'Wel-com' (Archdiocese of wellington and diocese of Palmerston north) July 2003 http://www.wn.catholic.org.nz/wellington/news/index.html
New Zealand troops offer a last chance for the Solomon Islands.... Church trust fund offers help to those with an unintended pregnancy.... It was Christ who called us to visit those in prisons.... Special feature: Values - Has modern New Zealand's moral fabric been damaged beyond repair. Give your opinion.... The church's call to bring peace. A reflection by Bishop John Dew..... Wellington composer's commitment to bi-culturalism..... The changing context of mission in New Zealand
"Healing Power of Prayer" (photo) The Catholic Leader (Brisbane) 20 July, 2003 http://www.catholicleader.com.au/index.php?pgnum=2.5 New Zealand Marist Father John Rea's healing ministry is attracting crowds wherever he goes...
Another fixer-upper for O'Malley Franciscan bishop's appointment to Boston seen as a welcome surprise National Catholic Reporter July 18, 2003 http://www.natcath.org/NCR_Online/archives2/2003c/071803/071803a.php Boston Archbishop-elect Sean O’Malley need not look beyond the tradition of his Franciscan religious order for a job description: “Go rebuild my church which, as you can see, is falling to ruin.” O’Malley’s task appears no less daunting than that of St Francis himself. He inherits a 2 million-member archdiocese fairly described as approaching ruin: Mass attendance at record lows, lay activists clamoring for a greater role in church affairs, contributions plummeting, a clergy unafraid to publicly question its leaders, and, not least, more than 500 pending sexual abuse claims against the archdiocese....
Michael Novak's Recipe for a Civilization of Love. His "Caritapolis" as the City of the Future Zenit 2003-07-17 http://zenit.org/english/visualizza.phtml?sid=38990 Krakow, Poland, July 17, 2003 (Zenit.org).- John Paul II has called democratic nations to overcome materialism and consumerism and to erect a "civilization of love." In response to this call, Michael Novak, the George Frederick Jewett Scholar in Religion and Public Policy at the American Enterprise Institute, has developed a series of lectures which he entitles, "The Caritapolis." The lectures are a primary component of the curriculum for the "Tertio Millennio Seminar on the Free Society," held every July in Krakow. The seminar brings American and Eastern European students together to discuss the challenges of building a global system of freedom and prosperity. In an interview with ZENIT, Novak described some of the important features of the caritapolis....
"Catholic schools up to state standards – ERO" NZPA 16 July 2003 http://www.stuff.co.nz/stuff/0,2106,2570440a7694,00.html Education standards are as good at Roman Catholic schools as other New Zealand state schools, an Education Review Office (ERO) report shows....
"Catholic schools report pleases " Otago Daily Times 16-July 2003 http://tinyurl.com/hg12
Education Review Office. "Catholic schools in New Zealand" (full text): http://www.ero.govt.nz/Publications/pubs2003/CatholicSchoolsJun03.doc
"Catholic rolls rise by third " Sunday Star Times 18 July 2003 http://tinyurl.com/hg18 A rising number of parents are opting to give their children a "moral" education, according to the New Zealand Catholic Education Office. The office has released figures showing its Auckland primary schools experienced roll growth of 32 per cent in the last decade, while secondary schools grew 31 per cent....
"Christchurch Catholic Cathedral area of city should go ahead" MyTown.co.nz/Christchurch Star July 19 2003 http://tinyurl.com/hg1d A high profile Christchurch architect is calling for a major overhaul of the area surrounding the Catholic Cathedral in Barbadoes St- a call which is being supported by some city councilors. Don Donnithorne of Don Donnithorne Architects, believes the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament needs to be given its rightful place in the city as one of the finest buildings in the southern hemisphere....
"Law to give gays civil union rights " Dominion Post 17 July 2003 http://www.stuff.co.nz/stuff/0,2106,2571569a11,00.html The Government is poised to allow gay couples to officially say "I do" and get the same legal rights as married people. A Civil Union Bill, being drafted, will create a new relationship status for same-sex and heterosexual couples by legalising and registering civil unions.... [report includes comments by Bishop Peter Cullinane and the United Future Party's leader Peter Dunne]
"Sister Pauline O'Regan a voice for Catholic sisters living in the community" NZine 11/07/03 http://www.nzine.co.nz/views/oregan.html [An article-length review of Sr O'Regans autobiography "A Changing Order" (1986), followed by paragraph length notes on five other books by the same author].
