian Catholic Social Justice Council chairman Bishop Christopher Saunders has written to Attorney-General Philip Ruddock calling on the Government to do more to secure natural justice for the two Australians detained by US Authorities at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba.
Vatican GM seminar under fire A Vatican organised international seminar on genetically modified foods has run into controversy, after being criticised by priests working in Africa for failing to include Church personnel opposed to the crops.
Pope's health improving While Sydney Cardinal George Pell told ABC Radio yesterday that Pope John Paul II was 'not well, not at all well' when he saw him during last month's consistory in Rome, former Polish President Lech Walesa has said Pope John Paul II's health has improved 'incredibly' since last month.
Poetical ribs take religious art prize Shoufay Derz, a 24-year-old Sydney art student, has won this year's $10,000 Australian Catholic University-sponsored Blake prize for religious art for a work inspired by the Sufi poetry of ancient Persia.
Caritas Australia remembers the Santa Cruz Massacre Yesterday Caritas Australia recalled East Timor's Santa Cruz massacre, urging Australians to continue to provide financial support for the people of East Timor as their new nation struggles to provide for its people.
Ethics of sex choice probed NZ Herald 15.11.2003 New Zealanders will soon have a say on whether people should be allowed to choose the sex of their baby. Professor Sylvia Rumball, chairwoman of the National Ethics Committee on Assisted Human Reproduction, said New Zealanders would be asked for their opinions on the use of sex selection within the next three months....
Designer babies for $16,000 The Dominion Post 15 November 2003,2106,2726975a11,00.html New Zealand couples are crossing the Tasman to have designer babies. Sydney IVF, which operates clinics in New South Wales, offers prospective parents embryo screening to identify sex and genetic defects. The procedure, known as preimplantation genetic diagnosis, is not available in New Zealand....
Colin McCahon: 'A Question of Faith' Art Gallery of NSW until January 18 Sydney Morning Herald The highs and lows of Colin McCahon's "heroically troubled" life are reflected in his canvases of divine inspiration, writes Peter Hill. I first saw the work of the great New Zealand artist Colin McCahon at the Edinburgh International Festival, in August 1984. It is no exaggeration to say that it was a revelation to the many international visitors who, for the first time, came across his huge canvases soaked in religion and matted with dense text and mystic numerals.... [Article includes photos of two of Colin McCahon's works: 'The Shining Cuckoo' (1974); Will he save Him? (Elias series, 1959).]
Nuns hear cruelty claims NZ Herald 14.11.2003 A Catholic order of nuns has heard complaints of abuse from 18 people raised in their Christchurch orphanages and is now opening its chequebook. Fifteen women and three men have complained to the Sisters of Nazareth about cruelty during their early years at Nazareth House in Sydenham and St Joseph's Home in Halswell. The complaints span several decades from the 1930s....
Long wait for Catholic places Timaru Herald 15 November 2003,2106,2727054a6010,00.html Non-Catholic parents wanting to send their kids to Catholic schools are out of luck as there are waiting lists of up to eight years.
Churches face big rates hike NZPA 13 November 2003,2106,2724407a11,00.html Dunedin churches fear rates rises of thousands of dollars will cripple them financially. Sixty Dunedin churches had been sent letters warning their $100 annual rates bills could climb well into the thousands, Dunedin City Council financial controller Les Weir said....
Catholic bishops OK revised liturgy to deal with priest shortage Gannett News Service WASHINGTON - The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops approved a revised Sunday liturgy this week for parishes without a priest to celebrate Mass. About 3,040 Catholic parishes in the United States - 16 percent -do not have a resident priest. Most are served by visiting priests who celebrate Mass as many as five times in one day in far-flung communities....
Vatican opens talks on biotech foods VATICAN CITY — The Vatican invited scientists, health experts, U.N. officials and farmers' groups to a conference Monday on genetically modified foods, which some Vatican officials have said could help alleviate world hunger. The two-day symposium "GMO: Threat or Hope" was organized by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, which is headed by Cardinal Renato Martino, who has frequently spoken out about the potential benefits of biotech foods....
Vatican report condemns biotech crops But powerful cardinal supportive of genetic modification VATICAN CITY (AP) - Two Jesuits told a Vatican biotech conference today that tinkering with God's creation by making new plant species went against church teaching, adding a moral voice to a debate dominated by scientific, political and economic interests...
Prudence Urged for Genetically Modified Organisms VATICAN CITY, NOV. 12, 2003 ( The field of genetically modified organisms "must not be abandoned, although it needs much care," said a Vatican official at the conclusion of an international symposium....
'GOD: FACT OR FICTION?' A new book by Brendan Roberts
The author writes ... " 'God: Fact or Fiction?' explores the relationship between science, religion and the origin of life. With the explosive rate of science in the 21st century, religion as understood to be a belief in a Creator, seems to be have been left behind in the cosmic dust of science".
"But Brendan uses science, faith and reason, revelation and experience to show the relationship that science has with religion. Readers will encounter such diverse subjects as the Wonder of the Universe, Unlocking the Chemistry of Life, Evolution, DNA, Archaeology, Evil, Suffering, the Soul, Sacred Scripture, The First Cause, Truth, Miracles, The Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, Early Church Fathers, and much much more."
"This book has the potential to make many ponder that there is proof beyond reasonable doubt for the existence of God. It will challenge many, and equip Christians for evangelizing their non-Christian friends, family and acquaintances."
Brendan was a missionary in Germany from 1990-1992 and published his first book in 1995. Brendan received a personal note/letter from Mother Teresa after sending her a complimentary copy of his first book in 1995.
"Hearts Aflame" Catholic Summer School 2-11 January 2004 Website: NB: The Website has not yet been updated with details of the 2004 School
The Hearts Aflame Catholic Summer School offers young adults (18-35 years old) an opportunity to learn more about the teachings of the Church, through: An opportunity to deepen your spiritual life through personal, communal and liturgical prayer and through celebration of the sacraments A discovery of the richness of Catholic spirituality and tradition. An experience of living a common life of prayer, service and recreation An introduction to theology and scripture An examination of some of the many issues facing the Church
"Pompallier: Te Hokinga Mai": The Journey home of Bishop Pompallier Auckland Museum 18 October 2003 to 18 January 2004. Website: An exhibition of over 100 photographs supplemented by a number of Pompallier's personal effects including his travelling altar and cope.
Catholic Festival: A Celebration of the Catholic Faith Auckland 2-22 February 2004 Website: NB: The Website was not functioning on Saturday evening
Parachute Music Festival, Mystery Creek, Hamilton, 23-26 January 2004 Website: The annual Christian music festival. Every year a Catholic "tent city" is set up at the Festival, and an all-comers Mass is celebrated, undoubtedly the first experience of a Catholic liturgy for most Festival-goers. WOULD THE CATHOLIC ORGANISERS OF TENT CITY LET ME KNOW THEIR CONTACT DETAILS PLEASE, AND WEBSITE URL.
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the Education Gazette: ]
LECTURER IN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Applications are invited from suitably qualified and experienced persons for the position of Lecturer in Religious Education. The appointee is expected to be employed full-time within the Catholic Institute of Theology, Auckland. Further details at: and from: The Registrar, Catholic Institute of Theology, Newman Hall, 16 Waterloo Quadrant, Auckland 1001, New Zealand. Ph: (09)379 6424, Fax: (09)379 6426, Email: Applications close 30 November 2003.
'Wel-com' Newspaper of the Archdiocese of Wellington and the Diocese of Palmerston North November 2003
A centre for Attention Deficit Disorder children has been established at the Home of Compassion in Island Bay...
Fr Maurice Carmody, a Franciscan historian, makes history in the Wellington Archdiocese...
"When Mother Mother Teresa told us how to do something beautiful for God" Alan Devlin wrote this story thirty years ago when Mother Teresa visited Wellington...
Parents should be told when abortions involve their daughters under 16 Wellington Archdiocese calls for parents to be involved when minors are considering abortion ...
Statement from N.Z.’s Anglican and Catholic Bishops on detention of Ahmed Zaoui ...
Governor General to launch Soup Kitchen’s landmark mural...
Cardinal William's column: Pope John Paul remains a towering colossus both intellectually and spiritually
Iraq: Caritas workers injured in Nasirya suicide bombing Independent Catholic News CAFOD's Iraqi partner, Caritas Iraq has suspended operations in Nasiriya following injuries to its aid workers in the suicide bomb attack on the Italian police headquarters...
'Japanese Story' Catholic Film of the Year In a year where quirky comedies dominated the output of the Australian film industry, the Australian Catholic Film Office has given its Film of the Year to 'Japanese Story', a poignant drama set in the Pilbara region of Western Australia....
