Advent Activity Calendar http://www.beliefnet.com/index/index_10055.html There is a long European tradition of the Advent Calendar. It is designed to focus a child's interest on the coming of Christ, culminating in the story of the Nativity on 25 December. The opening of the calendar at breakfast each day reveals a story or anecdote associated with the Christian celebration of Christmas. Today's theme is Candlelight. The coding behind the calendar prevents users from peeking at stories from the days ahead...
Pope John Paul: To prepare for Christmas means reawakening hope for peace amongst ourselves and in the entire world. http://www.fides.org/eng/news/2003/0312/01_1309.html Vatican City (Fides Service) – On 30 November, the first Sunday of Advent, Pope John Paul II made yet another call for world peace urging the leaders of the great religions to unite efforts to preach pardon and reconciliation....
Waiting for Jesus in an Age of Terrorism Comments of Archbishop Comastri, Preacher of Papal Spiritual Exercises http://zenit.org/english/visualizza.phtml?sid=45427 Rome, Nov. 30, 2003 (Zenit.org).- In a world darkened by terrorism, Christians should live Advent with their lamps lit in expectation of Jesus' return, says preacher of this year's Spiritual Exercises for the Pope...
"First the State Schools, then the Catholic Schools, Who's Next?" A column by Deborah Coddington, Member of Parliament for ACT New Zealand 5 December 2003 http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/PA0312/S00140.htm "In 1975 the Private Schools Conditional Act was negotiated between Catholic schools and the Kirk-Rowling Labour Government. Immediately this Act, an agreement in perpetuity, was hailed internationally "for the way in which, in it, the secular and the sacred came together to forge a way forward in a pluralistic society." ... The Act was not, as claimed by Trevor Mallard in answer to my Parliamentary Question on 15 October, introduced "to protect private schools that were in danger of closing in the 1970s. All those schools have now been integrated."...
Birthday marks Zaoui's long year behind bars NZ Herald 06.12.2003 http://tinyurl.com/xyym It is Ahmed Zaoui's 43rd birthday tomorrow, an event that also marks the 12 months that he has spent behind bars in his chosen country, New Zealand ... on the last day [of his court appearance] there was the chance for a quick handshake with the Islamist who has the support of the Catholic Church, but remains in jail without charge while the judicial process and the Inspector-General of Security and Intelligence inch through a process never before encountered in New Zealand....
Curate's victory on cleft palate abortion Daily Telegraph (UK) 2/12/03 http://tinyurl.com/xyyq A Church of England curate who says that doctors committed an "unlawful killing" by aborting a 24-week-old baby with a cleft palate won the right yesterday to challenge a police force's decision not to prosecute the doctors. She added: "My teenage years were difficult because of facial abnormality. I live a positive and fulfilling life. This baby did not have that opportunity."...
** Sydney families pilgrimage scheduled for April Catholic families from across Australia are being invited to make a pilgrimage to Sydney in April for a weekend of inspiration and celebration at the second National Catholic Family Gathering.
** Returning deportees say Afghanistan was "like hell" Two Afghan asylum seeker students from an Adelaide Catholic school who were deported from Australia in October have described their homeland as being like something out of hell.
** Perth seminar told liturgical renewal a "work in progress" Last night's Perth seminar to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Vatican II liturgy document Sacrosanctum Concilium was told that despite the Council's strong consensus on the need for liturgical reform, it still remains to be achieved.
** Victims' group uses media to threaten archbishop Hobart's Archbishop Adrian Doyle has expressed his disappointment at a victims' group's attempts to get him to act on alleged cases of clergy sex abuse my making threats through the media.
** Bishops' committee to support local news writers The Bishops' Committee for the Media is to develop a kit for parishes to help them take advantage of opportunities to spread the Church's good news to the local media.
** Bishops elect new leader of Chaldean Catholics A Baghdad-based bishop was elected patriarch of Babylon, spiritual leader of the world's estimated one million Chaldean Catholics, the Vatican said on Wednesday.
Marist Messenger (Society of Mary) December 2003
Full text: ** Readings: Daily Mass readings and devotional prayers. ** Surf's up - this months recommended Websites to visit. ** Extra reading - a selection of articles from online Catholic magazines and papers. ** Focus: the editor reviews his year, thanks Stuart Johnston, and reflects on the humility of Jesus ** Tidying up for Advent, by Katherine Tyler ** From Luke to John - a personal marist journey, by Sister Catherine Jones smsm ** What if Jesus came to the barbeque? by Maria Kennedy (Maria concludes her series of articles on the Eucharist and the mystery of the substantial change of the bread and the wine into the Body and Blood of the Lord) ** (another) Focus this month asks " What do we mean by Christ's Second Coming?"
Also in the December Marist Messenger : Praying for the dead ... Our Lady of Perpetual Help ... Solomons Christmas ... The Christ Child ... Spiritual Wisdom from John Cassian ... My Rosary
The future of Catholic/Anglican dialogue: the Anglican Communion and the Catholic Church remain committed to continuing their dialogue http://www.fides.org/eng/news/2003/0312/02_1325.html Vatican City (Fides Service) – On Tuesday, 25th November, 2003, Cardinal Walter Kasper, President of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of Christian Unity, met with the Reverend Canon John L. Peterson, Secretary General of the Anglican Consultative Council, at the offices of the Pontifical Council. At the meeting the future of Anglican-Roman Catholic dialogue was discussed, especially in the light of recent developments within the life of the Anglican Communion....
