'NZ Catholic' newspaper No 165, June 29-July 12, 2003 http://www.nzcatholic.org.nz
"Govt's social policy sounds alarm bells " A raft of social legislation is being fuelled by a desire for an instant fix for almost everything, says New Zealand Passionist Family Group leader Lynn Hill, of Waihi Beach...
"Church leaders send letter to every MP " More than 30 church leaders sent an open letter to all MPs five days before the final vote on the Prostitution Reform Bill...
"Diamond celebrations for beloved priest " Fr Bill Wood of the Hamilton diocese celebrated his diamond jubilee on 13 June, 60 years to the day since he was ordained a priest in the cathedral of Thurles, County Tipperary. ....
'The Far East' Magazine of the New Zealand and Australian missionaries of St Columban's Mission Society
From the May 2003 issue: http://www.columban.org.au/tfe/tfe_current.htm
Editorial: "Youth is wasted on the Young" A remarkable charism of the Holy Father is the ease with which he establishes a rapport with youth. Last year he said, “Young people of the third millennium, young Christians, young people of every religion, I ask you to be, like Francis of Assisi, gentle and courageous guardians of true peace, based on justice and forgiveness, truth and mercy! Go forward into the future holding high the lamp of peace.”....
The director's message: "In the face of hopelessness" Recently Frs Chris Baker and John Hegerty from Peru and Fr Vincent Batchelor from Fiji came home to Victoria on vacation and are looking forward to going back. They have spent many years on mission. What sustains them? I think it’s the people they know and love....
Columbans' silver anniversaries
"Youthful inspiration", by John Greene (illustrated) I am in my fourth term as an associate priest in Chile working in the parish of Santo De Nolasco, Valparaiso which has 100,000 people, with 10 communities. I am currently working with the young people of the area. It is particularly pleasing to see so many youth willingly involved in the activities of the Church. Their group leaders are quite impressive, with some aiming for a university education....
"Abraham - The common link", by Gary Walker On March 23, 2003, members of the Jewish, Christian and Muslim faith communities met at the Clock Tower Centre, Moonee Ponds, for an International Inter-Religious Dialogue Conference on the theme, Abraham, A symbol of hope and common bond for Jews, Christians and Muslims. This was the second conference held in Melbourne and the first time the Jewish community participated in the event....
"Youthful boost for aging priesthood " The Press (Chch) 05 July 2003 http://www.stuff.co.nz/stuff/thepress/0,2106,2559901a6530,00.html Canterbury's aging Catholic priesthood received a boost with the ordination of John Adams in the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament last night. Catholic Bishop John Cunneen conferred Holy Orders on the 39-year-old Christchurch man in an ancient ceremony of song and colour....
"Church-sex complainant admits lying to get payout" INL 03 July 2003 http://www.stuff.co.nz/stuff/0,2106,2557788a11,00.html A key complainant in the St John of God sex scandal has told the police he lied about being abused by religious brothers at a Catholic residential school....
"Sex-abuse scandal crosses Tasman " INL 02 July 2003 http://www.stuff.co.nz/stuff/0,2106,2556672a11,00.html Seven religious brothers in Australia are under investigation and could face extradition for alleged abuse of boys at a Catholic residential school in Christchurch....
"Now I can say to him 'rest in peace, bro' " The Press (Chch) 30 May 2003 http://www.stuff.co.nz/stuff/thepress/0,2106,2510119a6009,00.html A promise made at a Christchurch graveside has been kept. Dave (not his real name) swore he would get justice for the big brother who protected him when they were abused as children at the St John of God order's Marylands school in the 1960s.... [The article emphasises the respect and sympathy the victims have for Brother Peter Burke, who is their contact with St John of God]
CATHOLIC WEB TV (Wellington Archdiocesan Media Centre)
Members of St Patrick's College (Wellington) debating team who won the religious questions section of the O'Shea shield competition for Catholic high schools talk about Pope John XXIII's letter 'Pacem in Terris' (Peace on Earth), issued in 1963 : http://www.catholictv.net/insight/index.html
CARITAS AOTEAROA NEW ZEALAND The NZ Catholic bishop's agency for justice, peace and development
The Winter 2003 issue of Caritas' newsletter, 'Caritas Update', is on-site at: http://www.caritas.org.nz/update.asp In this issue: Children's Issues in Social Justice Week ... East Timorese people awaiting justice for massacre victims ... working with Nicaraguan men on domestic violence ... Sri Lankan women challenging the World Bank ... Caritas response in Iraq ... visit to New Zealand schools by the head of CIDSE Cambodia.