Jesus Christ "better known as a profanity than a deity" A researcher with Australia's National Church Life Survey has highlighted implications arising from the fact that the current generation of school-aged children is likely to be the first where the majority has had no experience of church....
The high flyer from Honduras The Tablet (UK) 08/11/2003 The speaker at last week’s annual Cafod lecture in London, sponsored by The Tablet, was Latin America’s own flying bishop, Cardinal Oscar Andrés Rodríguez de Maradiaga. Since the early 1990s, he has been the Latin American Church’s principal advocate of justice for his continent and a powerful critic of soulless globalisation. He can argue with the verve of a politician; he is also multilingual, a gifted communicator, media-friendly, well versed in social doctrine, admired in the Vatican as well as in Latin America – and tipped as a candidate for Pope....
"New directions for Catholic health care" [Summary: In February this year the bishops and congregational leaders' Mixed Commission authorised Aotearoa New Zealand Catholic Healthcare to sponsor a proposal on the future of Catholic healthcare in New Zealand. The working party is exploring ways to support existing facilities and to advise on the development of community-based forms of healthcare refelcting current government policy. The Mixed Commission will discuss the proposal at its meeting next February.]
Pope condemns attack on Italian police in Iraq Pope John Paul II has voiced his sorrow at the 'vile attack' on an Italian police base in southern Iraq which reportedly left 14 Italians dead.
Bishop says Govt can do more for Hicks and Habib Australian Catholic Social Justice Council chairman Bishop Christopher Saunders has written to Attorney-General Philip Ruddock calling on the Government to do more to secure natural justice for the two Australians detained by US Authorities at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba.
Vatican GM seminar under fire A Vatican organised international seminar on genetically modified foods has run into controversy, after being criticised by priests working in Africa for failing to include Church personnel opposed to the crops.
Pope's health improving While Sydney Cardinal George Pell told ABC Radio yesterday that Pope John Paul II was 'not well, not at all well' when he saw him during last month's consistory in Rome, former Polish President Lech Walesa has said Pope John Paul II's health has improved 'incredibly' since last month.
Poetical ribs take religious art prize Shoufay Derz, a 24-year-old Sydney art student, has won this year's $10,000 Australian Catholic University-sponsored Blake prize for religious art for a work inspired by the Sufi poetry of ancient Persia.
Caritas Australia remembers the Santa Cruz Massacre Yesterday Caritas Australia recalled East Timor's Santa Cruz massacre, urging Australians to continue to provide financial support for the people of East Timor as their new nation struggles to provide for its people.
Ethics of sex choice probed NZ Herald 15.11.2003 New Zealanders will soon have a say on whether people should be allowed to choose the sex of their baby. Professor Sylvia Rumball, chairwoman of the National Ethics Committee on Assisted Human Reproduction, said New Zealanders would be asked for their opinions on the use of sex selection within the next three months....
Designer babies for $16,000 The Dominion Post 15 November 2003,2106,2726975a11,00.html New Zealand couples are crossing the Tasman to have designer babies. Sydney IVF, which operates clinics in New South Wales, offers prospective parents embryo screening to identify sex and genetic defects. The procedure, known as preimplantation genetic diagnosis, is not available in New Zealand....
Colin McCahon: 'A Question of Faith' Art Gallery of NSW until January 18 Sydney Morning Herald The highs and lows of Colin McCahon's "heroically troubled" life are reflected in his canvases of divine inspiration, writes Peter Hill. I first saw the work of the great New Zealand artist Colin McCahon at the Edinburgh International Festival, in August 1984. It is no exaggeration to say that it was a revelation to the many international visitors who, for the first time, came across his huge canvases soaked in religion and matted with dense text and mystic numerals.... [Article includes photos of two of Colin McCahon's works: 'The Shining Cuckoo' (1974); Will he save Him? (Elias series, 1959).]
Nuns hear cruelty claims NZ Herald 14.11.2003 A Catholic order of nuns has heard complaints of abuse from 18 people raised in their Christchurch orphanages and is now opening its chequebook. Fifteen women and three men have complained to the Sisters of Nazareth about cruelty during their early years at Nazareth House in Sydenham and St Joseph's Home in Halswell. The complaints span several decades from the 1930s....
Long wait for Catholic places Timaru Herald 15 November 2003,2106,2727054a6010,00.html Non-Catholic parents wanting to send their kids to Catholic schools are out of luck as there are waiting lists of up to eight years.
Churches face big rates hike NZPA 13 November 2003,2106,2724407a11,00.html Dunedin churches fear rates rises of thousands of dollars will cripple them financially. Sixty Dunedin churches had been sent letters warning their $100 annual rates bills could climb well into the thousands, Dunedin City Council financial controller Les Weir said....
Catholic bishops OK revised liturgy to deal with priest shortage Gannett News Service WASHINGTON - The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops approved a revised Sunday liturgy this week for parishes without a priest to celebrate Mass. About 3,040 Catholic parishes in the United States - 16 percent -do not have a resident priest. Most are served by visiting priests who celebrate Mass as many as five times in one day in far-flung communities....
Vatican opens talks on biotech foods VATICAN CITY — The Vatican invited scientists, health experts, U.N. officials and farmers' groups to a conference Monday on genetically modified foods, which some Vatican officials have said could help alleviate world hunger. The two-day symposium "GMO: Threat or Hope" was organized by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, which is headed by Cardinal Renato Martino, who has frequently spoken out about the potential benefits of biotech foods....
Vatican report condemns biotech crops But powerful cardinal supportive of genetic modification VATICAN CITY (AP) - Two Jesuits told a Vatican biotech conference today that tinkering with God's creation by making new plant species went against church teaching, adding a moral voice to a debate dominated by scientific, political and economic interests...
Prudence Urged for Genetically Modified Organisms VATICAN CITY, NOV. 12, 2003 ( The field of genetically modified organisms "must not be abandoned, although it needs much care," said a Vatican official at the conclusion of an international symposium....
'GOD: FACT OR FICTION?' A new book by Brendan Roberts
The author writes ... " 'God: Fact or Fiction?' explores the relationship between science, religion and the origin of life. With the explosive rate of science in the 21st century, religion as understood to be a belief in a Creator, seems to be have been left behind in the cosmic dust of science".
"But Brendan uses science, faith and reason, revelation and experience to show the relationship that science has with religion. Readers will encounter such diverse subjects as the Wonder of the Universe, Unlocking the Chemistry of Life, Evolution, DNA, Archaeology, Evil, Suffering, the Soul, Sacred Scripture, The First Cause, Truth, Miracles, The Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, Early Church Fathers, and much much more."
"This book has the potential to make many ponder that there is proof beyond reasonable doubt for the existence of God. It will challenge many, and equip Christians for evangelizing their non-Christian friends, family and acquaintances."
Brendan was a missionary in Germany from 1990-1992 and published his first book in 1995. Brendan received a personal note/letter from Mother Teresa after sending her a complimentary copy of his first book in 1995.
"Hearts Aflame" Catholic Summer School 2-11 January 2004 Website: NB: The Website has not yet been updated with details of the 2004 School
The Hearts Aflame Catholic Summer School offers young adults (18-35 years old) an opportunity to learn more about the teachings of the Church, through: An opportunity to deepen your spiritual life through personal, communal and liturgical prayer and through celebration of the sacraments A discovery of the richness of Catholic spirituality and tradition. An experience of living a common life of prayer, service and recreation An introduction to theology and scripture An examination of some of the many issues facing the Church
"Pompallier: Te Hokinga Mai": The Journey home of Bishop Pompallier Auckland Museum 18 October 2003 to 18 January 2004. Website: An exhibition of over 100 photographs supplemented by a number of Pompallier's personal effects including his travelling altar and cope.
Catholic Festival: A Celebration of the Catholic Faith Auckland 2-22 February 2004 Website: NB: The Website was not functioning on Saturday evening
Parachute Music Festival, Mystery Creek, Hamilton, 23-26 January 2004 Website: The annual Christian music festival. Every year a Catholic "tent city" is set up at the Festival, and an all-comers Mass is celebrated, undoubtedly the first experience of a Catholic liturgy for most Festival-goers. WOULD THE CATHOLIC ORGANISERS OF TENT CITY LET ME KNOW THEIR CONTACT DETAILS PLEASE, AND WEBSITE URL.
