NZCBC on Facebook
** Nathaniel Centre's weekly contributions to the End of Life Choice referendum debate
** Bishops en Mass: The NZ Catholic Bishops Conference is meeting in Wellington this week, attended by all the bishops except Auckland's Bishop Pat.
** The 2020 Election Statement of the New Zealand Catholic Bishops has just been published.
** Bishop of Auckland Bishop Pat Dunn will be interviewed on Shine TV at 8pm this Thursday 17 September about election issues, (see From the Secular Media, below)
** Sr Barbara Henley of Our Lady of the Missions tells in her own words the inspiring, frank and heartwarming story of her life so far .
Website: http://www.nzcatholic.org.nz
Full text articles: https://www.nzcatholic.org.nz/2020/
'NZ Catholic' no. 598, 20 September - October 3 is available free online at:
In this issue: Christchurch cathedral demolition plan approved ... Pandemic fuels conspiracy theories ... 'Divine Renovation' is zooming forward ... Integrated schools irked at Green School funding move ... Wanaka community comes to aid of migrants ... Calls for amnesty for overstayers affected by border closures ... Editorial: False compassion (the euthanasia referendum) ... Maria Kennedy: Lessons from Covid-19 about euthanasia ... Fr Neil Vaney SM: The Practice of Holy Ecology ... Church communicators need to be bridge-builders ... Courage needed in public square where 'pseudo-religion' dominates ... Wgtn students question politicians
Shine TV. Bishop Pat Dunn – Our Nation Our Voice – Election 2020
Bishop Pat Dunn is head of the Auckland Catholic diocese's Justice and Peace Commission, He talks to Gary Hoogvliet about the housing crisis, the two refeferenda and the place of Christian values in a post-Christian society. [Registration is necessary to view the programme which can only be seen in New Zealand.]
Catholic Bishops' Oppose Euthanasia, Urge Cannabis Caution
New Zealand's Catholic Bishops are urging voters to say "no" to the euthanasia referendum and ask that voters give "serious thoughts" to the effect of cannabis on vulnerable young people when considering the cannabis referendum.
Seymour Calls On Bishops To Respect Ninth Commandment
ACT Leader David Seymour says he respects the choice of Catholic Bishops who don't like the End of Life Choice Act, they just have to respect the choices of others.
Demolition approved for Christchurch's Catholic cathedral
Land Information New Zealand (Linz) has given the go-ahead for demolition of Christchurch's Catholic cathedral. spokesman for the Catholic diocese said demolition work would begin in about two weeks. Workers are currently clearing fallen rubble from the back of the cathedral in preparation for demolition.
Maori Television. Artefact , a series presented by Dame Professor Anna Salmond.
This episode relates the return to this country of the remains of Bishop Jean-Baptiste Pompallier, the first Catholic bishop of New Zealand. The story of the return is told between 10m 50s and 16m, and between 32m 10s and 37m .
A big audience for young musicians
Whakaaro Tahi Community Trust music tutors Jane Hillier and Eli Moore, and a group of music students from Kaitaia's Pompallier School, attracted a much bigger audience than usual when their performance at mass at St Joseph's Catholic Church was broadcast on National Shine TV
Pandemic fails to poop party
The pandemic was not about to cancel another event, not if Kavanagh College pupils had anything to do with it. The year 12 and 13 school formal, planned for last night, was cancelled last week because of Level 2 restrictions. So pupil Annabelle Ring took matters into her own hands. "Everyone was a bit gutted, having already got their dresses."
15-year-old Abbie Wood's plant business sprouting faster than the plants
New Plymouth teenager Abbie Wood's mini-garden business 'Grow Easy' is sprouting faster than her prized potted terranium plants. "It's grown enormously," the 15-year-old Sacred Heart College Year 11 student said of the four-year-old easy care indoor plant business, which is now located at The Collaboration store in central New Plymouth.