Also on the Caritas Website:
Iraq: interview with Caritas Internationalis official http://www.caritas.org.nz/world/Iraq/07_interview.asp A month after the end of the Iraqi war, Caritas Internationalis sees progress being made in humanitarian efforts. "We have established good collaboration with the Muslim world despite difficulties arising from the lack of security," said Karel Zelenka, head of Caritas' Department for International Collaboration. In this interview with the Vatican agency Fides, Zelenka, who returned from a fact-finding visit to Iraq, talks about the current situation.
Palestine: 'Jesus wept at Jerusalem' http://www.caritas.org.nz/world/Palestine/23_jesuswept.asp This article includes excerpts from Vox newsletter representing several Church related organizations including Caritas Jerusalem. Vox's rationale is to monitor and report on the humanitarian situation on the ground in the Palestinian occupied territories.
'ECCLESIA IN EUROPA' (28 June 2003)
The full title of this document is "Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation 'Ecclesia in Europa' of His Holiness Pope John Paul II to the bishops, men and women in the consecrated life, and all the lay faithful, on Jesus Christ alive in his Church, the source of hope for Europe."
In a commentary published by Zenit news agency, Archbishop Vincent Nichols of Birmingham writes: "From a Western European perspective, I welcome the way in which this document opens up the crucial discussion on how the public institutions of life in Europe should relate to the realities of faith. The exhortation calls for a working relationship between the Church and other faith communities, on the one hand, and the political life of the European Union on the other. This relationship is, at present, expressed and explored in quite different ways in the different countries of Western Europe, and the exhortation calls for a recognition of this diversity, rather than an imposition of an ideological uniformity."
Full text: Short link: http://tinyurl.com/g2gr Actual link: http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/john_paul_ii/apost_exhortations/documents/hf_j\ p-ii_exh_20030628_ecclesia-in-europa_en.html
Reports and commentaries on 'Ecclesia in Europa' from Zenit: http://tinyurl.com/g2h2
The "For Dummies" series is published in thick paperbacks with a distinctive cartoon character on a yellow cover. The series introduces complex subjects to readers who know next to nothing about them, by walking the reader through the topic step-by-step with the help of specially-designed page layouts. Consequently many NZ public libraries have titles in the series and some at least will certainly purchase this one.
The "Catholicism for Dummies" Website lists the 19 chapter headings, some details about the two authors (both priests), and includes this note about the topic: "Want to know more about Catholicism? Catholicism For Dummies presents the rich tapestry and history of the Catholic Church – from devotions to doctrines. You’ll find a description of the Catholic Mass, the seven sacraments, the liturgical calendar, the duties of the clergy, and much more."
Although I haven't seen this book, I know the series well and so I can say that cradle Catholics will enjoy it for its unique way of presenting our faith. However, this book is particularly important because, as part of a popular series, it will be on sale in bookshops which normally stock little or nothing about Christianity. Consequently, among the many thousands of people who know and have benefited from the "For Dummies" series, there will certainly be some who would ordinarily never give a book about Catholicism a second glance, but who will pick up this one because of its familiar look. So God bless it, and all associated with it. ML
August 14-16 2003 New Zealand Catholic Schools' Convention Wellington Festival and Convention Centre http://nzceo.catholic.org.nz/2003convention.shtml
September 2003 'NZ Catholic' newspaper's National Art and Faith Competition Closing date: September 19 2003; works to be in by September 30; exhibition opens October 3. For paintings of a spiritual nature demonstrating the vitality, joy and hope found in Christian beliefs. Three categories, including one for works relating to Mary the mother of Jesus, and one for icons. Prizes to the value of $4750 Entry forms from "Art competition", NZ Catholic, PO Box 147-000, Ponsonby, Auckland 1034. Tel: (09) 524 8322. E-mail: artrel@xtra.co.nz
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