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the Education Gazette: ]
LECTURER IN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Applications are invited from suitably qualified and experienced persons for the position of Lecturer in Religious Education. The appointee is expected to be employed full-time within the Catholic Institute of Theology, Auckland. Further details at: and from: The Registrar, Catholic Institute of Theology, Newman Hall, 16 Waterloo Quadrant, Auckland 1001, New Zealand. Ph: (09)379 6424, Fax: (09)379 6426, Email: Applications close 30 November 2003.
Sunday, November 9, 2003
International News:
Catholic Refugee Office 'wait and see' after Govt change of heart The (Australian) Bishops' Migrant and Refugee Office has welcomed yesterday's news that the Federal Government will now grant a visa 'on compassionate grounds' to an Iranian asylum seeker whose children are stranded in Indonesia....
Catholic levy to fight child abuse Every employee and volunteer in the Archdiocese of Adelaide will be required to undergo training in child protection, under a plan announced yesterday by Vicar-General Monsignor David Cappo....
Melbourne Archbishop opposes Victorian trading reforms Archbishop Denis Hart yesterday expressed opposition to a Victorian government move to soften trading restrictions on religious holidays....
Putin unable to deliver Pope's invite to Russia Pope John Paul II met with Russian President Vladimir Putin yesterday afternoon, and told him that he was 'praying for Russia'.... Vatican aiming at 'sacred vernacular language' for liturgy An official at the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments has enunciated the Vatican's vision for a 'sacred vernacular language' that avoids 'slavishly reflecting the development of local speech'....
US archbishop calls partial-birth abortion ban a 'vital step' In what a US archbishop called 'a vital step in the right direction for our nation', President Bush signed the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act into law on Wednesday at a Washington ceremony attended by many Catholic leaders....
Catholic take on the latest Matrix movie, by Fr Peter Malone, president of SIGNIS, the World Catholic Association for Communication With 'Matrix Revolutions', the American screenwriters and directors, the Wachowski Brothers (Andy and Larry) have completed what has been one of the most popular and talked about film trilogies ever. While The Lord of the Rings showed us Tolkein's world and took its audiences into the mythical past and used religious symbols and motifs, The Matrix trilogy takes audiences into a future that is no less mythical and which also uses religious symbols and motifs....
"If I were Pope" [New reflections on the topic 'If I were Pope' are added to this page every week. Reflections published do not necessarily represent the editorial views of Australian Catholics nor the official teaching of the Catholic Church. Reflections can be emailed to ]
************************ 'FOCUS' - Fellowship of Catholic University Students
[Summary: Curtis Martin was raised in a Catholic home, but by the time he went to university, he was struggling with his faith. Evangelical Christian friends brought him back to Christ, and eventually he re-embraced the Catholic Church. His experience inspired him to establish FOCUS - Fellowship of Catholic University Students - a safety net and evangelization resource for Catholic tertiary students during their "critical decade" when they make major decisions and often lose their faith]
Reclaiming College Students for Christ: Curtis Martin's FOCUS Targets Young Adults in "Critical Decade" (Interview)
Campus Crusade For Catholicism (Article)
The Importance of Scripture in Our Lives : Curtis Martin's conversion (audio interview)
Abuse complainant sues Catholic Church The Press 08 November 2003,2106,2719284a6530,00.html A Christchurch woman is suing the Catholic Church over its handling of a complaint she laid against against former Lyttelton parish priest Father Jim Consedine. Bonnie Quilter, a Shirley invalid beneficiary, filed documents in the High Court yesterday, seeking exemplary damages and an inquiry into the Church's abuse complaints procedures....
Order to pay more to abuse victims The Press 08 November 2003,2106,2719281a6009,00.html A Catholic order embroiled in a sex-abuse scandal is about to make more payouts, on top of the $4 million-plus it has already awarded. The St John of God Order made the first offers of compensation last March to 56 men allegedly abused at a Christchurch residential school. Payouts to former Marylands pupils ranged from about $30,000 to more than $100,000....
Helen Tunnah: Art of compromise at coalition party conference NZ Herald 03.11.2003 It took radio personality John Dunne, sibling of United Future leader Peter, to finally mention the C-word - Christian - at the party's annual conference in Christchurch over the weekend. It had seemed that a party which evolved in large part out of the Christian Democrats has some reservations in touting its Christian heritage. Or perhaps party strategists have already recognised the limitations of being labelled, as delegates were reminded on Saturday....
Woodcock loses extradition appeal The Dominion Post 07 November 2003,2106,2718006a11,00.html Former Catholic priest Alan Woodcock has lost his appeal against extradition from Britain and could face child-sex assault charges in New Zealand as early as February....
"Pompallier: Te Hokinga Mai" The journey home of Bishop Pompallier Auckland Museum 18 October 2003 to 18 January 2004.
In April 2002, the remains of Bishop Jean-Baptiste Francois Pompallier were interred in the Hokianga, 130 years after his death. The progress of his body's return from a small village graveyard on the outskirts of Paris, to Motuti in the far North, is chronicled in this moving exhibition. Pompallier Te Hokinga Mai - The Journey Home, is an exhibition of over 100 photographs supplemented by a number of Pompallier's personal effects including his travelling altar and cope. The images, by photographer Karel Lorier, trace the journey of Pompallier's remains from France to New Zealand. They include the exhumation of his remains in Puteaux, a requiem mass performed in Pompallier's local church at Lyon, and the farewell of his body from Notre Dame. Also chronicled is the three month hikoi - or pilgrimage -to places of significance to Bishop Pompallier in New Zealand. Pompallier's personal belongings on loan from the convent of the Auckland Sisters of Mercy and the Auckland Catholic Diocesan Archives, include prayer books printed on the press at Kororareka housed in the building now known as "Pompallier", Pompallier's travelling altar, throne and desk, his ring, cross, Missal and cope. Bishop Pompallier was consecrated titular Bishop of Maronea with responsibility for Western Oceania in 1836. He established missions in the western Pacific as well as founding the Catholic Church in New Zealand where he set up a printing press, founded missions, and became the first Catholic Bishop of Auckland, where he was based from 1848 to 1869. A selection of the photographs are at:
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the Education Gazette: ]
LECTURER IN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Applications are invited from suitably qualified and experienced persons for the position of Lecturer in Religious Education. The appointee is expected to be employed full-time within the Catholic Institute of Theology, Auckland. Further details at: and from: The Registrar, Catholic Institute of Theology, Newman Hall, 16 Waterloo Quadrant, Auckland 1001, New Zealand. Ph: (09)379 6424, Fax: (09)379 6426, Email: Applications close 30 November 2003.
International News:
Catholic Refugee Office 'wait and see' after Govt change of heart The (Australian) Bishops' Migrant and Refugee Office has welcomed yesterday's news that the Federal Government will now grant a visa 'on compassionate grounds' to an Iranian asylum seeker whose children are stranded in Indonesia....
Catholic levy to fight child abuse Every employee and volunteer in the Archdiocese of Adelaide will be required to undergo training in child protection, under a plan announced yesterday by Vicar-General Monsignor David Cappo....
Melbourne Archbishop opposes Victorian trading reforms Archbishop Denis Hart yesterday expressed opposition to a Victorian government move to soften trading restrictions on religious holidays....
Putin unable to deliver Pope's invite to Russia Pope John Paul II met with Russian President Vladimir Putin yesterday afternoon, and told him that he was 'praying for Russia'.... Vatican aiming at 'sacred vernacular language' for liturgy An official at the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments has enunciated the Vatican's vision for a 'sacred vernacular language' that avoids 'slavishly reflecting the development of local speech'....
US archbishop calls partial-birth abortion ban a 'vital step' In what a US archbishop called 'a vital step in the right direction for our nation', President Bush signed the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act into law on Wednesday at a Washington ceremony attended by many Catholic leaders....
Catholic take on the latest Matrix movie, by Fr Peter Malone, president of SIGNIS, the World Catholic Association for Communication With 'Matrix Revolutions', the American screenwriters and directors, the Wachowski Brothers (Andy and Larry) have completed what has been one of the most popular and talked about film trilogies ever. While The Lord of the Rings showed us Tolkein's world and took its audiences into the mythical past and used religious symbols and motifs, The Matrix trilogy takes audiences into a future that is no less mythical and which also uses religious symbols and motifs....
