CATHOLIC WEB TV (Wellington Archdiocesan Media Centre)
New interviews:
** Simon Routon, Director of Religious Studies at St Catherine's College, Wellington, on the value of the Catholic school to its pupils and teachers
** Fr Chris Skinner, the Minstrel Priest, describes his musical apostolate
** Students of St Patrick's College, Silverstream, give their views on the value of a Catholic school
"A Knockabout Priest", by Peter Norden SJ "Madonna" Magazine (Aust.) July 2003 http://www.madonnamagazine.com.au/articles/0307brosnan.html The bluestone walls of Pentridge Prison were designed to break the spirit of the strongest and most violent members of our community. But one man who walked the corridors there for thirty years was made the stronger and the wiser for it: Father John Brosnan, the knockabout priest...
"Death — it's a part of life " U.S. Catholic, July 2003 http://www.uscatholic.org/2003/07/cov0307.htm Myles Sheehan has two jobs that cause him to walk with death on a regular basis: One, he's a doctor specializing in the care of old people; two, he's a Jesuit priest. Doctors often skirt the issue of death just as the rest of us do, he says, and care of the dying suffers as a result. Sheehan has set out to change that, by advising medical schools and hospitals on end-of-life care. How did he end up being both a Jesuit and a doctor? ....
"New US man in Iraq is sustained by his faith" Total Catholic http://tinyurl.com/gpq4 The new US-installed administrator of Iraq has spoken publicly and movingly of how his Catholic faith is a source of inspiration for him in his testing mission. "There is no doubt in my mind that I cannot succeed in this mission without the help of God," said L Paul Bremer III, a veteran diplomat and anti-terrorism expert....
"Catholic schools buck trend. Otago rolls steady" Otago Daily Times 10 July 2003 http://tinyurl.com/gpq6 Dunedin Catholic diocesan school rolls are steady while other schools are experiencing a downward trend, New Zealand Catholic Education Office chief executive Pat Lynch says...
"Rugby stalwart and family man " Southland Times 01 July 2003 http://www.stuff.co.nz/stuff/southlandtimes/0,2106,2555332a6565,00.html At a packed St Mary's Basilica in Invercargill, Bert Winders' enormous reach was measured in some way by the hundreds who came to celebrate a life built around the touchstones of family and God, his wife Marie and eight children. He was a founding member of the Southland branch of the Society for the Protection of the Unborn Child, first secretary-treasurer (1972) of the Southland Council for Racial Harmony, vice-president of the Marist Rugby Football Club, a member of the Catholic Church's Knights of the Southern Cross...
Te Ngakau Waiora. Mercy Spirituality Centre http://www.mercycentreauckland.org.nz
Te Ngakau Waiora Mercy Spirituality Centre in Epsom, Auckland "seeks to create a place for learning and a deepening relationship with God which fosters the inner search leading to hohourongo - personal, social and spiritual renewal".
The Centre offers: Retreats ... Spiritual direction / spiritual companionship ... Professional supervision ... Programmes and workshops on spirituality and prayer ... Bio-spiritual focusing ... Enneagram and Myers Briggs ... Regular group meditation ... Venue for organisational retreat days, seminars and meetings
The Carpenter Project http://www.thecarpenterproject.co.nz
"The Carpenter Project is helping to create a new church and community facility on a prominent site in Wellington, New Zealand. It replaces a set of relocated buildings which the St Joseph's parish began using as a temporary church in 1945! The award-winning Studio of Pacific Architecture was selected in 2001 with a brief to create a facility that is on the edge of change, modest and simple, open to the community. They have responded brilliantly with a design that is sure to win national and international acclaim. Standing at the eastern portal of the Mt Victoria tunnel - in the historic precinct shared by Government House, Wellington College and the Basin Reserve - the new building will provide a stunning visual welcome for visitors to the capital city."
24 July - 3 August New Zealand Catholic Cursillo Three day Weekend Knock-Na-Gree Retreat Centre, 581 West Coast Rd, Oratia, Auckland. Women's weekend: Thursday evening 24th July to Sunday 27th. Men's weekend: Thursday 31st July to Sunday 3rd August
For more information contact Gerry or Margaret Smy; tel. (09) 267 1516; e-mail: Gerry.Smy@xtra.co.nz
Website: http://www.cursillo.catholic.org.au/about/3days.htm
By way of background: Reflecting its Spanish origins, the official name of this movement is "Cursillo de Christiandad" which means "short course in living Christianity". "Cursillo" is pronounced "Cur-see-yo". A person who has attended a Cursillo Three Days is called a Cursillista ("cur-see-ista"). The Cursillo Movement began before the Second World War on the island of Majorca, Spain, when, through dissatisfaction with spiritual lukewarmness in the church, a group of men began to pray, talk and work together to find a way to bring people to Christ. The answer was to run short courses to train Christian leaders. The first Cursillo was held on the island of Majorca in 1949. It soon spread to the mainland of Spain. The first English language Cursillo was held in Texas U.S.A., in 1961, and today Cursillos are held all over the world in both Anglican and Roman Catholic Dioceses under the direction of their Bishops.
August 14-16 2003 New Zealand Catholic Schools' Convention Wellington Festival and Convention Centre http://nzceo.catholic.org.nz/2003convention.shtml
September 2003 'NZ Catholic' newspaper's National Art and Faith Competition Closing date: September 19 2003; works to be in by September 30; exhibition opens October 3. For paintings of a spiritual nature demonstrating the vitality, joy and hope found in Christian beliefs. Three categories, including one for works relating to Mary the mother of Jesus, and one for icons. Prizes to the value of $4750 Entry forms from "Art competition", NZ Catholic, PO Box 147-000, Ponsonby, Auckland 1034. Tel: (09) 524 8322. E-mail: artrel@xtra.co.nz
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