Msgr. Rabban Al-Qas, Chaldean Bishop of Amadiyah : With the coalition’s help, Christians and Muslims build foundations for secular state in Iraq Asia News 4 December, 2003 http://www.asianews.it/view.php?l=en&art=124 Rome (AsiaNews) – “Iraq needed outside help in order to undergo rebirth,” said Msgr Rabban Al-Qas, Iraq’s bishop to the Catholic Chaldean community who has come to Rome to elect the future patriarch of Babylon. From his words, we gather a rather unusual image of Iraq: “At least 80% of Iraqis view the coalition troops as liberators,” he said....
Archbishop Edwin O'Brien: Military Chaplains Coping in Iraq http://zenit.org/english/visualizza.phtml?sid=45570 Washington, D.C., DEC. 2, 2003 (Zenit.org).- The priests on the front lines in Iraq are not only ministering to Catholic soldiers -- they are reaching out to the Iraqis. (US) Military Ordinariate Archbishop Edwin O'Brien shared with ZENIT how the military commanders are relying on chaplains to communicate with Iraqi religious leaders in order to understand the needs of the native people. Along with that special role, the limited number of priests from the Archdiocese for the Military Services are trying to serve the many Catholics in the armed forces...
The Place of "Feminine Genius" in the Church Interview with Author of a Thesis on the Feminine Genius at Work in the Church http://zenit.org/english/visualizza.phtml?sid=45515 Rome, Dec. 1, 2003 (Zenit.org).- The contribution of the "feminine genius" in the Church was one of the novelties of Paul VI's pontificate, but especially of John Paul II's, according to a recently defended doctoral thesis. Sister Rosetta Napolitano, who defended her thesis at Rome's Teresianum Pontifical Institute of Spirituality, analyzes the application of this contribution in areas such as theology and spiritual direction....
Factions Within the Church, by John Michael Talbot http://www.catholic.org/featured/headline.php?ID=525 The Church makes some mistakes at times, but God keeps us from the "gates of hell" in the long run. As my spiritual father used to teach me: The Church walks on the right foot, then the left, but she still goes in a straight line when seem from a bigger perspective...
FitzGibbon, Hanorah Philomena 1889 - 1979 http://www.dnzb.govt.nz/dnzb/default.asp?Find_Quick.asp?PersonEssay=4F16 (Civilian and military nurse, hospital matron, nursing administrator, first president of the Dunedin Catholic Womens' League and of the National Catholic Nurses' Guild)
"Hearts Aflame" Catholic Summer School 2-11 January 2004 Website: http://heartsaflame.catholic.org.nz NB: The Website has not yet been updated with details of the 2004 School
The Hearts Aflame Catholic Summer School offers young adults (18-35 years old) an opportunity to learn more about the teachings of the Church, through: An opportunity to deepen your spiritual life through personal, communal and liturgical prayer and through celebration of the sacraments A discovery of the richness of Catholic spirituality and tradition. An experience of living a common life of prayer, service and recreation An introduction to theology and scripture An examination of some of the many issues facing the Church
"Pompallier: Te Hokinga Mai": The Journey home of Bishop Pompallier Auckland Museum 18 October 2003 to 18 January 2004. Website: http://www.aucklandmuseum.com/web/content.cfm?Id=565 An exhibition of over 100 photographs supplemented by a number of Pompallier's personal effects including his travelling altar and cope.
Catholic Festival: A Celebration of the Catholic Faith Auckland Town Hall, Friday 27 - Sunday 29 February 2004 Website: http://www.catholicfestival.org "The Catholic Festival is a celebration of our faith that will be joyful, prayerful, reflective, informative and educational. We hope that it will be inspiring and life-changing for all who participate... We seek to provide the opportunity for anyone to display the gifts that God has given them... We also wish to celebrate our cultural diversity and to grow together in unity. From the centre of Auckland, we also have the opportunity to witness to our faith and help others to see its richness and beauty. Finally, there is the opportunity for the many groups and religious communities to promote their apostolates and seek members and vocations."
Parachute Music Festival, Mystery Creek, Hamilton, 23-26 January 2004 Website: http://p04.parachutemusic.com/frameset.asp
The annual Christian music festival. Every year a Catholic "tent city" is set up at the Festival, and an all-comers Mass is celebrated, undoubtedly the first experience of a Catholic liturgy for most Festival-goers. Co-ordinator: Jamie Cox. E-mail: jamiec@cdh.org.nz
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the Education Gazette: http://www.edgazette.govt.nz/vacancies ]
St Vincent de Paul Society - National Council office, Wellington Part-time personal assistant Details in 'NZ Catholic' Nov 30-Dec 13 2003 p. 22 and from: svdp.national@xtra.co.nz Applications close 13 December 2003
'NZ Catholic' - Presenters 'NZ Catholic' newspaper wishes to employ skilled communicators with a firm belief in the Catholic press to act as presenters for the paper at parish Masses in: Northland, Auckland, Hawkes Bay, Wellington, Nelson-Marlborough, West Coast, Otago and Southland. Details in 'NZ Catholic' Nov 30 - Dec 13 2003 p. 22 and from Dennis Augustine, Advertising and Promotions Manager, NZ Catholic, PO Box 147-ooo, Ponsonby, Auckland 1034
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