"If I were Pope" [New reflections on the topic 'If I were Pope' are added to this page every week. Reflections published do not necessarily represent the editorial views of Australian Catholics nor the official teaching of the Catholic Church. Reflections can be emailed to ]
************************ 'FOCUS' - Fellowship of Catholic University Students
[Summary: Curtis Martin was raised in a Catholic home, but by the time he went to university, he was struggling with his faith. Evangelical Christian friends brought him back to Christ, and eventually he re-embraced the Catholic Church. His experience inspired him to establish FOCUS - Fellowship of Catholic University Students - a safety net and evangelization resource for Catholic tertiary students during their "critical decade" when they make major decisions and often lose their faith]
Reclaiming College Students for Christ: Curtis Martin's FOCUS Targets Young Adults in "Critical Decade" (Interview)
Campus Crusade For Catholicism (Article)
The Importance of Scripture in Our Lives : Curtis Martin's conversion (audio interview)
Abuse complainant sues Catholic Church The Press 08 November 2003,2106,2719284a6530,00.html A Christchurch woman is suing the Catholic Church over its handling of a complaint she laid against against former Lyttelton parish priest Father Jim Consedine. Bonnie Quilter, a Shirley invalid beneficiary, filed documents in the High Court yesterday, seeking exemplary damages and an inquiry into the Church's abuse complaints procedures....
Order to pay more to abuse victims The Press 08 November 2003,2106,2719281a6009,00.html A Catholic order embroiled in a sex-abuse scandal is about to make more payouts, on top of the $4 million-plus it has already awarded. The St John of God Order made the first offers of compensation last March to 56 men allegedly abused at a Christchurch residential school. Payouts to former Marylands pupils ranged from about $30,000 to more than $100,000....
Helen Tunnah: Art of compromise at coalition party conference NZ Herald 03.11.2003 It took radio personality John Dunne, sibling of United Future leader Peter, to finally mention the C-word - Christian - at the party's annual conference in Christchurch over the weekend. It had seemed that a party which evolved in large part out of the Christian Democrats has some reservations in touting its Christian heritage. Or perhaps party strategists have already recognised the limitations of being labelled, as delegates were reminded on Saturday....
Woodcock loses extradition appeal The Dominion Post 07 November 2003,2106,2718006a11,00.html Former Catholic priest Alan Woodcock has lost his appeal against extradition from Britain and could face child-sex assault charges in New Zealand as early as February....
"Pompallier: Te Hokinga Mai" The journey home of Bishop Pompallier Auckland Museum 18 October 2003 to 18 January 2004.
In April 2002, the remains of Bishop Jean-Baptiste Francois Pompallier were interred in the Hokianga, 130 years after his death. The progress of his body's return from a small village graveyard on the outskirts of Paris, to Motuti in the far North, is chronicled in this moving exhibition. Pompallier Te Hokinga Mai - The Journey Home, is an exhibition of over 100 photographs supplemented by a number of Pompallier's personal effects including his travelling altar and cope. The images, by photographer Karel Lorier, trace the journey of Pompallier's remains from France to New Zealand. They include the exhumation of his remains in Puteaux, a requiem mass performed in Pompallier's local church at Lyon, and the farewell of his body from Notre Dame. Also chronicled is the three month hikoi - or pilgrimage -to places of significance to Bishop Pompallier in New Zealand. Pompallier's personal belongings on loan from the convent of the Auckland Sisters of Mercy and the Auckland Catholic Diocesan Archives, include prayer books printed on the press at Kororareka housed in the building now known as "Pompallier", Pompallier's travelling altar, throne and desk, his ring, cross, Missal and cope. Bishop Pompallier was consecrated titular Bishop of Maronea with responsibility for Western Oceania in 1836. He established missions in the western Pacific as well as founding the Catholic Church in New Zealand where he set up a printing press, founded missions, and became the first Catholic Bishop of Auckland, where he was based from 1848 to 1869. A selection of the photographs are at:
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the Education Gazette: ]
LECTURER IN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Applications are invited from suitably qualified and experienced persons for the position of Lecturer in Religious Education. The appointee is expected to be employed full-time within the Catholic Institute of Theology, Auckland. Further details at: and from: The Registrar, Catholic Institute of Theology, Newman Hall, 16 Waterloo Quadrant, Auckland 1001, New Zealand. Ph: (09)379 6424, Fax: (09)379 6426, Email: Applications close 30 November 2003.
Sunday, November 2, 2003
'NZ Catholic' No 173, October 19-November 1, 2003
Prayer in local bodies can lift the debate by Peter Grace WELLINGTON - Public prayer has some high profile and sometimes unexpected supporters in New Zealand, despite efforts to banish it...
Art and Faith contest won by Southland artist by DOROTHY COUP AUCKLAND - Beautifully painted and a fine piece of work indeed is how the judge described the overall winner of the NZ Catholic and Erin Dwyer Draper Art and Faith Competition...
Ecumenical movement under review by Dorothy Coup CHRISTCHURCH - Those who organised the Worshipping Under Southern Skies conference in Auckland last month might have ended the weekend exhausted, but could also feel satisfied. ...
The Marist Messenger (Society of Mary in New Zealand) November 2003
Full text:
* 'Focus' by Fr Carl Telford sm. "What do we mean by Christ's Second Coming?" "November is a time to reflect and pray about the ultimate realities: death, purgatory, heaven and hell. This is reflected in the readings of the Liturgy in these final days of the Church’s year...."
* Trust in providence, by St Vincent de Paul: Wisdom from a much loved Frenchman * A remarkable friendship, by Sue Seconi: Sue recounts her friendship with Dr Kevin Roach sm, a marist scholar * Sr Flora Walsh dolc 1917-2003: She was an ordinary extraordinary person * Marist Spirituality, by Fr Thige O'Leary sm * The way things are is the way things are
Also: Daily Reflections ... Daily Mass readings and devotional prayers... Surf's up - this months recommended Websites to visit ... Extra reading - a selection of articles from online Catholic journals, magazines and papers ... Daily News from the Catholic world ... E-Cards Easter, Birthday, Baptism, First Eucharist, Confirmation, Wedding and Christmas cards.
Also in the November Marist Messenger ... Praying for the dead ... The Mass - a dialogue ... The Yes of a mother's spirituality ... Transubstantiation ... Internalising the Vision ... A minute with Fr Paddy Cahill ... As luck (or God) would have it ... Distractions when praying the Rosary ... Lord, I will follow you
On a wing and a prayer The Guardian (UK) October 27, 2003,3604,1071635,00.html In south-west France, rugby is religion - so much so that one priest has dedicated his chapel to the sport. Mark Whitaker went to find out what the Virgin Mary is doing to secure the World Cup for the nation...... Photos of the Chapel of Our Lady of Rugby
From hostage hell to heaven Sunday Star Times 19 October 2003,2106,2697274a1861,00.html [Summary: Terry Anderson, who spent almost seven years as a hostage in Lebanon, abstains from several luxuries. Anger. Bitterness. Regret. Anderson is speaking in Auckland on October 29 and 30 on American foreign policy in the Middle East. A former Associated Press bureau chief who was captured by Islamic terrorists in Beirut in 1985, endured years of captivity, usually chained, often blindfolded, often in solitary confinement, moved from one secret location to the next, never knowing how long he would be kept or if he would be killed. He reconnected with his Catholic faith and began the hardest work of his life, trying to quell his rage and accept his situation...]
Opting not to tie the knot in church Sunday Star Times 19 October 2003,2106,2697236a1861,00.html Is the traditional white wedding becoming a thing of the past? Matthew Lowe looks behind the statistics which show that less than a third of all couples who get married do so in a church....
************************************* Responses to Richard Wansink's letter in the Otago Daily Times The article on Catholicism by Robert Wansink ( ODT , 21.10.03) has merit, but the heading, "The one true church . . .", is both offensive and incorrect... Richard Wansink, in his remarkable defence of the Catholic Church in general and of the Pope in particular (giving a whole new meaning to the words "papal bull"), inveighs against such insidious infiltrators of the integrity of Catholicism as "masons".... ************************************
Refusal of consent news to Bishop Otago Daily Times 29-October 2003 Bishop Len Boyle is disappointed and surprised a proposal to build a Catholic school in Brownston St, Wanaka has been refused a resource consent....
Schools fiercely oppose legislative change ODT 29-October 2003 Dunedin's integrated schools are firmly opposing changes to the Government legislation which governs them. The Education Ministry has released a discussion paper suggesting changes to the Private Schools Conditional Integration Act 1975 or consolidating the schools within the Education Act...
QC and cabinet minister made the best of his brief (photo) ODT 25-October 2003 Frank O'Flynn QC, who died earlier this month aged 84, was pipped for the post of attorney-general in the 1984 Lange Labour government by his former law clerk, Geoffrey Palmer, who was later to become, briefly, prime minister...
Catholic Communications NZ
International News ...
Commission warns of free trade threat Melbourne's Catholic Commission for Justice, Development and Peace has raised concerns about the lack of transparency surrounding the current closed negotiations for the proposed free trade agreement between Australia and the United States...
