'WEL-COM' - The newspaper of the Archdiocese of Wellington and the diocese
of Palmerston North
New in October ...
Editorial: to comfort or disturb; The role of the Catholic media, by Cecily
Many readers would be surprised, astounded even, to think that what they
read in their Catholic newspapers and magazines should be anything but
comforting to those disturbed by these changing times...
Will the Tower of Babel ever be built? Genesis revisited, by Kieran Fenn FMS
Genesis 11:1-9 tells of an enormous building that the first ancestors of the
human race began to build, tall enough to reach the heavens...
The question of Noah and his descendants. More on the Genesis story, by
Kieran Fenn FMS
Can we take Noah's story literally when the list in Genesis 10 mentions only
people of black and white races? Nothing is said of other ethnic groups
because the author of the list knew only the Near East of his time...
Drawing the community together - Kathlyn's story
The life of Kathlyn Shanahan began shakily. Her parents, Fiona and Grant
Shanahan, chose to adopt her as a sibling for their son Patrick...
The first baby photo: just another Kodak moment or what?
Some ethical commentators speak of prenatal screening as a "conveyor belt"
that couples find themselves on without thinking. Many couples are totally
unaware of the full implications of having an ultrasound scan...
Support for families who have a child with a disability
Ways in which people can support families in caring for a child with a
**Reflect** (Veronica Lawson RSM)
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time C. Luke 18:9-14
The parable of the Pharisee and the toll collector follows that of the
persistent widow and the unjust judge. Luke frames the parable with comments
about being just or in right relationship...
Catholic Church property for sale
Knock-Na-Gree, a 12.9ha property used for hundreds of school camps and
corporate conferences over the past seventy years, is up for sale...
Virgin stone back on the market (photo)
Christchurch woman Lisa-Marie Corlet listed a 1cm-wide pebble with a picture
resembling the Virgin Mary on it on Trade Me this week with a buy now price
of $50,000. This morning, after The Press ran a story about the pebble,
someone with a New Zealand email address bought it. The stone is now back on
the market for $70,000 after the bid was exposed as a fraud...
The divine in the everyday
Following a call to our readers to match the Virgin Pebble found by
Christchurch woman Lisa-Marie Corlet on Kaikoura's South Beach, Stuff has
uncovered at least one more "miraculous" image of the Virgin Mary. Interest
in the Virgin Pebble was high, with Corlet listing it for sale on TradeMe
with a buy-now price of $50,000. Yesterday, we asked our readers to tell us
what they saw in the pebble found by Corlet and to submit their own
miraculous images in everyday objects...
Knocking on heavenly wood (photos)
Some properties have that “special something�. It could be the view, the
garden, the interior ambience or perhaps it’s that the structural bones are
in exactly the right place. But it’s not often that a house comes up for
sale that has been blessed and used by a Pope...
The Ponsonby Madonna (photo)
Auckland Art Gallery proudly unveils a masterpiece of New Zealand art this
Saturday. Tony Fomison’s The Ponsonby Madonna will go on public display for
the first time since being gifted to Auckland Art Gallery by a private
donor. Commissioned for St Paul’s College chapel 25 years ago, the mural had
become too valuable for the Ponsonby school to protect and insure...
Art gifted to benefit youth
Manawatu Standard 26 Oct 2007 Page: 4
Jack Register with paintings he’s donated for a World Youth Day fundraiser.
The city artist has donated the two works â€" Christopher Chook, and Pam and
Paul Pukeko â€" for next week’s World Youth Day event. The fundraiser,
organised by the Catholic... [This story is not avaialble on the newspaper's
free Website. It can be read at public libraries.]
Coffeebreak: A coffee with Jocelyn
Jocelyn is an archivist and Catholic convert; she talks about her work, life
and family, over coffee at Olive cafe...
In the podcast for Sunday 14 October 2007 ...
'Censorship, Politics and the Pope's Cat'
It's an interesting discussion this week, as we talk about the BSA
redefining common decency, the inability for Christian political parties to
succeed in New Zealand, and the life of the Pope - told through the eyes of
a cat!
WORLD NEWS OF THE CHURCH (Regularly updated)
http://www.romereports.com/ (video)
Analysis and commentary by John R. Allen
Bishop Pierre Claverie of Algeria: Patron for the dialogue of cultures
A perennial temptation with saints, whether of the formally canonized
variety or not, is to reduce their lives to bumper stickers. Thus Mother
Teresa becomes a feel-good symbol for care of the poor and sick, Oscar
Romero an icon of liberation theology, and JosemarÃa Escrivá the face of
traditional, militant Catholicism. The late Bishop Pierre Claverie of Oran,
Algeria, who was assassinated in 1996, and whose cause for sainthood
recently opened along with 18 other martyrs of a bloody civil war that left
150,000 Algerians dead, could be a prime candidate for just such a
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the
Education Gazette: http://www.edgazette.govt.nz/vacancy.php ]
[Vacancies in Catholic Youth Ministry are advertised on the Job Bank page of
the National Council for Young Catholics: http://ncyc.org.nz/ ]
Catholic Archdiocese of Wellingon. Lay Pastoral Leader, Wellington Central
Details in 'NZ Catholic' Oct. 7-20 2007 p.22, in 'Wel-com' October 2007 p.5
and from The General Manager, Archdiocese of Wellingon, PO Box 1937,
Wellington; e-mail: j.butterfield@wn.catholic.org.nz Applications close 31
October 2007.
Catholic Diocese of Dunedin. Catholic Youth Workers.
Details in 'NZ Catholic' Oct. 7-20 2007 p.22, in 'Wel-com' October 2007
p.17, on the Job Bank page of the National Council for Young Catholics -
http://ncyc.org.nz/ - and from Dunedin Catholic Youth Council, Private Bag
1941, Dunedin, New Zealand; email: gerardaynsley@actrix.co.nz Applications
close: 9 November 2007
Catholic Archdiocese of Wellington. Diocesan Car Fund Trust.
Details in 'Wel-com' October 2007 p.14 and from Ray Lyndsay, General
Manager, Dioocesan Car Fund Trust, Catholic Centre, Wellington. Tel: (04)
496 1705; e-mail: diocars@wn.catholic.org.nz
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