Sunday Mass is regulalry viewable YouTube's Auckland Diocese channel:
and on Shine TV (Freeview channel 25) at 2 pm and live streamed at: https://www.shinetv.co.nz/stream/ (only viewable in New Zealand).
Inspired Word: A video reading and commentary on the gospel of the day:
Matthew 20:1-16 The workers in the vineyard
A reading and commentary by Rev. Canon Jenny Wilkens and Very Rev. Frank Nelson at St Paul's Cathedral, Wellington.
Other New Zealand Commentaries on the Sunday Readings:
Fr Frank Bird sm. Living the Word: Sundays of the Year: Discussion Guide - http://livingtheword.org.nz
Marist Messenger. Daily Reflections: https://www.maristmessenger.co.nz/
Fr Kevin Waldie sm. Sunday Reflection:
Sunday homilies of Fr Anthony Trenwith (audio):
Station XV: Episode 154 — Euthanasia, Election, Eucharist, Encyclical, Escape (September 15, 2020)
With the New Zealand election coming up in a few weeks, the referendum on euthanasia leads this month's episode of The 15th Station. In a related story, priests in New Zealand have been warned that they shouldn't endorse specific political parties, while being free to speak out on important issues. Cardinal Sarah has encouraged bishops around the world to resume public Masses as soon as it's safe to do so, while Pope Francis is preparing for the publication of a new encyclical. And if there's anyone in need of rescue, maybe some priests or seminarians can help out. Enjoy the episode — and stay safe.
CRUX - Edited by John L. Allen Jr. and Inés San Martin
Bioethics must 'break out' of ivory tower and engage society, academic says
An interview with Jason T. Eberl, Ph.D., Professor of Health Care Ethics and Director of the Albert Gnaegi Center for Health Care Ethics at Saint Louis University. His research interests include the philosophy of human nature and its application to issues at the margins of life; ethical issues related to end-of-life care, genetics, and healthcare allocation ...
Marketing and Business Development Advisor, Te Kupenga – Catholic Leadership Institute
Applications close 20 September 2020.
Teaching vacancies in New Zealand Catholic schools are advertised on the Website of the Education Gazette: https://gazette.education.govt.nz/vacancies/?Keywords=catholic#results
Vacancies in the Catholic Overseas Volunteer programme:
Job vacancies in the Catholic diocese of Auckland: https://www.aucklandcatholic.org.nz/administration/staff-vacancies/
New Zealand Catholic
Periodicals & Newsletters
'NZ Catholic' is a national newspaper published by the Catholic Bishop of Auckland. http://www.nzcatholic.org.nz
Catholic Diocese of Hamilton. 'Kete Korero'. https://issuu.com/search?q=%22kete+korero%22
Catholic Dioceses of Palmerston North and Wellington. 'Wel-com' http://www.welcom.org.nz
Catholic Diocese of Christchurch. 'Inform' https://chchcatholic.nz/?sid=25 (Latest news - Latest Inform)
Catholic Diocese of Dunedin. 'The Tablet' https://catholic-diocese.squarespace.com/back-issues
The Nathaniel Centre. The New Zealand Catholic Bioethics Centre. 'The Nathaniel Report' http://www.nathaniel.org.nz/
NZ Catholic Education Office. School News Update https://www.nzceo.org.nz/network-update/
St Columban's Mission Society. 'The Far East' https://www.columban.org.au/media-and-publications/the-far-east-magazine/archive/
Society of Mary. 'Marist Messenger' http://www.maristmessenger.co.nz
Society of Saint Vincent de Paul NZ. News in Brief: https://bit.ly/2EFXF82
'Tui Motu Interislands'. An independent Catholic magazine. http://www.tuimotu.org/
NZ Catholic Bishops' Conference
Catholic Discovery NZ (Catholic Enquiry Centre)
'NZ Catholic' newspaper
Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand
Holy Cross Seminary
Marist Seminary, Auckland NZ
Society of St Vincent de Paul NZ
News of the Church
in NZ and the World
https://www.romereports.com/en/ (video)
For the full texts, enter the headline in Google.
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