Russian President Putin to meet with Pope Pope John Paul II will meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin nex Wednesday, to discuss 'bilateral relations between Russia and the Vatican'....
Pope says prayer can bring peace Appearing to have recovered strength after a gruelling week last week, Pope John Paul II presided at his general audience on Wednesday with a message that prayer can halt war and terrorism....
Catholic schools unsure on pupil contact With new child protection laws before State Parliament, the Catholic Church in NSW is yet to reach consensus with the Carr Government on the extent to which teachers are permitted to touch their students....
Medical students urge doctors to talk to patients about faith Patients appreciate doctors who talk about faith with them, but most doctors don't, according to two students at the University of Massachusetts Medical School in the USA....
Community to celebrate the real meaning of Halloween While thousands of small ghosts and goblins, skeletons, witches and wizards, celebrate Halloween this evening with well-recognised trick or treat routine, some children in the UK will take part in a much older celebration of All Hallows' Eve, as today was originally called....
Ireland's Soul-Searching About Vocations Interview With Father Kevin Doran Dundrum, Ireland, OCT. 24, 2003 ( Vocations personnel from 20 dioceses in Ireland gathered a few weeks ago to discuss how to focus the emphasis on vocational promotion, accompaniment and discernment, rather than on recruitment. Father Kevin Doran, national coordinator for diocesan vocations, shared with ZENIT the resolutions from the conference and his aspirations for the years ahead....
"Pompallier: Te Hokinga Mai" The journey home of Bishop Pompallier Auckland Museum 18 October 2003 to 18 January 2004.
In April 2002, the remains of Bishop Jean-Baptiste Francois Pompallier were interred in the Hokianga, 130 years after his death. The progress of his body's return from a small village graveyard on the outskirts of Paris, to Motuti in the far North, is chronicled in this moving exhibition. Pompallier Te Hokinga Mai - The Journey Home, is an exhibition of over 100 photographs supplemented by a number of Pompallier's personal effects including his travelling altar and cope. The images, by photographer Karel Lorier, trace the journey of Pompallier's remains from France to New Zealand. They include the exhumation of his remains in Puteaux, a requiem mass performed in Pompallier's local church at Lyon, and the farewell of his body from Notre Dame. Also chronicled is the three month hikoi - or pilgrimage -to places of significance to Bishop Pompallier in New Zealand. Pompallier's personal belongings on loan from the convent of the Auckland Sisters of Mercy and the Auckland Catholic Diocesan Archives, include prayer books printed on the press at Kororareka housed in the building now known as "Pompallier", Pompallier's travelling altar, throne and desk, his ring, cross, Missal and cope. Bishop Pompallier was consecrated titular Bishop of Maronea with responsibility for Western Oceania in 1836. He established missions in the western Pacific as well as founding the Catholic Church in New Zealand where he set up a printing press, founded missions, and became the first Catholic Bishop of Auckland, where he was based from 1848 to 1869. A selection of the photographs are at:
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the Education Gazette: ]
LECTURER IN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Applications are invited from suitably qualified and experienced persons for the position of Lecturer in Religious Education. The appointee is expected to be employed full-time within the Catholic Institute of Theology, Auckland. Further details at: and from: The Registrar, Catholic Institute of Theology, Newman Hall, 16 Waterloo Quadrant, Auckland 1001, New Zealand. Ph: (09)379 6424, Fax: (09)379 6426, Email: Applications close 30 November 2003.
'NZ Catholic' No 173, October 19-November 1, 2003
Prayer in local bodies can lift the debate by Peter Grace WELLINGTON - Public prayer has some high profile and sometimes unexpected supporters in New Zealand, despite efforts to banish it...
Art and Faith contest won by Southland artist by DOROTHY COUP AUCKLAND - Beautifully painted and a fine piece of work indeed is how the judge described the overall winner of the NZ Catholic and Erin Dwyer Draper Art and Faith Competition...
Ecumenical movement under review by Dorothy Coup CHRISTCHURCH - Those who organised the Worshipping Under Southern Skies conference in Auckland last month might have ended the weekend exhausted, but could also feel satisfied. ...
The Marist Messenger (Society of Mary in New Zealand) November 2003
Full text:
* 'Focus' by Fr Carl Telford sm. "What do we mean by Christ's Second Coming?" "November is a time to reflect and pray about the ultimate realities: death, purgatory, heaven and hell. This is reflected in the readings of the Liturgy in these final days of the Church’s year...."
* Trust in providence, by St Vincent de Paul: Wisdom from a much loved Frenchman * A remarkable friendship, by Sue Seconi: Sue recounts her friendship with Dr Kevin Roach sm, a marist scholar * Sr Flora Walsh dolc 1917-2003: She was an ordinary extraordinary person * Marist Spirituality, by Fr Thige O'Leary sm * The way things are is the way things are
Also: Daily Reflections ... Daily Mass readings and devotional prayers... Surf's up - this months recommended Websites to visit ... Extra reading - a selection of articles from online Catholic journals, magazines and papers ... Daily News from the Catholic world ... E-Cards Easter, Birthday, Baptism, First Eucharist, Confirmation, Wedding and Christmas cards.
Also in the November Marist Messenger ... Praying for the dead ... The Mass - a dialogue ... The Yes of a mother's spirituality ... Transubstantiation ... Internalising the Vision ... A minute with Fr Paddy Cahill ... As luck (or God) would have it ... Distractions when praying the Rosary ... Lord, I will follow you
On a wing and a prayer The Guardian (UK) October 27, 2003,3604,1071635,00.html In south-west France, rugby is religion - so much so that one priest has dedicated his chapel to the sport. Mark Whitaker went to find out what the Virgin Mary is doing to secure the World Cup for the nation...... Photos of the Chapel of Our Lady of Rugby
From hostage hell to heaven Sunday Star Times 19 October 2003,2106,2697274a1861,00.html [Summary: Terry Anderson, who spent almost seven years as a hostage in Lebanon, abstains from several luxuries. Anger. Bitterness. Regret. Anderson is speaking in Auckland on October 29 and 30 on American foreign policy in the Middle East. A former Associated Press bureau chief who was captured by Islamic terrorists in Beirut in 1985, endured years of captivity, usually chained, often blindfolded, often in solitary confinement, moved from one secret location to the next, never knowing how long he would be kept or if he would be killed. He reconnected with his Catholic faith and began the hardest work of his life, trying to quell his rage and accept his situation...]
Opting not to tie the knot in church Sunday Star Times 19 October 2003,2106,2697236a1861,00.html Is the traditional white wedding becoming a thing of the past? Matthew Lowe looks behind the statistics which show that less than a third of all couples who get married do so in a church....
************************************* Responses to Richard Wansink's letter in the Otago Daily Times The article on Catholicism by Robert Wansink ( ODT , 21.10.03) has merit, but the heading, "The one true church . . .", is both offensive and incorrect... Richard Wansink, in his remarkable defence of the Catholic Church in general and of the Pope in particular (giving a whole new meaning to the words "papal bull"), inveighs against such insidious infiltrators of the integrity of Catholicism as "masons".... ************************************
Refusal of consent news to Bishop Otago Daily Times 29-October 2003 Bishop Len Boyle is disappointed and surprised a proposal to build a Catholic school in Brownston St, Wanaka has been refused a resource consent....
Schools fiercely oppose legislative change ODT 29-October 2003 Dunedin's integrated schools are firmly opposing changes to the Government legislation which governs them. The Education Ministry has released a discussion paper suggesting changes to the Private Schools Conditional Integration Act 1975 or consolidating the schools within the Education Act...
QC and cabinet minister made the best of his brief (photo) ODT 25-October 2003 Frank O'Flynn QC, who died earlier this month aged 84, was pipped for the post of attorney-general in the 1984 Lange Labour government by his former law clerk, Geoffrey Palmer, who was later to become, briefly, prime minister...
Catholic Communications NZ
International News ...
Commission warns of free trade threat Melbourne's Catholic Commission for Justice, Development and Peace has raised concerns about the lack of transparency surrounding the current closed negotiations for the proposed free trade agreement between Australia and the United States...
Russian President Putin to meet with Pope Pope John Paul II will meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin nex Wednesday, to discuss 'bilateral relations between Russia and the Vatican'....
Pope says prayer can bring peace Appearing to have recovered strength after a gruelling week last week, Pope John Paul II presided at his general audience on Wednesday with a message that prayer can halt war and terrorism....
