NEWS & NOTES - 19 April 2009 - Divine Mercy Sunday
'NZ CATHOLIC - April 19 - May 2 2009 - No. 314
In the current issue ...
Heroic East Coast officer lead troops in battle and faith in World War I ... Church seen as weak on evangelisation .. Pro-life groups question survey's conclusions ... Aids centre director says Pope is right ... Website shows battle against HIV/Aids from Catholic angle ... Advertising Features: Catholic Caring Foundation; Divine Mercy Sunday
Priests to feature in Anzac Day vignette
Auckland - The tale of two Kiwi priests who helped thousands of escaped Allied servicemen during World War II will be told as part of Maori Television's 2009 Anzac Day coverage...
Coming together for Easter (photos)
Piako Post
Good crowds again attended traditional Easter church services in Piako.
Celebrating crucifixion (photos)
Matamata Chronicle
St Joseph's Catholic School celebrated Easter last week with a special Stations of the Cross service.
Parishioners pack region's churches
It was standing room only at a number of Taranaki churches for Easter services at the weekend.
Prisoners perform
Clutha Leader
Milton prison inmates celebrated the arrival of Easter by putting on a pageant and sing-along for members of the public and prison staff.
In other news ...
Jack Kelleher: Murdoch's 'experiment' editor (obituary - photo)
The Dominion Post
Jack Kelleher was a conservative Catholic at a time when the rise of feminism and abortion law reform were major issues.
Helping at school joy for `mother hen' (photo)
Buttery slabs of shortbread, fluffy scones, cakes and a ``yes'' attitude are what makes Airini Turner the mother hen of Marist School Herne Bay. Mrs Turner, 60, has been associated with the Catholic school for almost 10 years.
Principal moving on after 12 years (photo)
Taupo Times
A field of pumice, a couple of prefab classrooms, not even a tea bag for a cuppa. That's what St Patrick's Catholic School principal Margaret Beck met 12 years ago when she took on the role that she loves.
Dogs search school for drugs
Police drug dogs were used to search a New Plymouth school after three students were caught smoking cannabis.The year 9 Sacred Heart Girls' College students were in uniform when they were caught with the drugs last month, but it was out of school hours and off the school grounds.
INSPIRATIONAL TV - http://inspirationaltv.net
** Light through stained glass **
Marc MacCallum and Geoffrey Thornton introduce the stained glass windows of St Jude's Anglican church, Lyall Bay, Wellington, among them work by internatioanlly renowned artist John Drawbridge
** Sing your heart out **
Interview with a wedding and funeral singer who, unfortunately, the video doesn't identify.
** The offer of peace **
A reading and discussion of John 20 19-31 with Kathryn Maciver and Fr Thige O'Leary at St Mary of the Angels' Church, Wellington.
Station XV - Episode 20 - Fair-weather Catholics
In our Easter podcast for 2009, we talk about the Mercy Centre in Wellington hosting a relationship seminar for gay and lesbian couples, fair-weather Catholics, Obama and Notre Dame, Amnesty International and a Kiwi trying to change their stance on abortion, the Pope and his reaffirmation of the Church's teaching on condoms and AIDS, and a 90-year old priest who gives money to the poor!
Familia - Episode 7
This month's edition of the Familia Podcast explores the following questions: - How does a committed Catholic balance the Catholic teaching about contraception with practical realities like saving for a house, etc? - Is it okay for a couple to say that they just want 3 kids and no more? - What benefit do married couples get from seeing vocations to religious life and vice versa, and how do you explain why vocations are not necessary in heaven? - What advice can you give a couple who are considering contraception just for their honeymoon? - If you are engaged and you wish to be faithful to the Catholic teaching on birth regulation– when should charting of NFP be started? - Why are there so many Catholics who use contraception?
'BEING FRANK' - http://www.beingfrank.co.nz
New Zealand Catholic Blogs. Some current topics ...
'Clerics get classier' ... New Zealand? (on clerical attire) ... Prisoner(s) of society? (torture and national security) ... Finding the African face of Christ (Inculturation from an African viewpoint) ... More human than the human (prehistoric evidence of compassion) ... A practical Easter message ... A Universal Church? (and Morris West on faith)
ALL THINGS CATHOLIC, by John L. Allen, Jr.
This trip may be the pope's last chance to see the land of the Bible
Despite the fact that Benedict XVI is now 82 years old, there’s been virtually no drumbeat this week about papal succession. By the time John Paul II turned 82 in May 2002, speculation about what might come next was very much in the air, fueled by the pope’s visible decline...
http://www.romereports.com (video)
http://www.youtube.com/vatican (news of Pope Benedict - video)
Eucharistic Convention - Friday 17th April - Sunday 19th April 2009 Westlake Boys High School, 30 Forrest Hill Road, Takapuna, North Shore, Auckland
Full details and booking:
[Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised in the Vacancies section of the Education Gazette: http://www.edgazette.govt.nz ]
[Vacancies for Catholic youth workers are advertised on the Vacancies page of Connect.org.nz: http://www.connect.org.nz ]
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