"Good News & the News". Broadsheet of good practice in integrated schools (NZ Catholic Education Office) July 2003 http://nzceo.catholic.org.nz/goodnews/16/goodnews16.shtml
Editorial: Explicit values, the most important gift we can give our students ... The Virtues of Peace and Solidarity ... This year’s Lenten theme, ‘Peace is the Fruit of Justice,’ in Catholic school ... Catholic Schools’ Day celebrations .... Villa Maria College students hold their Live Tall’ award..... Bringing Our Values Alive at St Francis Xavier School, Tawa .... The Fruits of the Spirit, Sacred Heart School, Timaru..... Marist Youth Leadership Course – a Joint Schools’ Activity at St John's College, Hastings....... The Virtues Programme at St Pius X School, Titahi Bay.... Values in Action at St Joseph’s School, Otahuhu... St Dominic’s College, Henderson, The Living Values Project.... Emotional Needs and Values Programme at Holy Cross School Henderson
(Special thanks to our faithful forum member for monitoring the Marist Website and writing up these notes for our readers. ML)
"Champagnat" Volume 7 Number 2 June 2003 http://www.maristbrothers.org.nz/CNJune20031.htm A newsletter for Boards of Trustees and Staff of Marist Schools and Schools with Marist traditions in New Zealand. This makes a good read. Achievements of various Colleges over the past term are acknowledged - some great causes of celebration........ The centennial at Sacred Heart College, Auckland is described, and for past pupils will have special significance. Some wonderful new buildings were blessed and opened on this occasion......... 75th Jubilee of Hato Petera College, Northcote is also described with special reference to the wonderful contribution of the Mill Hill Fathers....... An item written by Michelle Murphy describes her background before coming to teach at a Marist college, but her main emphasis is on getting to know the founder. This makes a good and inspirational read.
"MYAM Notes" Winter 2003 http://www.myam.org.nz/MNWinter20031.htm The quarterly newsletter of Marist Young Adult Ministry, Aotearoa-New Zealand
There is a beautiful article on forgiveness - I quote the last paragraph:
"Ultimately, forgiveness is a gift of grace rather than an act of will. I can forgive with my mind, but forgiveness is finally a matter of the heart. And the forgiveness of the heart comes from God, not from me. My part is to be willing to accept it. And remember, I have to learn to forgive myself, before God, for what I perceive as offences against his love and law. Jesus¹ prayer on the cross, ³Father, forgive them, they don¹t know what they are doing,² applies as much to us as to those crucifying him. It¹s a gift from God. God LOVES and FORGIVES us."
There is an article on the residents at The Grove - a diversity of backgrounds among the young people, but all wishing to live in a Christian Community. A great read..... A.P.C. Know what it means?? Absolutely positively Catholic. This article describes a conference held in Wellington for young adults - they certainly have their heads screwed on right and wish to be positive about their faith.
Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace. "The Social Agenda" (full text) http://www.thesocialagenda.com "Students, teachers, and all those who seek a better knowledge of the social doctrine of the Church will find contained within this collection the central statements of the Roman Pontiffs from a range of texts, including papal encyclicals, apostolic letters, and Conciliar documents, on matters relating to politics, economics, and culture."
"The selections are arranged thematically according to the significant subject areas of Catholic social doctrine. Under each subject heading, the quotations appear in pedagogical — as opposed to chronological or magisterial — order, with each subject area opening with a quotation that explains the issue at hand."
Catholic Enquiry Centre http://www.catholic-enquiry-centre.org.nz
The CEC is the New Zealand bishops' outreach to people who are - for any reason at all - curious about the Catholic Church, including inactive Catholics who are considering coming home to their community of faith.
The Centre's Website has recently been re-launched at the above address, with a smart new design and an abundance of content, taking full advantage of the rich treasury of Catholic resources on the Internet. Over several pages, the Website describes Catholic history, beliefs and practices at a level which is comprehensive but not encyclopedic. The main sections of the site are headed: About the Catholic Enquiry Centre... Who are Catholics? ... Catholic Beliefs ... Our history .. Prayer... How to find out more
24 July - 3 August New Zealand Catholic Cursillo Three day Weekend Knock-Na-Gree Retreat Centre, 581 West Coast Rd, Oratia, Auckland. Women's weekend: Thursday evening 24th July to Sunday 27th. Men's weekend: Thursday 31st July to Sunday 3rd August For more information contact Gerry or Margaret Smy; tel. (09) 267 1516; e-mail: Gerry.Smy@xtra.co.nz Website: http://www.cursillo.catholic.org.au/about/3days.htm
August 14-16 2003 New Zealand Catholic Schools' Convention Wellington Festival and Convention Centre http://nzceo.catholic.org.nz/2003convention.shtml
September 2003 'NZ Catholic' newspaper's National Art and Faith Competition Closing date: September 19 2003; works to be in by September 30; exhibition opens October 3. For paintings of a spiritual nature demonstrating the vitality, joy and hope found in Christian beliefs. Three categories, including one for works relating to Mary the mother of Jesus, and one for icons. Prizes to the value of $4750 Entry forms from "Art competition", NZ Catholic, PO Box 147-000, Ponsonby, Auckland 1034. Tel: (09) 524 8322. E-mail: artrel@xtra.co.nz
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