Catholic schools unsure on pupil contact With new child protection laws before State Parliament, the Catholic Church in NSW is yet to reach consensus with the Carr Government on the extent to which teachers are permitted to touch their students....
Medical students urge doctors to talk to patients about faith Patients appreciate doctors who talk about faith with them, but most doctors don't, according to two students at the University of Massachusetts Medical School in the USA....
Community to celebrate the real meaning of Halloween While thousands of small ghosts and goblins, skeletons, witches and wizards, celebrate Halloween this evening with well-recognised trick or treat routine, some children in the UK will take part in a much older celebration of All Hallows' Eve, as today was originally called....
Ireland's Soul-Searching About Vocations Interview With Father Kevin Doran Dundrum, Ireland, OCT. 24, 2003 ( Vocations personnel from 20 dioceses in Ireland gathered a few weeks ago to discuss how to focus the emphasis on vocational promotion, accompaniment and discernment, rather than on recruitment. Father Kevin Doran, national coordinator for diocesan vocations, shared with ZENIT the resolutions from the conference and his aspirations for the years ahead....
"Pompallier: Te Hokinga Mai" The journey home of Bishop Pompallier Auckland Museum 18 October 2003 to 18 January 2004.
In April 2002, the remains of Bishop Jean-Baptiste Francois Pompallier were interred in the Hokianga, 130 years after his death. The progress of his body's return from a small village graveyard on the outskirts of Paris, to Motuti in the far North, is chronicled in this moving exhibition. Pompallier Te Hokinga Mai - The Journey Home, is an exhibition of over 100 photographs supplemented by a number of Pompallier's personal effects including his travelling altar and cope. The images, by photographer Karel Lorier, trace the journey of Pompallier's remains from France to New Zealand. They include the exhumation of his remains in Puteaux, a requiem mass performed in Pompallier's local church at Lyon, and the farewell of his body from Notre Dame. Also chronicled is the three month hikoi - or pilgrimage -to places of significance to Bishop Pompallier in New Zealand. Pompallier's personal belongings on loan from the convent of the Auckland Sisters of Mercy and the Auckland Catholic Diocesan Archives, include prayer books printed on the press at Kororareka housed in the building now known as "Pompallier", Pompallier's travelling altar, throne and desk, his ring, cross, Missal and cope. Bishop Pompallier was consecrated titular Bishop of Maronea with responsibility for Western Oceania in 1836. He established missions in the western Pacific as well as founding the Catholic Church in New Zealand where he set up a printing press, founded missions, and became the first Catholic Bishop of Auckland, where he was based from 1848 to 1869. A selection of the photographs are at:
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the Education Gazette: ]
LECTURER IN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Applications are invited from suitably qualified and experienced persons for the position of Lecturer in Religious Education. The appointee is expected to be employed full-time within the Catholic Institute of Theology, Auckland. Further details at: and from: The Registrar, Catholic Institute of Theology, Newman Hall, 16 Waterloo Quadrant, Auckland 1001, New Zealand. Ph: (09)379 6424, Fax: (09)379 6426, Email: Applications close 30 November 2003.
Sunday, October 26, 2003
Newspaper of the Wellington Archdiocese and the Diocese of Palmerston North October 2003
'Pastoral Areas in Wellington Archdiocese by February ' The decree published below sets down that the forty-seven parishes of the Wellington Archdiocese are to be grouped into 15 pastoral areas, in principle, on 1 February 2004....
'N.Z.’s first ever National Interfaith Forum' Last month, New Zealand’s first ever National Interfaith Forum was held in Wellington. While there have been interfaith groups in a number of centres for many years, this was the first time they had come together from around the country....
'Carving honours Suzanne Aubert’s work with Maori' It was the 77th anniversary of the death of Suzanne Aubert when many gathered at dawn at the Centre in Tory Street named after her for the dedication of a carving honouring her work with Maori. Erected over the entrance to the Soup Kitchen it is called Aroha Mai — Aroha Nui....
'Bishop Leamy speaks out for Ahmed Zaoui' “Ahmed Zaoui has been granted refugee status by the New Zealand Courts who have cleared him entirely of being a terrorist,’’ says Bishop Robin Leamy of the Diocese of Auckland. ‘‘I found him to be a very intelligent, very gentle and caring man who loves his God, his family, and his fellow human beings. I am convinced that he is a good person, whom I pray will be soon released.’’...
'Pregnancy Help's 27 years of service' We set up Pregnancy Help to care for pregnant mothers by helping them overcome any problems they were facing and to provide practical assistance where possible. We were the only organisation that focused specifically on pregnant mothers....
'First volunteer for N.Z. Bishops’ newest agency' In the May issue of Wel-com, Peter Hill from the Wairarapa noticed an advertisement from Mahitahi, a newly established agency of the N.Z. Catholic Bishops’ Conference. They were seeking someone with accountancy experience who would be willing to work for a few weeks in the Diocese of Auki in the Solomon Islands. Peter decided to look into this ...
Also: Cardinal's Column: Cardinal Wiliams' letter on pastoral areas Bishop John's reflection: A graced day at st Bernard's College
Magazine of the Australian and New Zealand missionaries of St. Columban's Mission Society. October 2003
Editorial: Small moments in history Columbans write stories in The Far East about people who feature rarely on television or radio news because they are neither significant nor exciting. But their lives are real and on record. In the future a researcher could read these stories and compare 2003 with 2013....
From the Director: In some of the articles in this issue of The Far East we see people learning from other people in a variety of situations. Education does not finish with the end of our schooling it goes on throughout our lives. It is the same for Columban missionaries....
A setback in Mindanao, by Fr Patrick Baker. The Columbans no longer have a presence in Marawi on the island of Mindanao in the Philippines. Our involvement has been in other parishes some distance from the city but the area remains an unsafe place for us to live. Fr Rufus Halley was killed and Fr Des Hartford was kidnapped there...
A new venture in Shanghai, by Peter Julian Kelly I returned to Shanghai last year to develop an educational programme for the priests and sisters of Shanghai diocese. This was a bold move on the part of Bishop Jin. A number of factors influenced his decision to take priests out of their parishes, leaving them empty, so that they could live together and study English....
Young Aussies "wow" the oldies in religious art awards What started out as a humble “Happy 80th Birthday” for the Columban Calendar, culminated in what renowned art expert Sr Rosemary Crumlin RSM described as, “a most important exhibition of young people’s art which will be of International Interest.”...
Media releases
"Catholics support 24-hour vigil for Ahmed Zaoui" (23 Oct 2003) (full text) A 24-hour vigil outside Mt Eden prison has the support of the Assistant Catholic Bishop of Auckland, Bishop Robin Leamy, and other members of Catholic justice agencies. The vigil, beginning tomorrow (Friday) at noon, and organised by justice and peace groups, is also to express opposition to Ahmed Zaoui’s detention for eleven months without charge. Some financial support has been given by the Catholic Church in Auckland to provide amenities for the 24-hour gathering.
"Lecturer in religious education" (22 oct 2003) (see 'Employment' below)
"National Art & Faith Competition winners" (20 Oct 2003) Invercargill artist Claire Worrall has won the major award – and $3000 prize money – in this year’s “NZ Catholic and Erin Dwyer Draper Art and Faith 2003 competition”. Worrall’s “Light and Liberation” from the ‘Faith Series’ was described by the judge as a work of outstanding quality.....
************************************* A Measure Of Greatness The Papacy of John Paul II: two assessments Commonweal Magazine October 10 2003
Robert Louis Wilken : On the twenty-fifth anniversary of the election of John Paul II as pope, I am reminded of the words of Stephen Spender’s poem, “I Think Continually of Those Who Were Truly Great.” In the course of most human lifetimes there will have lived a great man or woman, or several, but few can say they lived when someone “truly great” sojourned among us. Because our lives have intersected with the life of John Paul II, we are among those few....
Susan A. Ross : Assessing John Paul II’s papacy is a much more difficult task than summing up John XXIII (Vatican II) or Paul VI (the aftermath of Vatican II and Humanae vitae). So much more has happened in these twenty-five years: the increasing globalization of the church, the fall of communism, the growth of nationalism, the dangers of capitalism. I will leave it to others to reflect on such issues. My concern is the impact of the papacy of John Paul II on women in general and on theologies of and by women in particular.... *************************************
Pope's Health 10/24/2003 The Vatican dropped an afternoon Mass from Pope John Paul II's schedule Friday to give the frail pontiff more rest after a hectic week, officials said. The 83-year-old pontiff has been handing over more of his ceremonial duties and, because of difficulties in speaking, has turned over most his speeches to aides to read....
