On the New Zealand Catholic Internet this week ...
The Jubilee of Scientists was celebrated in Rome last week by several thousand scientists and researchers who attended a special Mass and an international congress. On the Jubilee news page you will find links to Pope John Paul's addresses to the participants on the theme of faith and reason, and to other items from the science congress.
Incidentally, we now have a New Zealand Catholic organisation devoted to the study and promotion of bioethics, the Nathaniel Centre, directed by Fr Michael McCabe. The NZ Catholic Directory lists a Web site for the Centre at http://www.nathaniel.org.nz but this is not operating yet.
EDUCATION - STUDENT SOCIETIES. CHAPLAINCIES CathSoc Otago at http://www.catholic.org/newzealand/dunedin/cathsoc is the second Catholic students' association with a full Web site, the other being CathSoc Auckland - http://www.cda.org.nz/cathsoc
And Victoria University has the second full site for a Catholic Chaplaincy - http://www.vuw.ac.nz/chaplains/kohanga.html Auckland again has the other one.
The bishops' main Education page at: http://www.catholic.org/newzealand/cathcom/education/freducation.html has links to the two societies and to the Catholic chaplaincies and all other tertiary chaplaincy Web sites that I have been able to track down.
On the bishops' News page you can read the letter they wrote to the Attorney-Geenral objecting to the proposal to put into one statute matters relating to marriage, de facto relationships and same-sex relationships. The proposed legislation has since been referred to a parliamentary select committee after being criticised from all parts of the political spectrum.
That's it for now. Wishing you a grace-filled week,
Mike Leon
'kiwicatholic' list manager
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