Papal audience awed by ailing pope's vitality Knight Ridder Newspapers (KRT) - ROME -- "The guy can't walk, can't talk, but he still has to do what he has to do," said Nick Zuvik, of Franklin Square, N.Y., as pilgrims and guests of newly created cardinals filed into Pope Paul VI Auditorium awaiting the pontiff....
Br Dan Stafford, chaplain to the Australian Jockey Club - A generous fraternity of ‘saints and sinners’ The Catholic Weekly (Sydney archdiocese) 26 October 2003 For the past 15 years, Br Dan Stafford has been the master of ceremonies at Melbourne’s annual racing Mass, which is held in the city’s Church of St Francis, in the week before the running of the Melbourne Cup. “The church is packed with men and women from the racing industry who come from all over Australia, making it a special occasion,” Br Dan said. “A high number of people wouldn’t be of the Catholic faith, but the church is full of Christians and the Mass is well attended by priests and bishops from Australia and New Zealand....
Newspaper says elderly cardinals seeking vote in conclave The Italian daily La Repubblica reported yesterday that 59 octogenarian cardinals have written to Pope John Paul II asking him to reinstate their right to elect the next Pope. "Without the right to vote we are half-cardinals, second division cardinals," the paper quoted one octogenarian cardinal as saying....
A Heady Week, and a Multiethnic Vatican Hierarchy and Holiness Come to the Fore Rome, OCT. 23, 2003 ( Whew, what a week! A normally placid St. Peter's Square was suddenly overrun with TV cameras, tulips flown in from the Netherlands, Indian nuns in white-and-blue habits, African women in colorful headdress and new cardinals wearing red robes for the first time....
The growing cost of mandatory celibacy National Catholic Reporter October 17, 2003 Summary: The priest shortage (in the U.S.) is real and getting worse. Over the next 30 years, unless something is done to alter the trend, our priests will be increasingly remote, solitary figures running from parish-to-parish, the human equivalent of sacrament vending machines....
Debt research finds desperate families NZ Herald 21.10.2003 Research commissioned by the Council of Christian Social Services and carried out by Massey University shows that high levels of debt are robbing low-income families of their future. The Dynamics of Debt For Low-Income Families, released yesterday, found that New Zealand was faced with a significant social policy problem that disadvantaged indebted families on low income....
Matt Robson: Prayer must go because it's exclusive NZ Herald 22.10.2003 I was amazed when I immigrated with my family to New Zealand as a teenager that the principal at my new state secondary school opened the daily assembly with a Christian prayer. I was not opposed to Christianity. My mother's family was Catholic; my oldest sister had attended an Anglican secondary school and my older sister a Catholic secondary school....
Garth George: Parliament's prayer simply a tradition without meaning NZ Herald 23.10.2003 Have you ever wondered why, with monotonous regularity, someone -generally a rationalist, humanist or atheist - takes it into his or her head to jump up and down and complain about a piece of our national tradition that proceeds from our Christian heritage?...
The Roman Catholic Church lives on, declares Dunedin reader ROBERT WANSINK - despite the criticisms it receives and its own internal direction changes. Otago Daily Times Tuesday, 21-October 2003 Before commenting on the current pontificate, it is necessary to understand exactly what the Catholic church is. There are only two possibilities. Either it is what it has claimed to be for 2000 years or it is by far the most wicked, evil and abhorrent institution ever to deface the earth. So what does the church claim to be? ...
Planner's concerns eased; decision on school reserved ODT 20 October 2003 The Queenstown Lakes District Council regulatory hearings committee has reserved its decision on whether a Catholic school can be built in Brownston St, Wanaka....
Interview: Martin Sheen 'The Progressive' July 2003 Martin Sheen is a pacifist, a social and political activist who has not shied away from putting his body on the front lines, and a devout Roman Catholic. After rediscovering his faith twenty years ago, he began his activist work in earnest. "I learned I had to stand for something so I could stand to be me," he said as we talked....
Wellington Archdiocesan Media Centre
"Steadfast in Hope". Cardinal Williams, Bishop Dew and others speak at the official launch of this new history of Wellington Archdiocese:
'Good News & the News' Broadsheet of good practice in integrated schools Issue 16 2003
In this issue:
Editorial: In a time of rapid change it is important to keep coming back to our values, to see what they have to say to us in new situations, to work out whether our daily actions are truly taking us in the direction we want to go....
The Virtues of Peace and Solidarity Peace, with its associated virtues justice and solidarity, has been a key theme for many schools this year, with practical and symbolic activities bringing these virtues alive
Also: Villa Maria College students hold their Live Tall’ award ... Bringing Our Values Alive at St Francis Xavier School, Tawa ... The Fruits of the Spirit, Sacred Heart School, Timaru ... Marist Youth Leadership Course – a Joint Schools’ Activity ... The Virtues Programme at St Pius X School, Titahi Bay ... Values in Action at St Joseph’s School, Otahuhu ... St Dominic’s College, Henderson, The Living Values Project ... Emotional Needs and Values Programme at Holy Cross School Henderson
I saw this angel ...
(\O/) -/_\-
... on a Website at the weekend and I thought it might appeal to some of our readers, as it's easily inserted in an e-mail message. Here's how to make it:
(\O/) Left margin, first line, Type: left bracket ... backslash .. capital O ... forward slash .. right bracket
-/_\-Left margin, second line. Type: hyphen ... forward slash ... underline ... backslash ... hyphen
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the Education Gazette: ]
LECTURER IN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Applications are invited from suitably qualified and experienced persons for the position of Lecturer in Religious Education. The appointee is expected to be employed full-time within the Catholic Institute of Theology, Auckland. Further details at: and from: The Registrar, Catholic Institute of Theology, Newman Hall, 16 Waterloo Quadrant, Auckland 1001, New Zealand. Ph: (09)379 6424, Fax: (09)379 6426, Email: Applications close 30 November 2003.
Newspaper of the Wellington Archdiocese and the Diocese of Palmerston North October 2003
'Pastoral Areas in Wellington Archdiocese by February ' The decree published below sets down that the forty-seven parishes of the Wellington Archdiocese are to be grouped into 15 pastoral areas, in principle, on 1 February 2004....
'N.Z.’s first ever National Interfaith Forum' Last month, New Zealand’s first ever National Interfaith Forum was held in Wellington. While there have been interfaith groups in a number of centres for many years, this was the first time they had come together from around the country....
'Carving honours Suzanne Aubert’s work with Maori' It was the 77th anniversary of the death of Suzanne Aubert when many gathered at dawn at the Centre in Tory Street named after her for the dedication of a carving honouring her work with Maori. Erected over the entrance to the Soup Kitchen it is called Aroha Mai — Aroha Nui....
'Bishop Leamy speaks out for Ahmed Zaoui' “Ahmed Zaoui has been granted refugee status by the New Zealand Courts who have cleared him entirely of being a terrorist,’’ says Bishop Robin Leamy of the Diocese of Auckland. ‘‘I found him to be a very intelligent, very gentle and caring man who loves his God, his family, and his fellow human beings. I am convinced that he is a good person, whom I pray will be soon released.’’...
'Pregnancy Help's 27 years of service' We set up Pregnancy Help to care for pregnant mothers by helping them overcome any problems they were facing and to provide practical assistance where possible. We were the only organisation that focused specifically on pregnant mothers....
'First volunteer for N.Z. Bishops’ newest agency' In the May issue of Wel-com, Peter Hill from the Wairarapa noticed an advertisement from Mahitahi, a newly established agency of the N.Z. Catholic Bishops’ Conference. They were seeking someone with accountancy experience who would be willing to work for a few weeks in the Diocese of Auki in the Solomon Islands. Peter decided to look into this ...
Also: Cardinal's Column: Cardinal Wiliams' letter on pastoral areas Bishop John's reflection: A graced day at st Bernard's College
Magazine of the Australian and New Zealand missionaries of St. Columban's Mission Society. October 2003
Editorial: Small moments in history Columbans write stories in The Far East about people who feature rarely on television or radio news because they are neither significant nor exciting. But their lives are real and on record. In the future a researcher could read these stories and compare 2003 with 2013....
From the Director: In some of the articles in this issue of The Far East we see people learning from other people in a variety of situations. Education does not finish with the end of our schooling it goes on throughout our lives. It is the same for Columban missionaries....
A setback in Mindanao, by Fr Patrick Baker. The Columbans no longer have a presence in Marawi on the island of Mindanao in the Philippines. Our involvement has been in other parishes some distance from the city but the area remains an unsafe place for us to live. Fr Rufus Halley was killed and Fr Des Hartford was kidnapped there...
A new venture in Shanghai, by Peter Julian Kelly I returned to Shanghai last year to develop an educational programme for the priests and sisters of Shanghai diocese. This was a bold move on the part of Bishop Jin. A number of factors influenced his decision to take priests out of their parishes, leaving them empty, so that they could live together and study English....
Young Aussies "wow" the oldies in religious art awards What started out as a humble “Happy 80th Birthday” for the Columban Calendar, culminated in what renowned art expert Sr Rosemary Crumlin RSM described as, “a most important exhibition of young people’s art which will be of International Interest.”...
Media releases
"Catholics support 24-hour vigil for Ahmed Zaoui" (23 Oct 2003) (full text) A 24-hour vigil outside Mt Eden prison has the support of the Assistant Catholic Bishop of Auckland, Bishop Robin Leamy, and other members of Catholic justice agencies. The vigil, beginning tomorrow (Friday) at noon, and organised by justice and peace groups, is also to express opposition to Ahmed Zaoui’s detention for eleven months without charge. Some financial support has been given by the Catholic Church in Auckland to provide amenities for the 24-hour gathering.
"Lecturer in religious education" (22 oct 2003) (see 'Employment' below)
"National Art & Faith Competition winners" (20 Oct 2003) Invercargill artist Claire Worrall has won the major award – and $3000 prize money – in this year’s “NZ Catholic and Erin Dwyer Draper Art and Faith 2003 competition”. Worrall’s “Light and Liberation” from the ‘Faith Series’ was described by the judge as a work of outstanding quality.....
************************************* A Measure Of Greatness The Papacy of John Paul II: two assessments Commonweal Magazine October 10 2003
Robert Louis Wilken : On the twenty-fifth anniversary of the election of John Paul II as pope, I am reminded of the words of Stephen Spender’s poem, “I Think Continually of Those Who Were Truly Great.” In the course of most human lifetimes there will have lived a great man or woman, or several, but few can say they lived when someone “truly great” sojourned among us. Because our lives have intersected with the life of John Paul II, we are among those few....
Susan A. Ross : Assessing John Paul II’s papacy is a much more difficult task than summing up John XXIII (Vatican II) or Paul VI (the aftermath of Vatican II and Humanae vitae). So much more has happened in these twenty-five years: the increasing globalization of the church, the fall of communism, the growth of nationalism, the dangers of capitalism. I will leave it to others to reflect on such issues. My concern is the impact of the papacy of John Paul II on women in general and on theologies of and by women in particular.... *************************************
Pope's Health 10/24/2003 The Vatican dropped an afternoon Mass from Pope John Paul II's schedule Friday to give the frail pontiff more rest after a hectic week, officials said. The 83-year-old pontiff has been handing over more of his ceremonial duties and, because of difficulties in speaking, has turned over most his speeches to aides to read....
Papal audience awed by ailing pope's vitality Knight Ridder Newspapers (KRT) - ROME -- "The guy can't walk, can't talk, but he still has to do what he has to do," said Nick Zuvik, of Franklin Square, N.Y., as pilgrims and guests of newly created cardinals filed into Pope Paul VI Auditorium awaiting the pontiff....
Br Dan Stafford, chaplain to the Australian Jockey Club - A generous fraternity of ‘saints and sinners’ The Catholic Weekly (Sydney archdiocese) 26 October 2003 For the past 15 years, Br Dan Stafford has been the master of ceremonies at Melbourne’s annual racing Mass, which is held in the city’s Church of St Francis, in the week before the running of the Melbourne Cup. “The church is packed with men and women from the racing industry who come from all over Australia, making it a special occasion,” Br Dan said. “A high number of people wouldn’t be of the Catholic faith, but the church is full of Christians and the Mass is well attended by priests and bishops from Australia and New Zealand....
Newspaper says elderly cardinals seeking vote in conclave The Italian daily La Repubblica reported yesterday that 59 octogenarian cardinals have written to Pope John Paul II asking him to reinstate their right to elect the next Pope. "Without the right to vote we are half-cardinals, second division cardinals," the paper quoted one octogenarian cardinal as saying....
A Heady Week, and a Multiethnic Vatican Hierarchy and Holiness Come to the Fore Rome, OCT. 23, 2003 ( Whew, what a week! A normally placid St. Peter's Square was suddenly overrun with TV cameras, tulips flown in from the Netherlands, Indian nuns in white-and-blue habits, African women in colorful headdress and new cardinals wearing red robes for the first time....
The growing cost of mandatory celibacy National Catholic Reporter October 17, 2003 Summary: The priest shortage (in the U.S.) is real and getting worse. Over the next 30 years, unless something is done to alter the trend, our priests will be increasingly remote, solitary figures running from parish-to-parish, the human equivalent of sacrament vending machines....
Debt research finds desperate families NZ Herald 21.10.2003 Research commissioned by the Council of Christian Social Services and carried out by Massey University shows that high levels of debt are robbing low-income families of their future. The Dynamics of Debt For Low-Income Families, released yesterday, found that New Zealand was faced with a significant social policy problem that disadvantaged indebted families on low income....
Matt Robson: Prayer must go because it's exclusive NZ Herald 22.10.2003 I was amazed when I immigrated with my family to New Zealand as a teenager that the principal at my new state secondary school opened the daily assembly with a Christian prayer. I was not opposed to Christianity. My mother's family was Catholic; my oldest sister had attended an Anglican secondary school and my older sister a Catholic secondary school....
Garth George: Parliament's prayer simply a tradition without meaning NZ Herald 23.10.2003 Have you ever wondered why, with monotonous regularity, someone -generally a rationalist, humanist or atheist - takes it into his or her head to jump up and down and complain about a piece of our national tradition that proceeds from our Christian heritage?...
The Roman Catholic Church lives on, declares Dunedin reader ROBERT WANSINK - despite the criticisms it receives and its own internal direction changes. Otago Daily Times Tuesday, 21-October 2003 Before commenting on the current pontificate, it is necessary to understand exactly what the Catholic church is. There are only two possibilities. Either it is what it has claimed to be for 2000 years or it is by far the most wicked, evil and abhorrent institution ever to deface the earth. So what does the church claim to be? ...
Planner's concerns eased; decision on school reserved ODT 20 October 2003 The Queenstown Lakes District Council regulatory hearings committee has reserved its decision on whether a Catholic school can be built in Brownston St, Wanaka....
Interview: Martin Sheen 'The Progressive' July 2003 Martin Sheen is a pacifist, a social and political activist who has not shied away from putting his body on the front lines, and a devout Roman Catholic. After rediscovering his faith twenty years ago, he began his activist work in earnest. "I learned I had to stand for something so I could stand to be me," he said as we talked....
Wellington Archdiocesan Media Centre
"Steadfast in Hope". Cardinal Williams, Bishop Dew and others speak at the official launch of this new history of Wellington Archdiocese:
'Good News & the News' Broadsheet of good practice in integrated schools Issue 16 2003
In this issue:
Editorial: In a time of rapid change it is important to keep coming back to our values, to see what they have to say to us in new situations, to work out whether our daily actions are truly taking us in the direction we want to go....
The Virtues of Peace and Solidarity Peace, with its associated virtues justice and solidarity, has been a key theme for many schools this year, with practical and symbolic activities bringing these virtues alive
Also: Villa Maria College students hold their Live Tall’ award ... Bringing Our Values Alive at St Francis Xavier School, Tawa ... The Fruits of the Spirit, Sacred Heart School, Timaru ... Marist Youth Leadership Course – a Joint Schools’ Activity ... The Virtues Programme at St Pius X School, Titahi Bay ... Values in Action at St Joseph’s School, Otahuhu ... St Dominic’s College, Henderson, The Living Values Project ... Emotional Needs and Values Programme at Holy Cross School Henderson
I saw this angel ...
(\O/) -/_\-
... on a Website at the weekend and I thought it might appeal to some of our readers, as it's easily inserted in an e-mail message. Here's how to make it:
(\O/) Left margin, first line, Type: left bracket ... backslash .. capital O ... forward slash .. right bracket
-/_\-Left margin, second line. Type: hyphen ... forward slash ... underline ... backslash ... hyphen
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the Education Gazette: ]
LECTURER IN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Applications are invited from suitably qualified and experienced persons for the position of Lecturer in Religious Education. The appointee is expected to be employed full-time within the Catholic Institute of Theology, Auckland. Further details at: and from: The Registrar, Catholic Institute of Theology, Newman Hall, 16 Waterloo Quadrant, Auckland 1001, New Zealand. Ph: (09)379 6424, Fax: (09)379 6426, Email: Applications close 30 November 2003.
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